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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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To be honest I would rather be having fun playing a game than being good and winning the games, however as it happens those to goals often coincide. If the entire server is in an alltalk-no grav-melee only mode that's just peachy with me and I'll join right in on it. I agree that there has to be some balance between competitive play and fooling around, but I think that most of us are taking all of this too seriously. Just get out there and play the game, have some fun, and try to get better.

Nobody said you had to be super serious when playing a game, but if you're going to play any game with other people, you should be trying to play to win naturally. Otherwise, quit spoiling the fun for everyone else who don't want to play games to lose.

um everybody is always trying to win; the problem is when people get too good at a game because winning is the only thing that matters to them

then, as you can clearly see, some other people stop having fun because suddenly playing the game is essentially a choice between a) playing harder and more serious and for longer periods of time so that they actually have a chance of winning or B) just not playing

if the ZUZ guys want to be godly at the game, then that's fine; but when they stack teams and spawncamp and force other people to not have fun that's when it becomes a problem

um everybody is always trying to win; the problem is when people get too good at a game because winning is the only thing that matters to them

then, as you can clearly see, some other people stop having fun because suddenly playing the game is essentially a choice between a) playing harder and more serious and for longer periods of time so that they actually have a chance of winning or B) just not playing

if the ZUZ guys want to be godly at the game, then that's fine; but when they stack teams and spawncamp and force other people to not have fun that's when it becomes a problem

A lot of us just pick random for our teams...so sometimes the team stacking isn't necessarily intentional. In fact, that's not usually the problem with anyone from ZUZ, but people choosing to join their team after they see that they're on the blue/red team. Those are the problem people in that case.

And you're making quite an assumption about winning being the only thing that matters to those who get too good. The main reason I got better is because I don't like dying and staying dead for upwards of 20 seconds.

To be honest I would rather be having fun playing a game than being good and winning the games, however as it happens those to goals often coincide. If the entire server is in an alltalk-no grav-melee only mode that's just peachy with me and I'll join right in on it. I agree that there has to be some balance between competitive play and fooling around, but I think that most of us are taking all of this too seriously. Just get out there and play the game, have some fun, and try to get better.

You know, there are instances where I don't mind having end up losing a round. It's when a few people spoil the game for everyone else and making a game non-fun that ruins it, and that includes intentional lack of teamwork. Those people distort the whole notion of fun with the only ones having "fun" being the ones who has a sadistic sense of euphoria from frustrating everyone else or from those who as I said, and both types don't have any business in a good controlled multiplayer game of any sorts.

You know, the whole "game = fun" laughable concept.

And you know what that concept is? That games provide fun with a loose yet controlled environment where people compete to win or get better in some quantifiable measure. Being loose is half the equation, and it's possible to ruin fun for anyone with half a brain by interpreting loose to mean be a retard. So if anything, the concept nullifies your faux interpretation for multiplayer games at least.

Sorry to say but I have been playing less and less on the OCR server because it is no longer fun with this kind of thing going on. Pretty much the only times I come on is to melee battle with Tensei, otherwise it's just too competitive to be fun anymore.

You know, the whole "game = fun" laughable concept.

This is pretty much it for me too.

And with all due respect to Bahamut, no, the driving force to play TF2 for me isn't to get better and to be competitive on the server. Heck no. My drive to play TF2 is to have a good time and hang around with a community I actually *like.* Yeah, dying kinda sucks, but it's part of the game and as far as I'm concerned if you go out with a smile on your face you're doing it right. To be honest, when groups of people come into the server and just completely dominate, that does suck a lot of fun out of the game, because often at that point the "community" part of the enjoyment gets pretty demolished as far as I'm concerned.

I guess what I'm getting at is I prefer to play games with my friends and just having a bloody good time of it. There are plenty of other servers I can play on that has everyone else on the internet there if I really wanted to go up with there. And hell, that's the only reason I ever played WoW in the first place is because most of my friends did.

To be honest, I'm going to say I have better things to do with my time than become an ace at Team Fortress 2 just so I can stay alive a few seconds more when I'm staring down the opposite faction. When I play with you guys, I do make an attempt to help the team win. But I'm not going to devote tons of time playing against folks who will destroy me just so I'm a little better at a game I only play because I like playing it with friends. If I need a time sink, I'll put Disgaea into my PS2.

