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  • 1 month later...

w0w thank you for the replies! i havent checked this in a while!!!

I am planning on redoing the song with better vocalss and such, but i never knew of any song called "long distance" .. ill have to check that out, cause i have owned pray and love will grow for years...

i guarantee its coincedence, after all theyre both based on the same arrangement right???

malevolence, i have a site here: http://silent.sectionz.com, although sectionz doesnt work for many...

i also have one here:



I guess a big thing that many of us want to see are the tabs for the opening acoustic guitar... At least I know I want to see them... :)

If it's possible, could you post the tabs somewhere?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I must respectfully disagree with the multitude of positive reviews I've seen. While I respect the innovation and originality that went into crafting this remix, in the end, it is brought down by pretentious lyrics and a simply bad performance.

I was once told by a coach "People notice when you pick songs that are too hard for you, not too easy." I'm most certainly not a vocal snob, but the vocal performance here is an example of purely poor singing. A good grunge or rock voice would have been right at home with the material. Instead, there's out-of-tune, out-of-quality stuff that permeates the piece almost the entire way through. It sounds like this kid thinks that he's a whole lot better than he is, and he feels that subjecting us to his angstful screaming is somehow acceptable.

He knows what style he wants to imitate, but great performances in this genre never deviate from the basics of singing. Kurt Cobain had the hallmark voice of the style, and yet, despite his unique vocal quality, always sang a clear, tuned melody. Never has an instance of a pretender or imitator been so obvious as here, where the artist completely misses the mark. Out-of-tune, stilted low-quality singing is never acceptable, to think that it is in this style of rock is to demean the great musicians who perform it, and this remixer merely contributes to the idea that modern rock is more noise than music. The last thing you want to think while listening to a remix is "I can do better," and in the end, listening to it is painful enough that I want to re-record it with a decent vocal track. Either that or listen to "Little Mac's Confession" to remind myself that some of the remixers here DO know how to sing.

The final word, of course, is that I will not download another remix from this artist, if he ever produces more. I understand that this is a very negative review, but I have tried to refrain from being mean for the sake of being mean. I've also clearly explained my opinions. This is as nice as I can be while still being honest, so anything else would be a compromise. I'm hoping that this policy is just to keep things civil, because a review site without honest negative reviews is no review site at all.


I had mixed feelings about this mix at first, but it's grown on me since. First, the guitar work is SWEET. Second, my main gripe, which was the lyrics (a bold choice for OCR), are actually somewhat well done in that they are just cliche enough to fit, but not so cliche that they put you to sleep. I've grown to appreciate the corniness, and instead just love to listen to this well-executed rock ballad. Good stuff.

  • 4 weeks later...
I must respectfully disagree with the multitude of positive reviews I've seen. While I respect the innovation and originality that went into crafting this remix, in the end, it is brought down by pretentious lyrics and a simply bad performance.

I was once told by a coach "People notice when you pick songs that are too hard for you, not too easy." I'm most certainly not a vocal snob, but the vocal performance here is an example of purely poor singing. A good grunge or rock voice would have been right at home with the material. Instead, there's out-of-tune, out-of-quality stuff that permeates the piece almost the entire way through. It sounds like this kid thinks that he's a whole lot better than he is, and he feels that subjecting us to his angstful screaming is somehow acceptable.

He knows what style he wants to imitate, but great performances in this genre never deviate from the basics of singing. Kurt Cobain had the hallmark voice of the style, and yet, despite his unique vocal quality, always sang a clear, tuned melody. Never has an instance of a pretender or imitator been so obvious as here, where the artist completely misses the mark. Out-of-tune, stilted low-quality singing is never acceptable, to think that it is in this style of rock is to demean the great musicians who perform it, and this remixer merely contributes to the idea that modern rock is more noise than music. The last thing you want to think while listening to a remix is "I can do better," and in the end, listening to it is painful enough that I want to re-record it with a decent vocal track. Either that or listen to "Little Mac's Confession" to remind myself that some of the remixers here DO know how to sing.

The final word, of course, is that I will not download another remix from this artist, if he ever produces more. I understand that this is a very negative review, but I have tried to refrain from being mean for the sake of being mean. I've also clearly explained my opinions. This is as nice as I can be while still being honest, so anything else would be a compromise. I'm hoping that this policy is just to keep things civil, because a review site without honest negative reviews is no review site at all.

actually, you are definetly right about there being out of tune vocals. This mix was completed in 2001. thats almost 4 years from now, in the past. I have certainly been growing more of an ear, and more of a voice, for staying in tune. I never wanted to use autotune, and wanted my music to be as pure as it could be.

however, i find your review not only to be negative, but to be lacking true constructive comments. you seem to just be posting to "balance out" the many good reviews i've gotten from people who dont notice or seem to mind the out of tune singing.

im sorry if this is innacurate, but that is just what it seems like.

regardless, i thank you for your bits of criticism, but i assure you that i have improved much since then.

proof will be shown soon enough....

Okay, maybe worst musician to ever live was an exaggeration, but I still don't see what was so great about him. I liked the Nevermind album, but I can't stand most everything else they did.

