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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Crappy graphics make me angry, so I'm sorry if I'm a dickwad or trolling for the next couple of weeks.

Gah, I don't see most of my deaths anymore, they just happen. How do people play like this?

I whine about it plenty, for me I play on all low settings (except for textures), 1024x768 resolution running at a usual 7fps in battle. I'm sorry you have to deal with that as it does lower enjoyment of playing. You will gradually adjust to it though.


On the topic of micspamming, I don't mind the music on smaller games, like if there are 6 people there or so. It was fun the other night doing it. But when you got 20+ people there, that fucks with the communication. Plus atmuh's navi HEY HEY HEY thing every couple of seconds is very annoying.


see this isnt fair

people sayin stuff without giving me a chance to say anything

here have a chatlog

[00:15:23] <atmuh> yeah but im pretty sure that IF TWO ADMINS WERE OK WITH WHAT WAS GOING ON

[00:15:32] <atmuh> some faggot shouldnt be able to join and ban me and tralala

[00:15:37] <Bahamut> powerlord hardly uses his admins

[00:15:41] <atmuh> he did today

[00:15:43] <Bahamut> and brush forgets he even has them

[00:15:45] <atmuh> to ban a micspammer

[00:15:49] <atmuh> and brush knows he has them

[00:15:57] <atmuh> he mutes people and occasionally kicks

[00:16:04] <atmuh> i play enough to know that

[00:16:12] <atmuh> and tonight

[00:16:15] <atmuh> NO ONE complained

[00:16:23] <Bahamut> I've heard plenty of complaints

[00:16:25] <Bahamut> from various people

[00:16:30] <atmuh> when people tell me to PLAY ANOTHER THING

[00:16:32] <Bahamut> who decided to stay away rather than deal with whining

[00:16:33] <atmuh> i do it

[00:16:41] <atmuh> well it was full

[00:16:47] <atmuh> so i wasnt driving anyone away

[00:17:01] <Bahamut> these were regulars who were complaining

[00:17:18] <atmuh> ya who

[00:17:20] <Bahamut> the only way I'll let you get unbanned this time is if you promise to not test the limits and micspam or any of that crap

[00:17:31] <atmuh> when an admin tells me to stop

[00:17:34] <atmuh> ive always stopped

[00:17:40] <atmuh> im not testing anything

[00:17:43] <Bahamut> they shouldn't have to even do so in the first place

[00:17:49] <atmuh> and they rarely do

[00:17:56] <atmuh> because i know when its just pissing people off

[00:18:02] <Bahamut> no you don't

[00:18:05] <atmuh> which it wasnt tonight

[00:18:08] <Bahamut> because I've had at least 3 people complain in the last 2 days

[00:18:16] <atmuh> lets guess

[00:18:18] <atmuh> trianine

[00:18:20] <atmuh> garian

[00:18:28] <atmuh> maybe powerlord but idk about him

[00:18:35] <Bahamut> there were others

[00:18:42] <Bahamut> in any case, you just lied right there

[00:18:50] <atmuh> lolwut

[00:18:51] <Bahamut> you clearly were bothering some people

[00:18:55] <Bahamut> and yet didn't stop

[00:18:57] <atmuh> trianine wasnt annoyed

[00:19:02] <atmuh> he mutes me as soon as he gets on

[00:19:06] <atmuh> regardless of what i did

[00:19:09] <atmuh> just in case i do

[00:19:15] <atmuh> which is fine with me and fine with him

[00:19:21] <Bahamut> he wasn't one of the ones I was talking about

[00:19:28] <Bahamut> some people were talking about it on L4D I remember

[00:19:40] <Bahamut> and there was a time on IRC as well people were telling me

[00:19:47] <Bahamut> in any case, I gave you the deal

[00:19:52] <Bahamut> up to you

[00:20:30] <atmuh> i think its quite dumb that can jump on there and just do that when 2 admins were totally fine with it

[00:20:40] <atmuh> so no i aint changing what im doing keep me banned

[00:20:46] <Bahamut> and I think it's dumb that you don't follow the server rules

[00:21:12] <atmuh> neither do lots of peopel

[00:21:14] <atmuh> people

[00:21:23] <Bahamut> except most people don't push it as badly as you do

[00:21:33] <atmuh> people were complaining about brushfire playing music tonight

[00:21:36] <atmuh> gonna do anything about that?

