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OCR01011 - Final Fantasy VII "Philharmonic Suite: Part I"


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Sil: Mahler and Goldsmith? Can't wait to hear the future arrangements! Nice to see more vgm fans are orchestrally seasoned beyond John Williams.

Dracofire: The Car horns! beautiful interpretation. I thought it was the proverbial "Cry of the planet." See, now that's narration!!! Looks like this piece is getting better with age, as more people offer their interpretations.

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I agree with Systemaniac and GrayLightning.(who doesn't remember me from VGMIX!) The intro is just FANTASTIC, and when it started climbing to the main theme, I knew this would be an unbelievable Remix. But when your remix actually HIT the main theme, everything seemed to fall apart; it was too fast, much more midish than the begginning, and it felt like a cheesy TV action movie. The bombing run part sounded like it had it's percussion all out of place, and didn't seem to be as loud and, "declare" as much as the original. Still, it's a very good remix that I enjoy listening to, but there's always one "reorchestrated" Remix from VGMix that will always be in my heart, and unfortunately in a higher place than yours.


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This is one of my absolute favorite FF songs of all time, and I'm glad that someone decided to take it and make it his own. Wonderful job, I especialy like the fact that the ending fits in nicely with the beginning, making a continuous loop seem like one long song. Awesome.

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I really liked this song, despite a few things wrong with it (nobody's perfect).

From only 12 seconds into the song the theme suddenly came back to me, and it gave me shivvers - it was NIIIIICE. In my head I could imagine the opening credits to some movie starting to roll, like maybe the logo of the film company fading away as the screen says "XXX Pictures Presents... A YYY Film..." and so on. Very nice. I love music that brings images to my mind.

Then, right at 26 seconds, that small orchestral "rush" would bring to mind the title of the movie being faded in and out ... Then, as we move past 1:00 the tension begins to build, you know something dramatic is coming up, and then... 1:32... wow!

Of course at this point I hear the bane of many remixers... horns. Trumpets, trombones, etc. IMHO there is no substitute for real live horns. Synthesised (and to a lesser extent, sampled) horns simply sound "off". Pianos can be synthesised quite nicely, as can drums and other percussion type things... but the one thing that almost always grates on my ears is horns.... alas.

As the "bombing run" theme develops though, it turns very nice. The horn distortion isn't as bad here, and it sounds very "live orchestra" at this point. I like it very much, it just screams "action sequence."

Now I'm no remixer myself so I can't go into as much detail and depth as others might, but honestly the things I've mentioned so far are the really only negative portions to this mix. Overall, I rate it VERY highly, it definately gets added to my "orchestral" CD which I listen to in the car.

To remixer Jeremy Robson, great work, and I look forward to "Part II"


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I can't believe how well done this is! Awesome stuff. I love powerful orchestral tracks, and this one ranks up there with the best of them.

Also, about Dracofire's comment above, this song did give me a distinct Star Trek feeling as well. Particularly the soundtrack to the movie Star Trek: Generations.

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Is it just me, or do the first few notes of the opening theme sound like they were ripped from the Star Trek: The Next Generation theme?

They did sort of sound like it, but they certainly weren't... unless you want to say Nobuo himself ripped them, since that's exactly how the FF7 openning theme started! :P

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This song made my heart race. It is so WONDERFUL. In fact, that was one of the tracks I recently listened to on the OST and thought, "Oh man, this would sound so great with a 'real' orchestra". Ahh! Fantastic job, Mr. Jeremy! Allow me now to swoon all over you!

I am so full of orchestral joy, I think I will die.


(That is the sound of me dying.)

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What I love about this remix, other than being from a Final Fantasy 7 tune (yeah, I'm a FF7 music junkie :D), is that it sort of sounds like something from the Matrix soundtrack. I'm not sure if that was the entire point or what, I'm not even entirely sure what 'philharmonic' means. Fortunately that doesn't stop me from enjoying this mix. I especially like the breakdown around 4:11. It's just... like... whoa.

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Holy orchestra, Batman! Man, this is awesome...it's like...Uematsu meets Sakimoto. I have to admit I also did a double-take and had to check if this wasn't from some Orchestral Game Concert CD or something. I dunno what everyone's talking about with the "MIDI-rip" nonsense and stuff. This is an arrangement in every sense of the word. I can't wait for Part II...

Keep an eye on this dude, folks...don't be surprised if you see his name listed in movie credits someday. O_O

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I still love this, had another listen, it's wonderful.

I just can't get over that little delay on one of the instruments. I dunno what it is. it's at 3:08 and another section. It just throws the timing out. Sounds like a trumpet.

Otherwise this is excellent. I want part two as well to complete the feeling.

Hmm I listened to the part and I feel no delay there whatsoever unless you mean a late drop (which I do not think is late at all) by the trumpet cords there; at 3:09 is where the low brass comes in do you mean that??

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yes, the low brass is what I mean.

It just sounds out of time.

Like if this was the original timing (beat):

1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - - 1 - - etc

The brass sounds like it is here (indicated by X)

1 - X - 2 - X - 3 - X - 4 - X - 1 - X - etc

everything else in the arrangement hits the beat exactly, this one seems to be offput. Throws it out of wack for me. It's my only nitpick with the song

it's between 3:09-3:13 and 3:27-3:33.

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Unless I am completely off base (I could very well be) but this is the first part of Best of FF7. Best of starts off with Opening theme (same as this) and then goes into the Bombing Mission. So... Part 2 should include at least Tifa's Theme and possibly President Rufus' march... Anyways, completely incredible song. I wish that we could play songs like this. Oh well, keep up the awesome work, and I look forward to part 2.

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