The Dennis Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Has anyone noticed that in expert mode, Bill's AI has Alzheimer's? I mean... me and my friend were doing expert No Mercy with Bill and Francis as AI. There was a point where Francis was dead but was behind a door waiting to be freed. We were really close to him when I got incapped by a horde of zombies, and my friend started getting choked over a subway car by a smoker. When Bill could have walked 5 feet to help me up, 5 feet in another direction to free my friend from the smoker, and 5 feet in ANOTHER direction to free Francis to help... instead, he ran the fuck off, into a corner, and stared at a wall until a hunter came around the corner and jumped his ass. Shit like this has happened multiple times with Bill's AI. I'm sure it's not intentional, but what the shit. Quote
The Damned Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Yeah, so I'm actually kind of disappointed with the full version. Propane tanks are not what I had in mind as a "new weapon". I was thinking maybe some other form of firearm. Maybe even a few melee weapons, like a baseball bat or something. Instead, we get a propane tank. Yeah, blowing it up is fun, but I don't think I've ever managed to kill anything with it. Also, the campaigns could have been put together more. Like, the second one has you crashing in the helicopter. At least, have the smoldering wreckage of the copter next to where you start. It would really tie into the feel of going from one zombie-infested mess to another. I know each campaign is supposed to be separate, but since they went with the movie angle, why not make them sequels? Put some sense of this all happening in the same world, to the same group of survivors. Each campaign feels totally disconnected with the others. Another thing I don't like is that the AI director is more random than adaptive. Adaptive would be giving you a break after barely surviving a Tank encounter. Instead, you get things like Tank, Witch, two Hunters, and eight swarms within ten minutes of each other. Then it will randomly go to not even a Smoker throughout the entire level, and the zombies are so far apart and stupid you can walk right up to them without being attacked. Honestly, I got more enjoyment out of the demo than I have with the full version. Hopefully, user mods and updates will help smooth out things. Maybe some more characters to play as? Or a new type of Special Infected? Some other weapons? More modes? I hope so. Quote
Triad Orion Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Funny, the AI that seems most retarded for me is Francis, of all people. More than once I was playing with Feliks and Francis would run off and do something stupid. He at one point, actually walked up to Feliks while he was being constricted by a Smoker, and utterly ignored the Smoker strangling him to death. Feliks had about 88 HP when he was grabbed, and he ended up going down by the time Francis got his ass back over there. As for why I wasn't helping him? Someone had to keep the zombies away from both of them. Though that was on Advanced, not Expert. Though the big reason I've rarely seen Bill do anything stupid is because I usually play as Bill. I like being the old guy. Feliks usually plays as Louis when he's given the choice. Quote
Dhsu Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Hey Bahamut, do you still have that extra copy? I have a friend who's looking to get the game. Quote
Bill Lumbergh Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Can you say community mods? Can't wait to see what people come up with to make the gameplay even better. The problem with this in my opinion is that a majority of the user mods for the game will probably simply be different maps and campaigns. With the current setup of the game, there are only so many variations of how to get from point A to point B that can be implemented. I never played all that much TF2 (I have to listen to atfag talking about it constantly) but from what I can see with TF2 user content enhanced the game because variations in maps could severely change the balance of classes and give different strategies as to winning, not to mention the fact that there are many different game modes and these can be tweaked to create new and innovative game modes (like the creation of the Steel map). In Left 4 Dead, you have 4 characters that play exactly the same, each with the same weapons. No matter what map you're playing on it will always be: kill the zombies, progress and hide if needed, kill the zombies, progress and hide if needed, etc. I actually like the rigid structure and the lack of more options. So basically you're the type of person who actually LIKES having a girlfriend that's extremely controlling over how you go about your life. Quote
Darth Lime Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I had the most hilarious stupid moment happen last night. Joined up on an in-progress game of Dead Air (or whatever it is)... they're in chapter 4. We are doing well, progressing through the security checkpoint... and I walk through a metal detector.The horde came, and basically wiped the floor with me. I didn't even realize they added that level of realisim... the metal detectors go off... Fucking lol at that. Bet that scared you shitless. Someone in the group has to offer the comic relief. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Storyline wise, its a zombie game based on zombie style action movies. You can't expect much storyline there. I think a lot of people thought this was going to be more than a twitch adrenline shooter, and they are disappointed. I knew what it was before the demo came out, bought the game last night and loving it. Plus the versus mode is pretty god damn awesome as well. Having played the park area from death toll as a boomer is great fun. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 Hey Bahamut, do you still have that extra copy? I have a friend who's looking to get the game. Sorry, Nekofrog has a claim on it. Quote
anthonium Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Well I bought it this weekend for $40 at Circuit City. If anybody wants to add me on steam then my id is anthonium for Left 4 Dead. I use another ID for Team Fortress 2. Hope to survive the zombie apocalypse with some of you. Quote
The Dennis Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 Here's a fun little fact: each item in your inventory has an independent melee timer. What this means is that if you switch items after each melee, you can melee really fast. Not terribly useful, but fun nonetheless. I've demonstrated here: Quote