[00:22:10] <Bahamut> anything I've heard happening usually stemmed from your poor example

[00:22:29] <atmuh> o yes everything is my fault

[00:22:38] <atmuh> hows about

[00:22:50] <atmuh> when garian hops on he says HEY YOU GONNA STOP THAT OR WHAT

[00:22:55] <Bahamut> except here is an instance where it's pretty obvious

[00:22:57] <atmuh> nope nothing instaban

[00:23:03] <atmuh> yeah except he had no context

[00:23:12] <Bahamut> context is retroactive

[00:23:12] <atmuh> when people ask me to play more

[00:23:14] <atmuh> i play it

[00:23:29] <atmuh> i usually ask if its ok

[00:23:34] <atmuh> and if it is i do

[00:23:39] <atmuh> you can look at logs for that

[00:24:02] <atmuh> youve got too many admins anyway

[00:24:12] <Bahamut> I've heard otherwise, and I really can't trust you to tell me the truth :/

[00:24:29] <atmuh> if i had some saved demos id show ya but i dont

[00:24:43] <atmuh> but seriously

[00:24:48] <atmuh> even if you keep me banned

[00:24:54] <atmuh> take away garians admins

[00:25:00] <atmuh> thats a pretty awful choice for an admin

[00:25:18] <Bahamut> from what garian has been telling me, he was in the right in every situation really

[00:25:53] <atmuh> not really, as i said he could have ASKED ME TO STOP

[00:26:10] <Bahamut> he doesn't have to if it's an issue of micspamming

[00:26:10] <atmuh> and kick before ban thats usually a nicer thing to do

[00:26:13] <atmuh> yes he does

[00:26:18] <atmuh> because

[00:26:20] <atmuh> as i said

[00:26:21] <Bahamut> I've even banned sometimes outright

[00:26:23] <atmuh> i only do it

[00:26:30] <atmuh> when people are ok with it/ask for it

[00:26:36] <atmuh> OR IF BRUSHFIRE STARTS IT

[00:26:42] <atmuh> who is an admin

[00:26:44] <atmuh> on your server

[00:26:57] <atmuh> so yeah

[00:27:47] <atmuh> and i told powerlord outright

[00:28:01] <atmuh> if i play too much feel free to mute me

[00:28:05] <atmuh> as in sm_mute

[00:28:17] <atmuh> you can ask him that yourself

[00:28:30] <Bahamut> but you're missing the point

[00:28:37] <atmuh> no i think you are

[00:28:40] <Bahamut> I shouldn't even have to be having this conversation because you shouldn't have done that in the first place

[00:28:52] <Bahamut> and every time I've seen it in game I did a swift ban

[00:28:54] <atmuh> and neither should one of the admins on your server

[00:29:46] <atmuh> and i wouldnt do it if the people didnt request it

[00:29:50] <atmuh> as i said

[00:29:57] <atmuh> not pubs either

[00:30:00] <atmuh> regulars

[00:30:05] <Bahamut> again, you shouldn't have been doing it in the first place

[00:30:11] <Bahamut> it's in the MOTD

[00:30:43] <atmuh> sure but if the whole server (or everyone that speaks up) is ok with it or requests it

[00:30:51] <atmuh> OR IF AN ADMIN STARTS THE CHAIN

[00:30:57] <atmuh> then i do it

[00:31:25] <atmuh> if an admin tells me to stop

[00:31:27] <atmuh> i stop

[00:31:34] <atmuh> pretty easy

[00:31:41] <atmuh> people enjoy it a lot more than dislike it

[00:32:50] <atmuh> but fine if its totally bannable youd better tell brushfire to stop doing that because he does it all the time

