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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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its because one server is enough

personally id like to see the main server go back to what it used to be before we had 2 sorta

as in a few (like 5 at most) good customs on the nominate list and maybe one on the rotation

and why is there no arena on the nominate list

I thought you hated arena.


I understand this is fairly late notice as the scrims start in about two hours, but I won't be able to make it tonight after all. I do plan on being there next week though.

I understand this is fairly late notice as the scrims start in about two hours, but I won't be able to make it tonight after all. I do plan on being there next week though.

it's all good. SCRIMS START IN 1 HOUR.


You may as well scratch me off the list for tonight. (lol it starts in 15 minutes anyway) I have that project to do, then staying up for L4D2 going live. I may be on later, but it definitely won't be for the scrims.


So I'm doing dinner with friends at 7:00pm Central (an hour from now), which should have me home by 8:00pm, but I don't know if they want to do something afterwards or not.

Moral of the story is if I'm late, don't wait up. :P

and why is there no arena on the nominate list

I'm not sure where the current maplist came from. I thought it was the stock maplist.txt... actually, it may be. I forgot that Valve has a separate arena maplist.

I'm going to merge arena_mapcycle.txt into it, which should have all the stock arena maps.

Also, these maps are in the order they were added to the game... time to alphabetize them really quick!

Fun scrims tonight guys. CTF actually worked out somewhat. It's too bad most of the matches end up pretty one-sided, although we still manage to have fun, though.

competitive ctf is always excellent

I thought you hated arena.

no ive always liked arena (but not more than 8v8 )

ive always hated koth

Fun scrims tonight guys. CTF actually worked out somewhat. It's too bad most of the matches end up pretty one-sided, although we still manage to have fun, though.

Yeah, the only match that sustained serious back and forth tonight was Yukon. It's unfortunate how bad the team balance was, given how smoothly it ran previously. In future scrims, (maybe not next week because everyone will be L4D2ing) I hope to have a system that bypasses the ridiculous amount of time it takes to determine captains and teams, and hopefully keep steamrolls from happening. Clefairy has given me some good ideas on that.

Aside from that, great games everyone! :3


no ive always liked arena (but not more than 8v8 )

ive always hated koth

I...I don't know even know if you're joking or not.


now that thats outa the way a couple things

first off i absolutely hate (and im sure if you were on last night you know) arena

the maps are too small its a quick stupid free for all that doesnt feel like tf2 at all

well i hate arena and im pretty sure everyone knows that but although i complain a lot i never rtv it and ya i say definitely fix the rtv

i especially hate it since it comes up at EVERY MAP, id almost say disable it since there are enough reserved slot holders to call mapvotes when they are really needed

also let me back in #ocrtf2

arena just makes me so ANGRY
you know my opinion about arena maps and also i hate turbine so id REEEALLY be happy if you could make turbine NOT come right after an arena map

i think im the only one that still loves constant dustbowl

at least get the terrible crap like badlands mach4 fastlane royal (ok it looks cool but its pretty dumb for a ctf map) and EVERY ARENA MAP (because not only are they terrible but they are also pretty good at getting people to quit) off of there
anyways im sure many people agree with me when i say THANK YOU FOR REMOVING ARENA

also once again edgecrusher fails at making some kind of joke or smth because it wasnt a matter of removing arena because i personally hate it but when you have a gametype that makes some server admins quit i think you have a problem


wow how many pages did you have to fish through to find those

i guess i used to hate arena a lot but they must have been months old because really ever since koth came out id take arena over koth any day

well yeah i figured you found it fairly quickly i was more just interested in how old those posts were

About two months old. Well the bottom one few are. the others are older.

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