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haha, Wingy you iz 2 funny. This song was one of my favorites by you, and got me interested in checking out all your other music. It has been a wonderful musical trip listening to your works, my only request now is that you give us s'more. Without you(r music) we are lost - We are without wings!



This piece is brilliant. Not a particularly easy track to remix, the first part, "Flying Over Corneria." I love the sci-fi voice cuts here. Enable all systems. Set weapons to prime. Indeed.

The second piece remains my favorite part. A drifting quality has been added in alongside the pop style of the mix, and together the two work wonders reminiscent of One Girl in All the World, or was it All the World in a Girl? I can never keep the two seperated... hold up.

It's the All the World in One Girl, also by the WIngless. I hear a lot of that piece in here, and it works really nicely, adding an almost sad quality to the piece.

Anyways, good work WIngless, one of your best. Keep this up and I'm sure your wings will return.


pHaT b33tz!
I enjoy spam.

Can the wingless djp?

hawt song.

Strings=awkward, but not as glaring as your earlier work.

piano in second part should be louder.

beepy crap at the beginning is a great intro, but it shoulda been brought down just a little bit volume-wise after a little.

I just got a nasty urge to add a randomly selected dj shadow drumloop to the song and email it to you.

not gonna happen.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

GREAT REMIX! I loved it the second I heard it. I've always loved the wingless' tunes, and I think he's working on a remix request for me at the moment. He did a perfect build-up, and he's a fricken genius....just visit his site :wink:

  • 4 weeks later...

I love this piece through and through, and could listen to it over and over again, even though I like to max out every icrement of volume I have. It's literally orgasm for my ears... The opening checklist is probably the best lead-in I have ever heard, and once it got to 1:16... And then once it started up again at 1:44... People think I'm comatose during those 42 seconds of pure mind-bending orgasm, and I mean that in a good way!

  • 11 months later...

I really love this remix! The first time I heard the original Corneria song I thought that was one of the coolest songs ever so I went looking for a remix here and found this, and I must say, it's truly just what I was searching for! The opening sequence with the voices is awesome. Makes me feel like I'm watching an Arwing about to take off. I was a tad disappointed that the second half didn't have quite as much energy as the beginning, but it's quite beautiful. This is a really awesome remix of a really awesome song. Two thumbs up! :D


I don't wanna keep chewing on an old bone, but I'd like to ask 2 things.

1. Since I read this thread semi-thoroughly and even though Wingless was very kind to post what the pre-launch sequence had said, I'm still confused about it. What source did the pre-launch sequence come from? Was it transplanted from the N64 game(since it had understandable voice clips and not meaningless mumbles like the first game had), or created from scratch just for this song? Side note: the first game did indeed have one clip that you could understand at the "scramble" screen as I recall. I can't remember what it said though....

2. Is it possible to get that pre-launch sequence just by itself? I feel it might make an excelent addition to my rig's windows startup sequence.

Either way, it's a very good intro to an outstanding remix. I won't go into any further detail than that, because I'd just be repeating what everyone else has been saying..... at least those on the positive side of this song.

I'll just drop my personal tastes right here, since I don't post much. The following can be safely ignored, and free you of any potental drain bamage. :lol:

[start semi-ignorant ranting]

And a P.S. to all those who despise fadeouts: There are times that come when a fadeout is the only way to properly end a song, especially if the end of the song slowly winds down like this song does. This especially is true when you come across songs that can, or were made, to loop on forever without ever pausing or breaking, as seen with videogame music. Or where it's slow and would rather trail off. I personaly favor fadeouts to sudden stops... but ONLY if the sudden stop would not work. I really get miffed when a song ends and leaves you thinking; "Huh? That's it? What's up with the cliffhanger?" But some people just seem to like those too.... but at least sometimes there is some consolation of the "residual reverb".

[end semi-ignorant ranting]

  • 2 years later...

The extended buildup and the following explosion make the song. Chills at 1:15. Every time. The rest is gravy.

In the parallel universe where I am not colorblind, this remix plays in my mind every time I, in training, fire up my Talon. The pre-combat tension, along with the hectic, blood-pumping, ephemeral nature of the dogfight itself, is captured perfectly, to my ears at least. Sure, I wish the Corneria portion was longer, but what you did here Wingless fits perfectly with how I would envision aerial combat. Then the comparative serenity and reflectiveness in the aftermath... yes. If only you could make a cut-and-dry distinction between good and evil forces and fight on the side of good. But nevermind the impossibility; this piece takes me there.

  • 1 year later...

All I got to say about this track is if someone gets the idea to film a Star Fox flick, it better be good. And if this song is not in the trailer or the opening credits, i'm throwing my popcorn already. great work on this, it's my absolute favorite song from my absolute favorite series :D

  • 5 months later...

A shout out to The wingless:

For a long time you've been one of my favorite ReMixers on this site. You have always been at the top of your game, my friend. Hearing this was just what I needed today. Completely moving. Completely epic. I can't wait to fire up my catalog of your other tracks that I have on my computer and can't wait to see another post of yours soon.

  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00996 - Star Fox "Godspeed"
  • 6 years later...

Arwings primed and ready!

If you want your floating, ethereal, transporting ivory tinkling that The Wingless is known for...you're not going to find it here; at least not as the main focus. This one is different. djp said that this one doesn't really feel like The Wingless, and he's right. With the wonder of hindsight, though, this ReMix feels like an electronic experimentation with, preparation for, and promise of the Girl/World duo that would come out later in 2003.

And yet, despite its strangeness, I still get that Wingless chill down my spine at its opening. Yes, it's two computer voices talking to one another and perhaps it feels a bit drawn out, but that's not a real minus. It sets up the universe of the ReMix nicely, and once the Arwings are launched...there is The Wingless piano, playing the triumphant theme but not with any bombast; with modest understatement instead.

It's not peak, it's not even classic, but it's mighty fine. Give this one a barrel roll... er, whirl.

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