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I need to finalize travel plans, which will hopefully be done by the end of the week. We want to visit Philadelphia to see both my old house and the liberty bell / independence hall tour...but don't know if it'd be easier to do that before or after MAGFest. It's 13 hours to DC by car from home, and 14 to Philly. It'd also be nice to visit the Baltimore aquarium while we're in the area.

Anyway, it's basically set that we need to be in DC on the 30th to spend time with Addie's relatives in the area before heading to the hotel on the 31st. That also ensures that we won't be too tired from travel to party on New Year's. We will probably leave Illinois on the 29th.

Before planning it out with anyone else, I'm thinking my best bet is to drive the longer distance to PA on the 29th, visit Independence Hall on the morning of the 30th, eat an early lunch (wherever I can get a good cheesesteak...gotta ask andy :P), and meet the relatives from DC at the aquarium in the afternoon.

Now, the reason for me making this post: People from the EC area -- does this travel plan seem reasonable, assuming that we can do the 14 hour drive? Let me know if it'd be smarter to visit Philadelphia on the way back home to Minneapolis (my house) instead of driving there straight from southern Illinois (the parents place, where we'll be spending a few days post-Christmas).

Finally, does everyone coming in from an airport have a ride to the hotel? I'll have my car and don't mind picking a couple people up if need be -- especially you crazy international people who are really shelling out the cash to attend. :P


Hey all.

Benzo and I are trying to carpool since we're both in Pittsburgh, but I'll be down there for New Year's Eve and he doesn't know if he'll be yet. We'll hopefully work something out.

But more importantly, I'm still looking to secure a room/floorspace and --this just in--I'll likely have a guest with me for the weekend (Friday night-Sunday).

--And it's a GIRL!

Can anyone accommodate us?

Hey all.

Benzo and I are trying to carpool since we're both in Pittsburgh, but I'll be down there for New Year's Eve and he doesn't know if he'll be yet. We'll hopefully work something out.

But more importantly, I'm still looking to secure a room/floorspace and --this just in--I'll likely have a guest with me for the weekend (Friday night-Sunday).

--And it's a GIRL!

Can anyone accommodate us?


We can't have a girl at MAGfest. The world will asplode!


We can't have a girl at MAGfest. The world will asplode!

I'm a girl. I'm going to MAGfest. World's still here.

Q-pa - Me and Cerrax are from Pittsburgh too and we're driving over together, but I don't know when yet, depending on whether or not Cerrax has New Years Eve off of work. I PM'ed Benzo awhile ago, but if he still needs a ride, we have room in our car too. :-)


Well, I'm now planning on going to the New Years Eve thing too, whatever that ends up being.

Has anything been settled with that yet? I haven't heard anything since I first posted. KF

*I*, will be the the one, to bring about, your, demise...

(ie. I'm going to MAG but need a room :3 )

((speaking of which, I should probably start working on a new fake-CD))

Hell yeah Will! Glad to see you could make it, man. Bebop tunes will be played son. I gots work to do now.

*I*, will be the the one, to bring about, your, demise...

(ie. I'm going to MAG but need a room :3 )

Sweet! Maybe we can do some crazy, messed-up jamming after all!

(it was you who proposed that, right...?)

Edit: Sorry can't help you on the room; still looking for one myself.

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