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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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hostname "OCReMix TF2 TEST [http://www.ocremix.org]"

So he named it after OCReMix for testing purposes so people can find it easily in their favourites list since he asked the OCR TF2 community for help in testing it. I fail to see how an obviously temporary name indicates that it's going to be used for this community on it's own, especially when he's indicated otherwise.

So he named it after OCReMix for testing purposes so people can find it easily in their favourites list since he asked the OCR TF2 community for help in testing it. I fail to see how an obviously temporary name indicates that it's going to be used for this community on it's own, especially when he's indicated otherwise.



Panic has really weird cart mechanics (The cart in the lead on stage 3 moves slower than the one behind it)... not sure how that'll pan out.

Howevr, I'm willing to sub it in for nightfall until it hits beta (there are newer alphas, but with a redesigned stage 3 that psy was experimenting with, though he's scrapped it in favor for the current one and is now texturing/optimizing it for beta)

Oh, and the rain issue is a known issue. Blame valve.


The box the test server is on is back, but I'm keeping the test server down for the moment. I don't really need to test anything until VGMusic.com is actually moved to the box to see how it copes bandwidth-wise.

Also, my cable company seems to think my cable modem is going bad. They're sending an actual tech on-site Wednesday to look at it and (presumably) the lines.

Yes, I'm surprised they could get tech support out here in 2 days, too.


I'm heading up to Kalamazoo, Michigan on Wednesday and won't be back until a week later, so more than likely, I'm probably not going to play TF2 until then, even though I'm hauling my computer up. So no ocrscrimming for me on the new scrim time (Monday, 7pm EST).

... well, maybe I'll hop on a little bit on Christmas, but no guarantees.

To those of you that think I'm good with a medic, it only lasts one good round for me, and then I'm out. I just can't stand playing medic more than one round... that said, next time we do scrims, I refuse to be medic in a highlander match.

... and yes, scrims are fun.


for anyone who is interested, i threw this on my server (, right next to ocr) so if youd like to give the pdq, gru, and fireproof suit a in action now you can!

you have to download that game_items.ctx file and put it in tf/scripts/items for it to be in effect

and in order to get this to work i had to remove 3 unlocks

i used it as he set it up (removing the scout unlocks) but its a shame that i didnt remove the targe, sword, and direct hit as they are all a joke at this point

and if you get kicked for reserved slots let me know and MAYBE (probably not) ill do something about it


So earlier on Doublecross, I had to stop playing because my mouse wasn't working in game.

I went to change class, and I couldn't select any class, even with the keyboard.

Then I hit Escape, and couldn't click anything there.

So I rejoined by going to my Steam friends and I was only met with more confusion.

I got into the game, and I could select everything on the Escape menu EXCEPT Resume Game.

I haven't tested the game since, but uhhh that happened rofl :<


I feel like I should post here or something. No particular reason.

So, uh... hi?

The funniest thing in that image below is the timer. Oh lawd, how would that even work.

Oh, and I'm looking forward to meeting people at MAGFest.


Just to let you guys know, this message was sent to the TF2 linux server list about an hour ago (at 5:53pm EST):

"A required update for Team Fortress 2 is on the way. Assuming our testing goes well, we'll be releasing it later today."

I'll be restarting RED as soon as the patch is released (to update the files), then let BLU restart itself automatically (on map change after the master server sends a RestartRequired message).

P.S. My connection is still pretty unplayable, hopefully it'll be fixed tomorrow.


A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

- Added an "equipped" tag to currently equipped items in the Backpack and Crafting screens

- Fixed the TFBots not reacting correctly to stun effects

- Fixed the Heavy picking up his own thrown sandvich if it was thrown while running forward

- Fixed Pyros not getting the proper kill icon for kills with deflected Direct Hit rockets

- Fixed the player keeping their rage setting when the Buff Banner isn't equipped

- Fixed resupply cabinet not clearing the rage and the buff status effect

- Fixed the Buff Banner not working when +reload has been forced in console

- Fixed the motion blur on charging Demomen not always drawing

- Fixed the Direct Hit mini-critting enemies submerged in water

- Fixed the Chargin' Targe's crit not working on servers with tf_weapon_criticals 0

- Capped the amount of overhealing from taking heads to the player's max buffed health

- Updated the Gunboats to absorb damage from any self-inflicted rocket blast that doesn't hurt another player

- Updated the Scottish Resistance to detonate bombs near the player's feet (in addition to what it normally detonates). This enables sticky jumping with this weapon.

- Updated the Baseball and Jarate HUD indicators to stay on screen when full

Crafting improvements:

- Spy's unlockable PDAs can now be smelted into scrap metal

- Recipes can no longer produce items matching any of the items used in the crafting

- Added some new recipes

Achievement fixes:

- Fixed the "Ride of the Valkartie" Soldier achievement being earned by Soldiers on the defending team

- Fixed the "Gorky Parked" Heavy achievement being incremented by committing suicide on a control point

- Fixed several Scout achievements that were broken by the new type of bat stun

- Fixed the "Ghastly Gibus Grab" achievement not awarding the hat correctly

- Updated the "Big Pharma" (Medic) and "Division of Labor" (Heavy) achievements to be 10 kills in a single life

- Updated the "Ubi concordia, ibi victoria" Medic achievement to only be 3 assists

Edit: Also, one of the servers was already updating when I posted this, so I'm leaving them alone for now.

Probably the same place as the Buff Banner and Direct Hit nerfs.

i dont think the buff banner is too bad considering that the radius is pretty small and giving up your shotgun is a BIG DEAL

but yeah the direct hit needs a serious nerf too and the gunboats are still horrible as far as i can tell


The Direct Hit doesn't need a nerf. Perhaps lose the mini-crits on jumping targets, but that'd be it. Sure the thing is poerful, but it should be when you have to actually hit something to kill it.

Cue Atmuh laughing rather than explaining his position.

I think it needs a nerf too. Something like that should not have the ability to OHKO six out of the nine classes.

That's exactly what I was saying!

The increased speed of the Direct Hit is supposed to offset the smaller splash damage range, and it gives you crits against in-air enemies. An additional 25% damage is just unnecessary overkill.


Personally I hope the damage bonus gets changed to a falloff reduction. That makes it more effective at mid-to-long range, emphasizing the sharpshooting aspect, while still capping the point-blank damage at 110-ish like a normal rocket. It would also reduce the weapon's effectiveness vs. sentries, which I'm sure engineers would welcome.

The mini-crits can stay, imo; unlocks are supposed to change the metagame, and making your enemy afraid to jump is as good a change as any.

I think it needs a nerf too. Something like that should not have the ability to OHKO six out of the nine classes.

Perhaps, but the regular RL does more damage at any range if there's more than on target in the XBOX HEUG LOL splash radius.

While I enjoy the speed and mini-crit effect of the DH, the regular RL is more useful in most cases.

DH is a fantastic 1 on 1 weapon. But for anything else, odds are you'll be in a situation where there's more than one enemy around at a time, at which point splash damage is far superior in overall damage output, team usefulness, and general tactics.

Yeah, the air mini-crits are nice, but they're rare. A bounce crit is even more rare since the splash cone is so horrifically small on the DH.

I think the DH needs re-imagined if anything. A lot of the unlocks do, really.

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