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FAC - VOTE NOW Fan Art Competition 17: Mecha

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Well now that they're both banned, this doesn't apply to them. But to anyone who's still capable of voting: Behold, the scale of Mechyness!

10% mech ----


30% ----


70% ----



80% ----


100% mech ----


So although my Varia and/or Gravity Suit drawing is not as mechy as Magitech Armor, it's still up to 300% mechier than the suit from Metroid Prime! Actually I don't really care if I don't get many votes again, I just wanted to post mecha things because they're cool (especially the ones in the deviant art links)


Anyone can vote. 9 hours left.

Thank you to everyone who's already voted. :wink:

I'll only be getting the Results up at around 1am EST, so don't freak out if you don't know by midnight. :|


What in the hell. I leave for four days to work in Culpepper and the internet drama button gets hammered on.

Man, fuck.

Bonzai, it's so wierd... I was doing pretty much the same thing! Although, computer coloring or no, yours would have been way better than mine, anyway. Instant favorite, man.

...shake shake...

Tell us, then get a mod to edit the first post?

lol, I was just waiting to see if anyone was following.

as atmuh would say:


and the winner is BONZAI!

Total votes: 14


cobaltstarfire 5

Faulken 4

friendlyHunter 6

Ninja-san 4

Rambo 4

Rawk Hawk 4

relyanCe 13

Sindra 9

Vilecat 6

bonzai! 25

ferret 4

Thank you everyone who voted, and even more, everyone who entered! Excellent jobs, I'm glad to see this compo start to get some lovin'.

Bonzai has chosen the next theme to be SIDEKICKS! Soooo... time to bring your favorite underrated companions into the limelight.

I'll have the first post edited. Whoever is interested in continuing this FAC, say so in this thread and agree upon who'll do it, and then start a new thread for Fan Art Competition 18: Sidekicks. Use atmuh's old posts as a reference template.

If noone's interested, I'll do it, but I'm not an every day frequenter so it would be ideal for someone else to manage. Yaaaar.


2-way tie for fourth... It's the best I've done in... MONTHS! =D

And that's the first 5-way tie for sixth we've seen in... at least a month!

Anyway, congrats! I thought Terra's somewhat imp-like appearance was pretty cool (and naturally you got my #1 vote :)!!)

Is it too early to start listing sidekicks in this thread? If we don't start brainstorming soon, we'll end up with 12 pics of Luigi and Yoshi... and Geno. ...Not that there's anything wrong with that ^_^

....Can we do villains' sidekicks as well?

And that's the first 5-way tie for sixth we've seen in... at least a month!
Hell... up until recently, we didn't even have enough people to fill 6 positions.
we'll end up with 12 pics of Luigi and Yoshi... and Geno.
I will fully support this notion.
....Can we do villains' sidekicks as well?
I'd say, ask bonzai! or vote amongst yourselves, since bonzai! allegedly hates making decisions.

I vote Bleck takes it over. He hangs around this place enough. O.o

I would, but with school like it is, there's no guarantee I'd be able to stay on top of dates. Tried that before with a Castlevania fanclub and it hasn't been working out.


dangit bonzai, I had this one clinched till i saw urs!!! >.<

very :nicework: this month everyone!

I might be able to take it over since I don't have a very intensive schedule till spring, but I'm still kind of a new member.


well, if you need someone that hangs around a lot, I could do it.

Pretty much all setup has been done already and there's a spreadsheet for calculating points, right?

Plus, I have very little chance of actually contributing art, but I guess that's more of an flmc issue than fac.


[13:55] <atmuh> bleck post in the fanart thread that you are taking it over because i said so so people can stop saying they wanna do it

[13:55] <atmuh> just copypaste that line i guess

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