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Oddly enough, I have two of the four campaigns done for What Are You Trying To Prove, but I have not unlocked Zombicidal Maniac. I don't quite understand how I can be dead at the end of each Expert campaign, but still get it counted.

The achievements definitely DO seem screwy. I've been jipped out of Zombicidal Maniac AND Akimbo Assassin thus far. But it's cool...achievements don't really do much for me.

And sorry I couldn't make it to the OCR game last night. Looks like you guys filled up and had fun, though, so good for you guys!

My exams are over tomorrow...I just gotta keep telling myself that.

protip for akimbo assassin:

don't use gas cans, melee, grenades, ANYTHING other than pistols. two pistols is fine.

You can use gas cans and melee, but no nades, no other guns. Also if you go spectator the AI will use any gun you've picked up, and that will rob you of the achievement.

You can use gas cans and melee, but no nades, no other guns. Also if you go spectator the AI will use any gun you've picked up, and that will rob you of the achievement.

Odd, because when we did our test run of it, we had two people that used melee and two people that didn't (none of us shot gas cans/propane or threw grenades) and the ones that used melee didn't get the achievement. Perhaps they just got unlucky somehow with the wierd achievement tracking, but it seemed like a confirmation. We later ran it the other way around, where they didn't use melee and only used pistols and they got their achievement.

Odd, because when we did our test run of it, we had two people that used melee and two people that didn't (none of us shot gas cans/propane or threw grenades) and the ones that used melee didn't get the achievement. Perhaps they just got unlucky somehow with the wierd achievement tracking, but it seemed like a confirmation. We later ran it the other way around, where they didn't use melee and only used pistols and they got their achievement.

Odd indeed. I played single player - Just AI with me - The time I used grenades I didn't get the achievement, but the second try I melee'd, and threw&shot gas cans, and got it.

Garian's Hunter would NOT FUCKING DIE. We shot him at least twelve times that I counted, and he kept pouncing on us, over and over, and over... I kept seeing his name, and watched him do it to other players, so I know it was him.


Hahaha, I remember doing this to two guys yesterday too. It was ridiculous. :D

BTW is there a way to disengage a target after you've pounced him? That would really help with Hunter survivability I think.

Doesn't that go against everything that defines the Hunter? He's pouncing on you to kill you. An AI controlled hunter would never get off of you to go around and pounce other people. You pounce, you do what you can to kill the guy.

Playing infected isn't about staying alive; hell that's why the Hunter achievement is just getting two pounces in a single life. It's considered an achievement to manage two pounces before getting killed.


different subject, should we edit 1st post with names/steam ID's like we did for the TF2 thread for everyone who has this? I think I've got most people, but I'm sure I'm still missing a few.

That's a good idea, though I think I've added everyone that has it also. Still, it's definitely worth doing, especially given the fact that this game gets exponentially more fun when you play with people you know.


there is an sv_cheat protected variable for allowing the smoker to manually release his tongue, which a lot of people have been calling for on the steam forums. I've no idea why that was removed but if the hunter had the same ability, it would definitely be overpowered.... although the pounce target priority should be fixed so that it's a little easier to pounce on survivors that are lifting up incaps :S


Hell yeah. How many times have you been a Smoker with a Survivor tied up, only to get blasted by one of the other survivors because you can't run for it?

The cool down period for reusing (regrowing?) your tongue should still be there, since a quicker cool down and more control could be easily abused (I've been asking for quicker tongue cool down for a while).


Good times with the eight-man versus tonight. Both teams played well! I'm looking forward to more soon. Good runnin' with you all!

But man, I really have to practice as the Infected. The only one I'm anywhere decent with is the Boomer.

At least you're good with the important one -- IMO games are won and lost based on how good your Boomers are -- hunters and smokers can only get in there well after the chaos caused by a good boomer.

Sometimes the boomer needs a good distraction from hunters and smokers (preferably hunters). It takes good team coordination to get it done.

At least you're good with the important one -- IMO games are won and lost based on how good your Boomers are -- hunters and smokers can only get in there well after the chaos caused by a good boomer.

I agree with this 100%. Hunters can do damage by themselves, but to really wreck a team (or do anything with a smoker), you need a good Boomer.

BTW, I'm not going to capitalize 'smoker' until they're buffed. I hold such contempt for them.

I agree with this 100%. Hunters can do damage by themselves, but to really wreck a team (or do anything with a smoker), you need a good Boomer.

BTW, I'm not going to capitalize 'smoker' until they're buffed. I hold such contempt for them.

You missed last night, when a smoker singlehandedly won The Damned's team the round :razz:


I can vouch for that. The one well timed tongue-lash tied up BGC after we had leapt from the cliff into the cornfield. BGC was the last to jump and we couldn't get back up. That was the beginning of the end. XD

You missed last night, when a smoker singlehandedly won The Damned's team the round :razz:

Yes, one well-placed seventy-foot long tongue around your torso really makes up for the last few levels.

I tongued you good. Real good.

Now try to prevent that image from popping into your minds. I dare you. You can't.

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