[00:33:31] <atmuh> and once again

[00:34:01] <atmuh> a random admin shouldnt be able to hop on and just ban someone outright for something that is bothering literally no one else on the server

[00:34:28] <atmuh> because anyone that disliked it threw on a quick mute and got on with their lives

[00:34:30] <Bahamut> and you shouldn't have been doing that something in the first place

[00:34:43] <atmuh> [00:32:50] <atmuh> but fine if its totally bannable youd better tell brushfire to stop doing that because he does it all the time

[00:34:54] <Bahamut> he has never done it when I was on

[00:35:03] <Bahamut> which means he only must've started after you started that crap

[00:35:04] <atmuh> and have i dont it when you were on?

[00:35:08] <atmuh> wrong

[00:35:21] <atmuh> we both started playing music in tf2 at basically the same time

[00:35:25] <atmuh> he was the one that taught me how

[00:36:21] <Bahamut> how is this relevant to you doing what shouldn't have been done

[00:36:29] <atmuh> [00:34:43] <atmuh> [00:32:50] <atmuh> but fine if its totally bannable youd better tell brushfire to stop doing that because he does it all the time


I've made yet another change to the alltalk setting. I've removed it from the configuration.

That means it'll stay at whatever the last alltalk setting was at on a map change. This also has the side effect of having alltalk off when the server starts.

Admins can change the alltalk setting using the Server Cvars menu option (4, I think).

Reserved slot holders can start an alltalk vote with votealltalk (I think) or in the menu under Voting Commands.


*Sigh* so much banning drama.

I'll take a little of each persons side on this one, most people lately have seemed okay with micspam, it's seriously bothered me sometimes, but then I just use client-side mute and there's no problems. As for using it on OCR, yes brushfire did use it fairly often too, and also other third parties. Maybe there should just be a rule of no micspam with over 6/8 people or something, and if anyone complains you have to stop, of course that just blurs the line more. Many people seem to really enjoy it, which I don't personally understand since I just play my own music outside of TF2, but if they wanna keep doing it it's fine with me, I'll just mute them.

*Sigh* so much banning drama.

I'll take a little of each persons side on this one, most people lately have seemed okay with micspam, it's seriously bothered me sometimes, but then I just use client-side mute and there's no problems. As for using it on OCR, yes brushfire did use it fairly often too, and also other third parties. Maybe there should just be a rule of no micspam with over 6/8 people or something, and if anyone complains you have to stop, of course that just blurs the line more. Many people seem to really enjoy it, which I don't personally understand since I just play my own music outside of TF2, but if they wanna keep doing it it's fine with me, I'll just mute them.

The philosophy behind the No Micspamming rule is that it is easier for the micspammer to not micspam than it is for someone to mute them, and if it's multiple people who have to do so, then it's multiple people's inconvenience compared to one person's wish to micspam, and for a server environment that's designed to be cordial and respectful to others, micspamming is the opposite, especially if someone wants to listen to their own music (i.e. the radio stations or their own playlists).

From what I've gathered, multiple people would put atma on mute, and a good deal were happy with the banning and life went on. Even when I was on a few times before break, those Hakuna Matatas and other micspam bits were getting fairly annoying, and that type of crap would've normally gotten a swift server mute/ban from me.

Edit: Permanent bans are fixed in the server.cfg, but anyone using tempbans should keep in mind that they are lost whenever there is a server restart.

Crappy graphics make me angry, so I'm sorry if I'm a dickwad or trolling for the next couple of weeks.

Gah, I don't see most of my deaths anymore, they just happen. How do people play like this?

Graphics mean nothing in video games. It's all about gameplay. No developers seem to understand this nowadays. Instead they make crappy games with flashy graphics like TF2 instead of quality games like TFC. I don't understand why everyone thinks like this. And noone has given me a counter example.

Graphics mean nothing in video games. It's all about gameplay. No developers seem to understand this nowadays. Instead they make crappy games with flashy graphics like TF2 instead of quality games like TFC. I don't understand why everyone thinks like this. And noone has given me a counter example.