On that note, I'd like to say I would be a big proponent of a Server Lockdown from the public so the OCR community people can play together a night or two a week. I think this will draw in the less intense OCR players in to be part of the community again.


yeah just being around brushfire doing commentary is a lot more fun than saying HEY LOOK I OWNED THAT PERSON WITH A CRIT ROCKET I AM SO GOOD AT THIS GAME

um everybody is always trying to win; the problem is when people get too good at a game because winning is the only thing that matters to them

If they were being srs bsnss they wouldn't be uberchaining. It's pretty much strictly a "for the lulz" strategy.


how on earth do you find them fun in any way

outside of wish they have absolutely zero personality and wont so much as say a single word to you unless it is pertinent to SUPREME VICTORY

i one played with just me and 3 of them on 2fort with alltalk on and i tried to talk to them and whatnot and the only thing that the dude on my team said was "my tele goes here" so i dont see how you find them fun in any way

the server would be a bit empty without them?

i can name at least 3 people right off the bat that leave as soon as they start to show up, and im sure the list is longer than that

I would have to disagree, the most recent was just yesterday when Pavlvs Magnvs said my Sandvich looked tasty.

I thought the Medic Uber chain was a blast and it would have been awesome to have countered that and destroy the momentum they had going. The challenge is the fun, but everyone plays the game differently and enjoys it in their own way.

As I said before, I wouldn't want any of the OCR regulars to leave. It's a blast playing with everyone and it's that mixture that makes it so enjoyable and I wouldn't want to see any of what makes it so great be taken out.

By the by, I am still laughing over the SpaghettiO's guy.


If this is a democracy then I'm a definite vote AGAINST a server lockdown. We definitely don't have enough OCR guys to survive in a private server, and then things would end up being a whole lot more serious. Besides, the OCR people still have a blast playing with each other with public people around, (at least I do, perhaps even moreso).

Also lol at SpaghettiO's

If they were being srs bsnss they wouldn't be uberchaining. It's pretty much strictly a "for the lulz" strategy.

as atmuh has clearly demonstrated, doing something 'for the lulz' becomes a problem when nobody else is getting any lulz

read; fun

some people like to just play games without needing to be good at them

Pretty much this. A line has been drawn, the casual players versus the intense competitive players. I thought having an OCR server was a way to get the casual players like me to have a fun place to play, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I don't see what would be harmful in choosing one day a week to only allow OCR people on the server just for a couple hours for us casuals. The ZUZ people are driving your friends off the server anyway.

If this is a democracy then I'm a definite vote AGAINST a server lockdown. We definitely don't have enough OCR guys to survive in a private server, and then things would end up being a whole lot more serious. Besides, the OCR people still have a blast playing with each other with public people around, (at least I do, perhaps even moreso).

Also lol at SpaghettiO's

Well, the idea is we don't lock it down all the time, or even most of the time. I was merely proposing a once, perhaps twice a week thing so OCR regulars who don't necessarily want the intense competition can have a chance at just having some fun together.

And if it doesn't take off, then we can just stop doing it. I don't really think that's unreasonable.

This is pretty much it for me too.

And with all due respect to Bahamut, no, the driving force to play TF2 for me isn't to get better and to be competitive on the server. Heck no. My drive to play TF2 is to have a good time and hang around with a community I actually *like.* Yeah, dying kinda sucks, but it's part of the game and as far as I'm concerned if you go out with a smile on your face you're doing it right. To be honest, when groups of people come into the server and just completely dominate, that does suck a lot of fun out of the game, because often at that point the "community" part of the enjoyment gets pretty demolished as far as I'm concerned.

I guess what I'm getting at is I prefer to play games with my friends and just having a bloody good time of it. There are plenty of other servers I can play on that has everyone else on the internet there if I really wanted to go up with there. And hell, that's the only reason I ever played WoW in the first place is because most of my friends did.

To be honest, I'm going to say I have better things to do with my time than become an ace at Team Fortress 2 just so I can stay alive a few seconds more when I'm staring down the opposite faction. When I play with you guys, I do make an attempt to help the team win. But I'm not going to devote tons of time playing against folks who will destroy me just so I'm a little better at a game I only play because I like playing it with friends. If I need a time sink, I'll put Disgaea into my PS2.

