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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Done and done. I will pledge 10/month for the time being.

My screen name is [OCR]Brushfire2004 and steam ID is recentelectronics

He needs your Steam ID number (which is STEAM_0:1:18703087 according to this)


I also like 2fort...but if it's between 2fort and Turbine, my vote has to go with the latter.

And I need to agree with whoever said this earlier and once against emphasize: granary seems to have lost its favor with the crowd pretty quickly.

Gravel Pit is always fun, and it's a map where almost every class can be really good. I guess I can get behind that.

And for those that dislike Steel: When I first joined, I really hated it too; it's so damn big. I fuxxed around with it for a little bit and it's still big, but a little less overwhelming and I really enjoyed the time we spent there.


Steel... you really have to know the map... and also remember that taking point E will win the match regardless of the other points' status. That means that blue can win by sending Scouts, Demomen, and Soldiers to point E (quickest way is through the building next to point B).

This also means that Red has to remember to guard point E. Engineer turrets are excellent at this, as are Soldiers.

However, once point C is taken, bridges extend to point E, so it has to be more heavily guarded.

P.S. Because of the engineer turret factor, this is also an excellent map to play Spy on.

P.P.S. My Steam name is now [OCR]Powerlord.


I love the option of a quick win due to point E. I actually racked up a lot of wins on another server due to people not knowing that when they started it in the map rotation. But it really helps the 20 minute stalemate matches if you can rush and destroy.


Man, the server (and my internet) was doing funny things tonight...meh.

Also, I'm getting kinda sick of Dustbowl. I know, I know...but it's getting a little bland.

I really like Turbine, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority.

Eh, dunno what maps I suggest. I'm out of ideas.

@ Bleck: I <3 your signature and love that comic. I'm a little antsy about the movie, but I'm hoping it'll be good.


Hey, just want to make something clear:

If you're gonna play on this server, leave your attitude at the door please. It's okay to be frustrated, but it's not okay to start trash-talking and shit-talking your own teammates. I had a guy (colin) tell me that I "cost us the whole game" when I accidentally messed up his chances of doing a ninja cap on dustbowl.

We won the round less than two minutes later.

Newsflash: the game is called Team Fortress 2. Just because you die doesn't mean the whole team's gonna lose the game.

Same guy said to someone else (his own teammate) later that night "Hey, do me a favor and stop sucking dick."

Sorry, there's no place for that on this server. I was a big advocate of OCR getting its own server so I could have fun without having to deal with assholes. If I see or hear shit like that again, expect to get kicked off the server. There are plenty of people who are always trying to get onto the server that have no problem just having fun.

haha ds cant handle it when people get mad

Haha. Nah that's not really what I'm saying. I mean I can understand getting frustrated with the game, like when you're constantly getting sniped by the same guy, or getting killed by one rocket to the head, or even when a medic bails on you when he had an uber ready.

But in the end, it's a game, and there's never any reason to start being a total dick and whining on the voicechat.

or even when a medic bails on you when he had an uber ready.

I'm sorry.

I support the "kick D-bags" motion. I feel like sometimes even I'm an ass on the server ("teams are unbalanced, WAAAHH! I need someone to hold my hand") but sometimes other people are just ridiculous.

P.S. I surpassed the 100 hours played as an Engineer mark yesterday. I'm about 15 hours away for Medic.

P.P.S. Please add me to the first page. I think I'm ready for it now :<


Same guy said to someone else (his own teammate) later that night "Hey, do me a favor and stop sucking dick."

that was meeee he said that to

that was meeee he said that to

those arguments you had with him were so rofl

ok since were talking about colin i might as well go ahead and say out of all the people that play on the ocr server he is the number one retard faggot that i love to make fun of am i a bad person


Yeah, colin's a dork. :P Rambo says he's always like that when it comes to competitive games. What's funny is that he was actually a Free Weekender...I remember everybody yelling at him for being a noob. :D Then a couple weeks later he's telling ME how to play Medic, haha (it was actually good advice, though). So who knows, maybe he's just transferring his feelings after being yelled at all those times. :P

Anyway, I guess it's a good time to say now that I added the [OCR] tag to my ID.


Jeah, Colin is a little prick sometime, isn't he?

On the subject: Can we PLEASE get the ability to votekick people? I know it's been brought up before in the server, but I REALLY feel like it needs to be something that is paid attention to.

We really need it sometimes. :-/


Votekick probably wouldn't ever hurt, and it would come in handy sometimes.


So the map rotation right now is:












This sounds pretty good, although I think steel, or toy fort should be switched with the well or hydro in that rotation so that the custom maps are split up. Sounds good though.

Personally I really like turbine, and the few round of gravelpit that I've had have been fun, I haven't played steel enough to judge it, but I'm not against it. Orange is also pretty fun, but can turn into a huge useless fragfest sometimes, and I think it's better suited to less people.

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