But this thread isn't about Nirvana, so just ignore this, I don't want this guy's remix review to turn into pages of flames and discussion about Kurt Cobain.

actually, nirvana was my favorite band for a number of years; since i started doing music. That may explain alot :roll:8O:idea:

he did do alot of things that were undoable imo... some of the chord progressions he wrote melodies for are astounding, and, i think he KNEW (unlike me) when he was out of tune singing wise, but did it on purpose, or was just lazy. perhaps not a great musician, but i look at him as more of a songwriter.

  • 3 weeks later...

I had to register to this forum just to tell you that this definitely is one of the best songs i've heard and it's easily the best remix here on OC remix. I want the tabs to this song so much! Please give them to us! :roll:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Dude, I can see you really have worked hard for this one, eh? I mean, it´s one thing sitting in front of the computer and remix something and a completely other thing to record every single tune in the whole remix and THEN remix in front of the computer. Very much skills also to play this good, and then have the courage to write lyrics to it. You have a good voice, so that should have needed less courage, but at 6:30 it was a little too much for it. Overall, great song with nice guitar through the whole thing, and some great vocals to put some higher class to it. Definitly worth a download, as I said in the beginning, this took surely alot of work.

Great job, silent-dude.

  • 3 weeks later...

While I can't compete with the laid complement, I will say that I was extremely impressed with your work. I came looking for a remix using the FF4 main theme...frankly, because I love it. To find your song,just randomly, is like stumbling over a golden toilet in your yard. You don't question why its there, you just take it inside and ponder it with glee.

The *only* thing that keeps this from being an instant favorite is that some of the vocals are a bit off, as others have mentioned. I *Very Much* look forward to an updated version with improved vocals. One of my favorite remixes is FF6's Terra's Theme with vocals, and I'm sure that this can be one of the best OCRemixes ever.

Now...to the reason I registered in the first place. Did you find tabs somewhere for the FF4 main theme? I will be simply awestruck if you tell me you came up with all that yourself. But, if you did, could you hook us up with tabs? For that, I might send you one of those fabled golden toilets...

  • 2 months later...

my brother sent me this song about a year ago. we absolutely love it...

registering on these forums just to tell you this is one of my favorite songs. <3

  • 1 month later...

i like this song a very lot. The melody and the first lyrics stick with me throughout the day, and I can't stop listening to it. The lyrics themselves are well written and well-sung, though there are a few parts that raised an eye-brow. I was very impressed. Needless to say, I've also listened to the Ninja Gaiden ReMix by silent, which is also great, and you should check out if you haven't yet. Still waiting for more with baited breath, silent. Help a brother out.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi Silent, I wanted to take this opportunity to send you a message of thanks, this track touches me like no other song I could ever possibly think of, which would probably not be the case had I not grown up hearing the Over-World Music for Final Fantasy IV over and over and over again probably like literally 4,700 times lol, so much so that it has been engrained in my heart and soul so when I hear any song from Final Fantasy, I get tingles and chills all over my body whenever I hear the actual music from the game. You took it to an awesome level. The pre-vocal, the actual vocal, and the post-vocals were so superb, I mean I truly felt emotions with this song, and really good music like this is no joke good for therapy as the soul is being cleansed when you hear tunes and notes and melodys and percussion that you like. Anyway my e-mail address is Muzic.Soul.Worldly@gmail.com and would love for you to e-mail me sometime, and let me know if you have a name on Yahoo! / AOL / AIM we could chat on sometime, and defintiely talk about about the Final Fantasy games and music. Take care man, thanks.. :)

hello, and thank you so much dj pretzel for posting my song. as well as your candid review..

I am now doing a new version of this song, better mixed and better vocals (hopefully). I also have other plans for VG remixes, as well as some tidbits....

Ahh yes, the vocals. They start out fine, but at 5:30 it makes me wanna cry it's so off-key.

yes, indeed.. well, you see, not to make excuses, but I am a first take junkie, in the style of kurt cobain and neil young, and I have a problem with DOING THINGS OVER!! lol so, hopefully this as well as the unobstrusive (what does this mean anyway ;) ) musicianship will be solved. I am not a perfectionist, but I really do appreciate criticizm as i will really help me.

The lyrics were never meant to paralell the story of cecil the dark knight... it is certainly something i am going through.. but i realized later, thru the help of my friend, that these lyrics are very much like his plight in the game...

I would appreciate more criticism, and thank you kamikaze noodle, for yours :)

  • 4 months later...

The lyrics for this mix were beautifully written and the performance on guitar was superb. However, I have to say that the vocals are more than a bit painful throughout the majority of this remix. Nevertheless, I think silent actually has a decent voice. I think he simply needed to fine tune his vocals a little more for the recording of this piece.

  • 1 year later...

This is by far one of the best guitar songs I have heard on OCRemix, right up there with Cataclysmic Clash (from Megaman 3). The vocals are fine - I know a few ppl who don't like that sort of thing, but, like everybody else on here says, I'd like to see those ppl try to sing this!!!

5/5, awesome remix! :D


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