The Damned Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 So, what, you're binding melee and next weapon together, or just holding down right-click and scrolling down your mouse wheel? I think that will get patched in the next big update, simply for no other reason then because it's useful and players can't have useful things in this game. Also, people need to stop dropping out of Versus matches just because they're not on the Infected side. It's four on four, just wait until the next round. You'll get your chance soon enough. Quote
big giant circles Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 Here's a fun little fact: each item in your inventory has an independent melee timer. What this means is that if you switch items after each melee, you can melee really fast. Not terribly useful, but fun nonetheless. I've demonstrated here: cool, but i'm going to wager that's a script. Quote
Bleck Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 no I can do that by just mashing 1, 2 and right click Quote
big giant circles Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 so holding down the keys causes an endless cycle? interesting, i'll have to try that. Quote
The Dennis Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 cool, but i'm going to wager that's a script. It was in the video. It's easy to do though, just bind a key to 'next weapon', and then mash that key and right-click as fast as you can. You can see it for yourself! Quote
Dhsu Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 Yeah it was in a 4chan thread that Nekofrog linked, just mash Q and right-click to get rapid-fire melee. Then again, they also said you can kill zombies by stomping on them. Quote
defender!! Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 i'm starting to genuinely hate this game, and not for the game itself! versus mode is horrible. every single server i play on has issues. either there's lag or it's on impossible mode or cheats are activated and there are tanks everywhere or my team is full of idiots while the other team is very competent, etc. etc. i literally tried to play a game for about three hours today, then an hour and a half more later. one of the above was ALWAYS true. Quote
Triad Orion Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 All I can say is try playing with friends or some of the OCR players. In my experience, most of us don't play on Expert and don't use cheats. My difficulty of choice is usually Advanced. Left 4 Dead is all about who you play it with, so just seek out players who are out to have a good time. Versus mode is the same way. Play with people you know or who are generally not total jerks. Versus needs some balancing work, but it's still a fun experience. Quote
kitty Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 Haven't played a single game online with strangers and I have to say I am totally satisfied with the gameplay thus far. Quote
anthonium Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 I'm having the most fun with this game. I always find a server to join whether it is a game in progress or joining a chat lobby the games are quickly set up and you're up and running and killing zombies in no time. I have no complaints about this game but just about the people I end up playing with. They're not jerks...they just suck! I always end up looking out for everyone but then when I'm in trouble they leave me for pretty much the name of the game..but anyway it'd be nice to survive the last stage of No Mercy for once. Just need to find people that actually do teamwork. Quote
Triad Orion Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 No Mercy's Finale is much more difficult than Death Toll or Dead Air, IMO. I still haven't beaten that yet. Though it should be noted the lowest Difficulty I've attempted it on was Advanced. Could probably be done on Normal. Quote
JadeAuto Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 No Mercy's Finale is much more difficult than Death Toll or Dead Air, IMO. I still haven't beaten that yet. Though it should be noted the lowest Difficulty I've attempted it on was Advanced. Could probably be done on Normal. I've found No Mercy is so hard because you really don't have a choke point if you want to use the minigun - that's a simple thing to fix. It's easier if you hole up in the closet/stairway on co-op, and run outside to deal with the tanks when they spawn. Blood Harvest is way easy, as there's so many places to hole up in. Death toll is a breeze, with the house available. Ditto Dead Air - standing on top of the fuel tanker works wonders. IMO the finales need to be more like No Mercy, and less like the easier ones - they should have less opportunity to hole up and choke the infected (Versus Mode No Mercy comes to mind - there's nowhere to hole up - just open air). Quote
Bahamut Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 No Mercy has a super easy way of beating it if you get the right defend point - sometimes there's a closet that you can hide in, so if everyone goes in there, it's an easy way to defend, excepting when the tank is around, but for that everyone spreads out and you'll be fine. Quote
The Damned Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 I found that hiding in the big closest behind the luggage and fuels trucks in Dead Air is the single best spot to defend. We holed up in there, with the doors closed, and once the horde started breaking through, we just blasted everything that tried to get in. Once the doors were gone, it was a matter of the guys standing in the rear covering the guys crouching in the front, in case of hunter or smoker attacks. Once the tank came, we ran outside and blasted it until the plane was ready. As for Versus, I'm finding the Survivors to be seriously unbalanced compared to the Infected. Every game I've been in was a outright sweep for the Survivors, even with a decent team of Infected working as a team. Long range weapons really hinder the ability of Smokers and Tanks to get a good jump on the other side. And I'm still only seeing 8 weapons, Valve. Where are the ten you promised us? Huh? Don't say "gasoline and propane tanks count", because they don't. They are far too situational and they can't be kept along with the regular inventory. Quote
Dhsu Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 As for Versus, I'm finding the Survivors to be seriously unbalanced compared to the Infected. Every game I've been in was a outright sweep for the Survivors, even with a decent team of Infected working as a team. Long range weapons really hinder the ability of Smokers and Tanks to get a good jump on the other side. Really? I've yet to see a Survivor team make more than 10% progress in a level. Maybe it just depends which campaign you're playing. Quote
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