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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Alltalk's a mixed bag. The conversations can be funny, but the other day my team wasn't saying much, while the other team kept bragging about their kills and it was just annoying. Is there a way to call a vote for it?

Also, something I've been wondering. Are the admin powers (map changing and the like) just handed out at Bahamut's personal discretion or do all reserve slot folks have those? If not, who are the admins exactly?

Reserved slot holders have a few admin abilities, such as voting alltalk and map changes through sourcemod, amongst other things. Full admin is handed out at my discretion though.

This is coming from the guy who likes items off in SSBB, which removes the fun AND the strategy from the game.

That just makes it a different game. Its like comparing CP and CTF.... one does not make the same game shit, it makes it different.

This is coming from the guy who likes items off in SSBB, which removes the fun AND the strategy from the game.

hahaha have you ever been to a smash bros tourney a REAL one i mean

its like an alltalk tf2 game times 50 and the talking isnt serious its fun and joking around and just having a good time like an alltalk tf2 game


Dang I was hoping it would give me chance to catch up with my medic assists. Not that I had anything to do with it... <_<

Reserved slot holders have a few admin abilities, such as voting alltalk and map changes through sourcemod, amongst other things. Full admin is handed out at my discretion though.

So about that, there was an...incident tonight. Senator Barack Obama claimed that Hemophiliac was sticky-camping. Hemo actually admitted it, but tried to pass it off as no big deal ("I died anyway"), and was subsequently rude to Obama. So I /slayed him as a warning, and immediately afterwards Hemo retaliated by doing it to me.

In my honest opinion, that warrants a tempban at the least, but I decided I'd leave it up to you in terms of more serious action.


Hemo's an admin? Huh.

@ Weirdboyscott: There is absolutely NO making Brawl fun at all, nor is there any way to take the strategy out of the game as there isn't any. Melee is where it's at, and taking the items off is much preferred. Can you imagine kicking the hell outta somebody only to have a bomb randomly drop in on you? It's exactly like crits: dumb.

Also, I have a serious question: why do people chase Spies to the end of the earth? I know, I know, it sounds silly...but seriously. Sometimes, I'll backstab someone and just run off, turning around to notice I'm being followed by 2 medics and a pyro who are COMPLETELY DISREGARDING the rest of my team attempting to kill them. What in God's name possesses someone to do this?

Reserved slot holders have a few admin abilities, such as voting alltalk and map changes through sourcemod, amongst other things.

Can we have a list of all the things we can do?

@ Weirdboyscott: There is absolutely NO making Brawl fun at all, nor is there any way to take the strategy out of the game as there isn't any. Melee is where it's at, and taking the items off is much preferred. Can you imagine kicking the hell outta somebody only to have a bomb randomly drop in on you? It's exactly like crits: dumb.

they are two completely different games

they are both excellent games

Dang I was hoping it would give me chance to catch up with my medic assists. Not that I had anything to do with it... <_<

So about that, there was an...incident tonight. Senator Barack Obama claimed that Hemophiliac was sticky-camping. Hemo actually admitted it, but tried to pass it off as no big deal ("I died anyway"), and was subsequently rude to Obama. So I /slayed him as a warning, and immediately afterwards Hemo retaliated by doing it to me.

In my honest opinion, that warrants a tempban at the least, but I decided I'd leave it up to you in terms of more serious action.

I'd like to add to this that hemo has generally been a bit of an arrogant prick with his admin rights the few times I've seen him ingame. There's at least one incident where I called him out on kicking some guy for NO REASON AT ALL, to which he claimed he did it on accident, and was generally rude about the whole thing ("Do you have a problem with my authority?").

So yeah, I dunno, makes me wonder why the guy has admin in the first place.


Hm, I can't say that I have enough info about all of this, but incidental stickies at spawn are allowed (i.e. from chasing someone running back to spawn) - just not camping it out.

If any further issues are seen, report all the details (such as through posts) and I'll see about it.

Hm, I can't say that I have enough info about all of this, but incidental stickies at spawn are allowed (i.e. from chasing someone running back to spawn) - just not camping it out.

