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The Slice-net. Kinda like the one used by the Predator in AVP, except instead of it just being used on a single target, you could use it to slice through as many targets as you have room for by adjusting the length of the cables. It would launch six gravity-defying metal orbs outwards with three orbs on each side holding three different cables. Basically a giant egg slicer.

the magical ability to make anything you pelvic thrust at explode

oh wait that's in GoldenEye 64 and it's called 'Tank'

I always thought of 'Tank' as MIND BULLETS!



Back in the Descent days I loved the Guided missile so much. I had an idea to expand upon it.

The Guided missile is exactly what t sounds likes; it a missile you guide with your controls. I wanted to have it leave a white trail behind it. If another player (or yourself, of course) touched that trail, both the trail and the missile would explode, damaging anything near-by. It was far more suited as a deterrent for going somewhere than attacking, and the setup to use it would require that you have both ample time and a safe place to fire it off... but I think it could have been fun for at least a few levels.


Le pointy stick. No. Actually what I have in mind is a special staff that can absorb or reflect bullets made up of certain energy types and fire them back. Only a certain number of course. Otherwise it would be cheating. Maybe it could be all-powerful in some kind of sandbox mode. Anyway, think gravity gun only with energy, not barrels.

Kitten Cannon. Im not talking about that flash game either. Gun, fires kittens, distracts/ psychologically damages enemies. Plus afterwards, there is one less kitten in the world for atma to eat.

Such a weapon existed as part of a weapons mod pack for Deus Ex. Ah the memories.

Kitten Cannon. Im not talking about that flash game either. Gun, fires kittens, distracts/ psychologically damages enemies. Plus afterwards, there is one less kitten in the world for atma to eat.

Razor sharp playing cards as an alternative to the classic "throwing knife" in FPSes. No, I haven't seen a particular Mythbusters episode what are you talking about :P.

I think one of the genesis X-men games had Gambit in it. Then again, those would explode.


A whip w/a small, self-replenishing, low-grade explosive mounted on the tip. It would take a bit of extra skill to master since damage done from anything but the tip would be next to nothing and the explosive wouldn't detonate without a direct hit. Indy meets demo squad!

I still can't help but feel that these threads are just Cowadoom's subconcious without a mental filter.

If I don't like it, I WON'T POST IN IT

oops, wait

these threads are purple cow demonstrating that he does not know how to make a thread

the reason that favorites threads arent allowed is because they end up being dumb lists that end up in flamefests because they dont lead to any actual real discussion when in fact the main purpose of these forums is to actually discuss things and this thread is exactly the same in that its just dumb ideas

also the cow is the only one contributing

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