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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I play on days I don't work.

Which wasn't this weekend.

Well, thanks to Monday being a state holiday and some confusion over whom was watching my parents dog while they're on vacation, I ended up with a 4-day weekend (Saturday - Tuesday) from work... although I still have one college class on Tuesday.

Well, thanks to Monday being a state holiday and some confusion over whom was watching my parents dog while they're on vacation, I ended up with a 4-day weekend (Saturday - Tuesday) from work... although I still have one college class on Tuesday.

HUZZAH We play tonight then ja?


Whoa, I just noticed when telling Secret Agent Man the new IPs for some servers exactly how close the IPs for OCR and Spengboob are... they're in the same /24 block... meaning the first three octets are the same.




This is the current list of Patch recipiants. If your name isn't on there and you want one, they are free, and I need to know because once the 50 are gone, no more patch forever.



Bahamut (At least I think he said he wanted one)


Atmuh - Doesn't want one, but I think it would piss him off more to get one.






Triad Orion






Le Optik.



Depo 007



After my steam decided to poop out, I tried to search for that mp3 brush. If anyone here was there that night, someone played micspam of a reading of batman begins, summurized, and comedy style. Brush said it was called Batman Begins Begun. Anyone got this?

This is the current list of Patch recipiants. If your name isn't on there and you want one, they are free, and I need to know because once the 50 are gone, no more patch forever.

Not sure if you missed me asking for one or simply forgot to put my name on the list but I'll say I want one again just in case.


Incidentally, is there an easier way to browse through my mountain of TF2 screen shots (*.tga files) without having to open each one individually in GIMP?

Yes, there is a program called, "Easy Graphic Converter".


I use this program and it's very nice. It's fast and has a simple, clean interface. You can change the quality settings too. The file and website are both safe.


So I won't be playing TF2 or L4D in several days, probably more like weeks.

My computer fatally crashed on Fagtration server and hasn't recovered. I'm guessing the mic spam blew out my graphics card or something. Anyway, I have to get my computer diagnosed and repaired until I can play again. MISS YOU!! <3


I made a few minor changes to try to eliminate the weird map load time that pops up sometimes between maps (everyone times out while waiting for the server to load the next map). We'll see if it fixes (or at least reduces) the problem.

What is this crazy patch thing I'm hearing about?

The Unlicensed Officially Unofficial Clan OCR Team Fortress 2 Patch for Jacket or Shirt Type Play, or the TUOUCOCRTF2P4JSTP for short, is a community effort funded by the Foundation of Brushfire's Nerd Jacket, to bring a Clan OCR/TF2 themed patch into exsistance.

This is the current build, and a real life prototype is in the works.



Secret agent man: Unbind F5 from screenshot, bind it to "jpeg" instead. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. I have it like this, saves them as jpegs instead.

I'm guessing the mic spam blew out my graphics card or something.

if everyone here hates micspam so much why dont you just

you know

not go to the server

find a different one

is it that hard


OMG take me literally, please. My fagtration reference didn't give it away?

If I didn't like mic spam even a little, I wouldn't have been in the server in the first place. I think mic spam can be really funny if done correctly.

While it is true that my computer died while on the server, I severely doubt the micspam caused the fatal error. Especially to my graphics card. :roll:

(P.S.: compy is in the shop now. I should get the diagnosis tomorrow.)

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