If any further issues are seen, report all the details (such as through posts) and I'll see about it.

well on my last day that i played (friday night i believe) vahn was stickycamping badwater and when dyne told him to stop he said IM NOT STICKYCAMPING THATS NOT THE SPAWN EXIT THATS A SHORTCUT (the exit for the first two points for red on badwater)

needless to say i got pretty angry and i have never enjoyed winning on both offense and defense more

I'd like to add to this that hemo has generally been a bit of an arrogant prick with his admin rights the few times I've seen him ingame.

a bit???


and when i mentioned beatdrop thats because of all the times ive ever seen him play ever the only time hes ever DONE anything with his admin rights is put up a ban vote on me the moment i joined the server for no reason

I'd like to add to this that hemo has generally been a bit of an arrogant prick with his admin rights the few times I've seen him ingame. There's at least one incident where I called him out on kicking some guy for NO REASON AT ALL, to which he claimed he did it on accident, and was generally rude about the whole thing ("Do you have a problem with my authority?").

Good god you guys it's a videogame



Yeah, it empties out after midnight pretty quick nowadays. Guessing it's those lame "work" and "school" places everyone's talking about.

Good god you guys it's a videogame


Um, you can only say that if people are having fun. You don't get to interfere with a person's entertainment because "it's just a game."


well now, witch hunt much?

yes, i can be a jerk.

does that mean i shouldn't be an admin? no.

the only thing that i do that would warrant using my admin access for my own gain is to put up mapvotes, and that's usually to gage interest in a mapchange.

i do my job in terms of keeping things under control and ban people when necessary. i use kicks as warnings if need be as well.

to tensei: why do you not believe that i kicked the 2nd guy that one time on accident? the admin menu stays open after a kick or ban, and this was right after we switched mods so i was still getting used to it...again, ever since then you seem to see every little thing i do with admin and like to point it out negatively. the ("Do you have a problem with my authority?") came because you constantly seemed to keep questioning why i did things. i've told you this before on irc.

as far as the spawn camping tonight, i killed two people at the badwater spawn, both at least a minute apart. after i killed the first person i ran away and let people get through, then i went back. i was aware that i was in a gray area for this, so i didn't constantly just spam stickies until i died there. edit: make that three, a pyro saw me running around and i killed him in self-defense (not at the spawn doors).

Bahamut hasn't told me not to do anything i have been doing, and i'm sure he knows i can be a jerk at times.

yes, i can be a jerk.

does that mean i shouldn't be an admin? no.

no actually I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means

if you can't have authority without being a dick about it then you shouldn't have authority, plain and simple

@ Weirdboyscott: There is absolutely NO making Brawl fun at all, nor is there any way to take the strategy out of the game as there isn't any. Melee is where it's at, and taking the items off is much preferred. Can you imagine kicking the hell outta somebody only to have a bomb randomly drop in on you? It's exactly like crits: dumb.

People who whine and say that Brawl is not as good as Melee are really funny, not so much annoying as the no item guys, just amusing. Sure they changed a couple things I wished they didn't like removing Mewtwo and adding tripping but that doesn't make the game instantly bad. It's still practically the same game at it's core, but better since they removed some of the exploits like wave dashing and L canceling. Not to mention it has online play as well as a level editor. If you hate Brawl and still stick beside Melee then you're pretty damn stubborn and are really missing out on a fun game.

What's wrong with randomness, though? Why does everybody say that's a bad part of a game? Items popping out of thin air to give your enemy an advantage in Smash Bros just means you have to adapt on the fly, making fights very fast paced with rich diversity as well as making for unique match-ups. Something like a well placed bob-omb throw can salvage a match, or ruin you even if you threw it, the other person could reflect it right back!

In TF2 it's great being able to be an engineer and hunt down and crit shotgun a soldier popping around corners to take pot shots at your sentry and kill them quickly. How can you ever say it's not fun to have a crit rocket of yours fly halfway across the map and take out a careless sniper aiming for you? Not only that but a crit-less server would make desperation melee charges fall flat more often, and we'd get even less amusing melee usage.

Removing items in SSBB or crits in TF2 peels away a whole layer of great variety that believe it or not can still work serious, competative play.

