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DS knows his SW lore.

I read tons of those books back when I was in high school. I never really got to the graphic novels till years later, and I'd have to reread all of that stuff to know what DS is talking about. I guess I really remember Luke opening the Jedi acadamy on Yavin 4, the Dark Jedi spirit trying to take over the minds of several of the kids, that extending lightsaber, the Sun Crusher...awesome.

It really would be fascinating to see some of those books in the movies or even on TV, but...ya know it's never gonna happen, and if it does, it'd probably suck in some way.

  amarriedmegaphone said:
DS knows his SW lore.

I read tons of those books back when I was in high school. I never really got to the graphic novels till years later, and I'd have to reread all of that stuff to know what DS is talking about. I guess I really remember Luke opening the Jedi acadamy on Yavin 4, the Dark Jedi spirit trying to take over the minds of several of the kids, that extending lightsaber, the Sun Crusher...awesome.

It really would be fascinating to see some of those books in the movies or even on TV, but...ya know it's never gonna happen, and if it does, it'd probably suck in some way.

KJA's books were terrible but I loved them. :D

Best villains will always be Thrawn and Exar Kun.

  DarkeSword said:
That's all incorrect. It takes place between Episodes 3 and 4, aka the Dark Times era. The Live Action TV series is not going to deal with Jedi stories; it's going to be about rogues and thieves and crime lords. More Han Solo, less Luke Skywalker.

You're not gonna see Mara Jade; she's gonna be what, 4 years old? Younger? Likewise with Thrawn; he was on the edge of Chiss space during all that building up the Empire of the Hand. Xizor maybe, but honestly, Lucas rarely takes anything from the EU; in fact I think the only two things he's ever used from the EU are Coruscant and Aayla Secura.

Boba Fett escaping the Sarlacc is a story that's already been done years ago in Tales of the Bounty Hunters; plus it happens after Return of the Jedi; there's no way it's going to be featured in the TV series.

Really? I first heard about the live show after Celebration III, and the people I talked to were hyped that the Boba episode (which I am well aware was already done in TotBH) was to be one of the earlier stories covered. The way it seemed to be played up was reminiscent of how Lucas did the Young Indiana Jones series with subjects ranging from post Episode III all the way into the late EU.

That's too bad they won't be doing post/mid original trilogy material; there's some fun stuff that could be covered without using the original human cast. I guess the info I've been going on all this time was overhyped. At least Boba taking up his father's trade is something they could do.

That's too bad they won't be doing post/mid original trilogy material; there's some fun stuff that could be covered without using the original human cast. I guess the info I've been going on all this time was overhyped. At least Boba taking up his father's trade is something they could do.

That's the Boba Fett stuff that's going to be covered, not post-RotJ stuff. Lucas already said that he's not going to do anything post-RotJ because it's all covered in the novels and stuff.

Practically the entire EU was in the post-RotJ once upon a time except for like...Tales of the Jedi.

  anne amère said:
all of the star wars movies are bad lol

the only reason people like them is the same reason people like the dkc series


time to grow up babies

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Most modern sci fi movies still doesn't live up to the original Star Wars trilogy and neither does most movies come close to some of the best Trek movies.

And DKC series is still one of the most fun platformers I've played. Just to prove the point to myself, I'm replaying DKC2 right now. Way more fun than anything Sega or Nintendo put together in the last decade or so.


Anything that relies simply on nostalgia dies out rather than grows. If Star Wars relied solely on Nostalgia, it would be a slowly dying series with no renewed appeal.

To give a game example, I like Actraiser II and Iron Sword because of nostalgia. I like Zelda, Dungeon Keeper and Resident Evil because they were awesome. As to Lands of Lore, I'm not sure whether it's nostalgia or the game being awesome.

The thing about Star Wars is the slow take-over of the series by it's fans. The only real problem I see with the series is the proliferation of Jedi. I want to see a non-Jedi protagonist use strategy and planning to take down Jedi. Kind of like the idea in "Forced Unleashed" except that it's a hapless imperial rim-world agent with no force powers, incompetent underlings and poor resources tasked with hunting down a deadly Jedi.

  anne amère said:
all of the star wars movies are bad lol

the only reason people like them is the same reason people like the dkc series


time to grow up babies

So, you really think the DK series has ANYTHING to do with Star Wars? Beyond using it as an analogy?

Yeah, Nostalgia...


Try saying that to all those people on that, I'm sure they'll enjoy it....


I feel that it is oddly appropriate that my return to OCR be marked with a post about Star Wars (my next biggest geek-ism after videogames.)

I have seen this movie and as a huge SW fan, I was severely disappointed. I was still willing to watch it even when everyone else told me not to, but I see now why they told me that. I realize that it was aimed more at kids than the teen/young adult demographic that the other movies (and certainly the EU) appear to have been aimed at. That having been said:

If I never hear Ahsoka again, it will be too soon. Anakin seemed to be markedly less mature than he ought to have been for the time frame of the movie. The plot was thin, but I could deal with it. The whole referring to the Hutt "clan" struck a nerve with me; doesn't everyone who knows SW know that the entirety of the Hutt race is split up by clans called kajidics? The music didn't feel right; I can't place my finger on it, but it felt like there was too much of it. The style was not that big an issue for me, I read the books and play the videogames, so the live-action movies aren't my only source of Star Wars. Besides the oddness of Anakin getting a padawan so quickly, it causes problems with continuity and canon; why was there such an issue of him being made a master if he already WAS? And what's with the dialogue?

That's all I can come up with off the top of my head. While I don't feel like SW has jumped the shark, this was so sub-par as far as quality, somebody ought to be sacked for this movie. I like to quote Film.com writer Eric D. Snider when I talk about this movie: "Remember how people talked about the Star Wars prequels like they were the worst movies ever made, when really, come on, they weren't THAT bad? The Clone Wars actually IS that bad."


Fair enough. I guess the difference was that I went in with low expectation on a whole, but high hopes that they'd get the whole saturday morning cartoon thing down.

Everyone is right in saying that it didn't really feel like a real Star Wars movie. It felt more like a pilot episode for a Star Wars cartoon (which is exactly what it was). I guess the difference is that I went in with different expectations. That, and I actually LIKE shows aimed at a kid demographic. But that's just me. Point is, I can understand why a lot of people were disappointed... though you've at least gotta admit that Jabba's gay uncle was a pretty amusing concept.

And I didn't know that about Hutts. I don't get into the Expanded Universe very often outside of video games.

  Hector said:
The thing about Star Wars is the slow take-over of the series by it's fans. The only real problem I see with the series is the proliferation of Jedi. I want to see a non-Jedi protagonist use strategy and planning to take down Jedi. Kind of like the idea in "Forced Unleashed" except that it's a hapless imperial rim-world agent with no force powers, incompetent underlings and poor resources tasked with hunting down a deadly Jedi.

You make a very good point. It's actually a bit like the Matrix trilogy in that way. It was really exciting and full of mystery and wonder, until they go and turn the protagonists into nigh-unstoppable combat mosters and explain away all of the mystery with some boring Hollywood pseudo-science. Star Wars (and the matrix for that matter) were... and would still be much more entertaining with more flawed beatable heroes. Kinda like how 24 started to get boring once you realized nothing bad was ever going to happen to Jack Bauer.

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