I am lucky that i only have about 20 more days left of shitty tf2.

hopefully I won't get to play on some shitty drama-filler server coming back.


(then again micspam doesnt bother me, muting takes a second if it does, and i'm generally never a stickler for the rules. from what i've read, somebody joining then swiftly banning would probably piss me off to no ends. just my opinion, but i wasn't there, and that was probably a pretty one-sided account)

Graphics mean nothing in video games. It's all about gameplay. No developers seem to understand this nowadays. Instead they make crappy games with flashy graphics like TF2 instead of quality games like TFC. I don't understand why everyone thinks like this. And noone has given me a counter example.

I'm not sure what you mean by a counter example, but it's not true that everyone feels that games need be spiffy looking to be good. Look at the whole retro-revival thing going down with Mega Man 9 and the remake of SF2. There was also that Bionic Commando game that was recently made, but I know nothing about that at all.

Although I think you're post might have been being sarcastic or joking. In that case...please disregard everything I've said in this post (or all of them! I don't say much of anything useful anyways). :-D

I'm not sure what you mean by a counter example, but it's not true that everyone feels that games need be spiffy looking to be good. Look at the whole retro-revival thing going down with Mega Man 9 and the remake of SF2. There was also that Bionic Commando game that was recently made, but I know nothing about that at all.

Although I think you're post might have been being sarcastic or joking. In that case...please disregard everything I've said in this post (or all of them! I don't say much of anything useful anyways). :-D

haha <3 you sensai.

Yeah it was an inside joke from a previous thread(s) on this forum. :<

I'm not sure what you mean by a counter example, but it's not true that everyone feels that games need be spiffy looking to be good. Look at the whole retro-revival thing going down with Mega Man 9 and the remake of SF2. There was also that Bionic Commando game that was recently made, but I know nothing about that at all.

Although I think you're post might have been being sarcastic or joking. In that case...please disregard everything I've said in this post (or all of them! I don't say much of anything useful anyways). :-D

I lol'ed, hehe, out of the loop...:nicework:


I am lucky that i only have about 20 more days left of shitty tf2.

hopefully I won't get to play on some shitty drama-filler server coming back.


(then again micspam doesnt bother me, muting takes a second if it does, and i'm generally never a stickler for the rules. from what i've read, somebody joining then swiftly banning would probably piss me off to no ends. just my opinion, but i wasn't there, and that was probably a pretty one-sided account)

In this case, it was a pretty clear cut abuse of micspamming to the point where a lot of the people on the server would put atma on mute. He claimed that it didn't bother a lot of people, but all I heard was the opposite, which meant that he deliberately lied to me or really was ignorant in order to push his childish wishes for micspamming.

He kept trying to put himself above the rule despite a good deal of complaints from regulars, and if he can't control himself, then he doesn't belong on the server. I even gave him an offer to get unbanned, but he doesn't wish to take responsibility for anything (as witnessed in the PM convo he posted, which doesn't help his cause, especially when I found out that some of what he told me was a bold faced lie). The admins shouldn't be a baby monitoring service catering to every whimsical infraction for a regular :? .



So outta the loop. :-(

And I'm convinced that Black Mesa Source is never going to come out, ever. It's been in production for damn near forever by this point...I think it's a race between it and Duke Nukem Forever.

I think Brushfire owes us some clarification!

Atmuh is my friend and I try to support him as best as I can. Now usually if it gets out of hand I will server mute him. I was getting to that point with nearly constant "OH MY GOOOOOD" sound bite he kept playing but Garian swooped in and banned him without a warning. He may have said stop, I am not sure on that one. This particular instance was indeed annoying alot of folks. IMO though, he did not deserve a banning. Most of the time if you server mute him, he will stop. Oh well.

On the upside, Prototype patch #2 is sketched out.

Lemme know what you think.


Y'ever notice how all the server drama, or at least 95% of it, involves Atmuh?


That's how he roll. OuO

BTW, face and bacon on the headphones is GENIUS.

I don't think you need to have "OCR" after the "Overclocked Remix" text though. Maybe have the website URL somewhere though.

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