Um, you can only say that if people are having fun. You don't get to interfere with a person's entertainment because "it's just a game."

This is a good question - why aren't you having fun? remove the anomaly and play on

Also yeah I actually agree with WBS here - i think the randomized shit in SSBM is fun and I don't see why people need to remove it. Every game community seems to evolve strange rules [example: counterstrike's "AWP camping faggorts"] that they think should be forced on the game when really it's more fun the designers intended - I've never had a problem with crits ever, I don't see how it makes the game "unfair" and I've never been left wondering or caring about the science behind them, and I think it adds a nice factor of "chance" to the game making it more unpredictable.


You know while reading your post your Read or Die remix came up on random on my winamp, OverCoat.

(I swear to god one of these days I'm going to kick this piece of shit out the window!)

How long has it been since you removed the Seattle from your name anyway?

they are two completely different games

they are both excellent games

Yep, they're completely different. I'm not so sure I agree that they're both excellent, though.

Yes, one is definitely excellent. The other...isn't. It's not bad, don't get me wrong. I was exaggerating earlier about it being no fun and about strategy, but compare it to Melee; it's like comparing checkers to chess. One has tactics and more skilled players will win...and the other has Metaknight. :-/

People who whine and say that Brawl is not as good as Melee are really funny, not so much annoying as the no item guys, just amusing. Sure they changed a couple things I wished they didn't like removing Mewtwo and adding tripping but that doesn't make the game instantly bad. It's still practically the same game at it's core, but better since they removed some of the exploits like wave dashing and L canceling. Not to mention it has online play as well as a level editor. If you hate Brawl and still stick beside Melee then you're pretty damn stubborn and are really missing out on a fun game.
I'm glad you find me amusing. :-D

I'm not whining about it, either. Or, at least not verbally/loudly/much. I whine about crits when they happen to me, pretty loudly usually...I don't ever whine about Brawl because I simply avoid it.

Those exploits you named though are what make the game good, or better, than Brawl. They add a level of depth that Brawl just doesn't have ATM.

Yes, the level editor is damn cool. So is the soundtrack. I don't regret my purchase at all for these two things, even though it's been a while since I've played the game. The online mode is...well, meh. It's too laggy for my tastes. I'm not expecting something perfect, but something a little closer to playable woulda been nice.

And I think the stubborn thing goes two ways: there are tons of people who never even gave Brawl the chance (I tried, I really did; Olimar is lots of fun and I miss him when playing Melee), but then there are people who just refuse to believe that Melee is a deeper, albeit older and more thoroughly played through game...

What's wrong with randomness, though? Why does everybody say that's a bad part of a game? Items popping out of thin air to give your enemy an advantage in Smash Bros just means you have to adapt on the fly, making fights very fast paced with rich diversity as well as making for unique match-ups. Something like a well placed bob-omb throw can salvage a match, or ruin you even if you threw it, the other person could reflect it right back!
The thing about randomness is that it's random. I mean, it's fun, sure. 4 person FFAs on a stage that lags with all bombs and Pokeballs is a ton of fun...it just has no place in a match based on skill. If I just upsmashed and lo-and-behold, a bomb falls on me as my kick is going up...well, that's not the other guy at all. That's luck, fate, or God telling me to piss off. That's not fun for me or the other guy...except, maybe it is:
In TF2 it's great being able to be an engineer and hunt down and crit shotgun a soldier popping around corners to take pot shots at your sentry and kill them quickly. How can you ever say it's not fun to have a crit rocket of yours fly halfway across the map and take out a careless sniper aiming for you? Not only that but a crit-less server would make desperation melee charges fall flat more often, and we'd get even less amusing melee usage.
I'm really glad you get satisfaction from this. I mean, there is something amusing about watching a crit rocket fly across the map to some doofus sniper who refuses to move. That's his mistake, not your luck.

But you really are happy about winning a fight by a silly crit? On top of the towers in Cyberpunk, two scouts, bats out..and the first hit is a crit that kills the other guy. You're happy about that?

Maybe it's just something I can't wrap my brain around. Randomness isn't bad, but silly random is.


And talk about a thread hijack. Sorry.


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