On that note, I'd like to say I would be a big proponent of a Server Lockdown from the public so the OCR community people can play together a night or two a week. I think this will draw in the less intense OCR players in to be part of the community again.

Everything you said is exactly correct. Except I have Disgaea for DS. Other than that I APPROVE OF THIS MESSAGE!


My opinion is, hey, the ZUZ guys seem nice. I mean, conversation wise. But yeah, they do annoying shit sometimes. Like sticky camping in the past, and now this. But like has been said over and over in this thread, being a dick about it and saying "oh, you can counter that as a team" is not a reason to be a douche. Anything can almost always be beaten as a team if you do the right thing, but seriously, if you have a team stacked with 3+ members of a clan vs random pub people, who do you really think will have more cooridination and work as a team? Plus, not competative. I've been holding off a lot on TF2 mainly due to this and waiting on the next patch.


Gonna have to chime in and agree that yeah, a once a week OCR-only lockdown would be a good idea. If only to try it out.

I pretty much agree with everything that's been said by those annoyed by [ZUZ].

And with all due respect to Bahamut, no, the driving force to play TF2 for me isn't to get better and to be competitive on the server. Heck no. My drive to play TF2 is to have a good time and hang around with a community I actually *like.* Yeah, dying kinda sucks, but it's part of the game and as far as I'm concerned if you go out with a smile on your face you're doing it right. To be honest, when groups of people come into the server and just completely dominate, that does suck a lot of fun out of the game, because often at that point the "community" part of the enjoyment gets pretty demolished as far as I'm concerned.

I'm going to second this: the reason I play on the OCR server is because I like the people, but that includes the ZUZ clan.

And Bahamut, if you were serious about getting better, you would turn crits off. :-D


Also @ Bahamut: I didn't understand the second part of your post replying to mine (sorry), but the first part, about sticky spawn camping, was my misunderstanding. Sorry about that.


Bahamut, it's a shame you logged after we failed to capture D and E in Steel... we managed to keep them from even taking A when we defended on the next round.

Unfortunately, we didn't manage to get D and E on our second offense round either.



I'm not replying to anyone in particular, nor have I followed this conversation topic very thoroughly. So this reply will probably fall on deaf ears.

I know this is the internet, and nobody give much a shit about being nice, but what consistently keeps servers full is sportsmanship. Respect, sportsmanship, courtesy, blah blah blah. I know these thing don't exist in online play, and being an asshole is "cool", but when players have a common understanding and respect for one another, people have fun and servers stay populated. When teams stay stacked for extended periods of time, gameplay gets really lame for 50% of the people, and the server is gonna empty. And if the weaker team is good enough about it to stick around and try their best, they're STILL gonna clear out when the opposing team starts brutalizing them with spawn camping, or mocking them with ridiculous tactics like uber-chaining. I know medi-chaining is fun, and sometimes even effective, but when you're already dominating the opposing team, its just demoralizing. I also know that different types of spawn camping are easily overcome by "such and such" strategies, but again, if you're already more skilled, its NOT easy for the weak team to coordinate and get out. And once more its frustrating and demoralizing. Not great conditions to learn from or have fun.

Similarly, if a team is consistently losing because of a few individuals griefing, it takes away from the entire server's atmosphere. An act or two can be funny, or if the entire team is in cahoots about it, then whatever. I don't really need to go into details about this, because its fairly obvious. However, an individual who isn't very good, is not "griefing" and they don't deserve to be yelled at for sucking dead yak.

***Ultimately, doing what you can to keep the teams even (competitive: in that there's actually a contest as to who will win) is the best way to keep people in the server and having fun. Be a good sport, and respect the other players. You're not gonna get any better by rolling teams over and over. And its nice for the weaker players to experience winning, with the assistance of more skilled players.***

Rambo's post just reminded me...

Should I take off my "RIMK" (Rambo Is My Kryptonite) tag in light of the EPIC FAIL on pl_dustbowl last week? YES/NO

I swear to God Dhsu. I will break my promise, and torment you every night with headshots.

I will make you cry. I will..... I will eat your children.

Rambo's post just reminded me...

Should I take off my "RIMK" (Rambo Is My Kryptonite) tag in light of the EPIC FAIL on pl_dustbowl last week? YES/NO


Or! A "RIMB" (Rambo Is My Bitch) tag. :-D

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