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Hell, the only three interesting sports to even watch are American football, football and hockey.

Don't lie; Hockey is boring as hell and American Football is 2 minutes of play followed by 30 of time outs.

You also don't watch enough sports obviously.


Wow... Fencing is interesting thus far. Hannah Thompson just got brutally owned by Germany's girl Carolin with 5-13. She was coming back towards the end, but in the end she was outplayed. That German girl can scream loud as hell though...

Fun times. Go Germany!


How is Phelps doing anyways? I was watching the Olympics a bit, and saw him break the record for... mens 400m swimming? IDK, it was whatever the first medal he won was. I remember it said he had a shot at 8 golds, which would break the records for the number of golds in one olympics and I'm curious to see if he'll do it.

How is Phelps doing anyways? I was watching the Olympics a bit, and saw him break the record for... mens 400m swimming? IDK, it was whatever the first medal he won was. I remember it said he had a shot at 8 golds, which would break the records for the number of golds in one olympics and I'm curious to see if he'll do it.

He's 2 for 2 so far. He already gold medaled the two toughest events he had to swim and is favored for the final 6 events he's in. Pretty cool.


That swimming relay race was crazy. It literally came down to the length of a hand. Nice touch for the second black swimmer ever on the US team to win too. Nice touch from the broadcast showing the French team talking crap about the US team beforehand.

I think most up-for-the-medal competitions are pretty good. Most of them do come pretty close in the end. I hope they do a better job of announcing which events have the medal on the line at the end of a specific competition.


I never watch gymnastics, but watching them in the olympics has been twisting my stomach into knots. It has made me remember for the first time in a while why I quit so long ago: I was scared out of my mind. I had been doing it since I was 5, but it was only a month or two after our coach started teaching us front giants when I split. What a wuss...


SHIT. Talk about pressure. Good fucking job Artemev. Good on the USA gymnastics team to get a medal. There were so many good performances out of USA. Also, China was just mindblowing.

On another note can you imagine how it must feel to be one of the swimmers left in the wake of Michael Phelps in the 200m Butterfly, knowing he just swam a gold medal race an hour ago? I'd feel sick to my stomach.


Man, the US mens gymnastics teams were a whole bunch of cocky pricks. Man they pissed me off! They were cheering and saying "U-S-A" like they'd won gold. For crying out loud, even the chinese were humble in winning their Gold and we have our noob gymnists acting like retards with way too much camera time. Geez.

Seriously, I can handle a little bit of national pride and happiness when you've won but they got a freakin' bronze and were making a bigger ruckus than the gold and silver medalists combined.


The Chinese mens gymnastics team was freakin' incredible. I've never really been a fan of gynastics but damn, some of that stuff they did was crazy!!


I ended up watching a bit of the Women's Judo matches last night.

Now, I don't mean to be presumptuous here but ... well, I'm a giant hulking male, fairly powerful and able to overpower most opponents by strength. That said, it's beyond me why in most of the judo rounds, both women seemed to be trying to overpower each other rather than throw each other. Against someone of equal bulk, there's little point that I can discern in trying to overpower them, as at best we'll both get tired and at worst, I'll have severely underestimated their strength.

Can any explain this to me?

Also, I was impressed that the little Italian girl got her arm almost torn off and handed to her, and then continued the match.

Man, the US mens gymnastics teams were a whole bunch of cocky pricks. Man they pissed me off! They were cheering and saying "U-S-A" like they'd won gold. For crying out loud, even the chinese were humble in winning their Gold and we have our noob gymnists acting like retards with way too much camera time. Geez.

Seriously, I can handle a little bit of national pride and happiness when you've won but they got a freakin' bronze and were making a bigger ruckus than the gold and silver medalists combined.


The Chinese mens gymnastics team was freakin' incredible. I've never really been a fan of gynastics but damn, some of that stuff they did was crazy!!

But why the heck wouldn't the USA team try to psyche up? They lost two of the Gold-medal allstars in the Hamm brothers and they did squeak by with a few heroic attempts and eventually got Bronze. With all the talent they've lost, you'd think they would have no chance but they hung in there.

I ended up watching a bit of the Women's Judo matches last night.

Now, I don't mean to be presumptuous here but ... well, I'm a giant hulking male, fairly powerful and able to overpower most opponents by strength. That said, it's beyond me why in most of the judo rounds, both women seemed to be trying to overpower each other rather than throw each other. Against someone of equal bulk, there's little point that I can discern in trying to overpower them, as at best we'll both get tired and at worst, I'll have severely underestimated their strength.

Can any explain this to me?

Also, I was impressed that the little Italian girl got her arm almost torn off and handed to her, and then continued the match.

Isn't that because simply throwing someone alone isn't equatable to a Judo technique? Also, they keep grappling that gi suit, so they tend to get tangled a lot.


In order to get someone down, you either force them down or throw them down. Once they're down, you effect a pin. Granted, it's easier if they're tired, but not if you're tired as well. Furthermore, some of the best pins (and throws) can be effected by the tangling effect of grabbing a gi (either on the attacking or defending).

In order to get someone down, you either force them down or throw them down. Once they're down, you effect a pin. Granted, it's easier if they're tired, but not if you're tired as well. Furthermore, some of the best pins (and throws) can be effected by the tangling effect of grabbing a gi (either on the attacking or defending).

Or you know... neither opponents could have thrown one another down and settled with strength alone ala arm wrestling..? :)!!

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