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that was awesome. is Cooking Mama actually like this? cause if it is, I'll be picking it up tomorrow for my DS!

boy, the propaganda machine is running at full steam for PETA.

crazy crazy PETA, I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals but those guys are fucking nuts, Scary nuts. have you heard of ALF?


Saw this earlier. Ridiculous over-use of gore and violence....

... but I wish more DS games combined that cutesy look for mini-games with over the top violence. It's just a winning combination. lol.


I've tried to tell as many people as I could about this game because I think it's absolutely hilarious.

Does it make me want to be vegetarian? No. Is it funny. Sure is, in fact, I wish there was a commercial game that could pull this off, minus nag/info screens about PETA's anti-meat agenda.


damn it. just noticed I did a typo in the thread title. Secret of Cooking Mana anyone? heh

The control scheme was pretty damn good for a flash game. The bowl mixing was hit or miss for me though.


I think they do have a valid point. Unfortunately it just wasn't the one they were trying to make.

If your attempt at roasting a turkey turns out looking anything like that then you should definitely consider going vegetarian.

EDIT: Also, it mentions that turkeys have distinct and varied personalities, and it then goes on to talk about how gross it is to kill an "innocent" turkey.

So presumably if we focused our efforts on the evil, ornery turkeys...


So what they are really trying to say is that all vegans had a scary mother who really couldnt cook turkeys to save her life. Sweet.

Fun games. Fun premise. Cooking mama needs more blood. Majesco take note! M-rated cooking mama please!!


only part i didnt like was the neck cutting portions

that being because im left handed so its hard for me to do a lot of diagonal motions with my right hand and make them accurate

maybe everybody here whos left handed should spam them and demand that we be taken into consideration in future propaganda


I'm actually eating three boiled eggs right now (my job made me so damn scrawny so I'm eating like a sumo wrestler now). Those PETA people make some good ripoff games, and I've already played that one pretty far. I just don't like how they go about animal rights. I hate PETA so much. Animal cruelty is bad, but you have to kill in order to live, whether the victim be animal or plant. I wish PETA would learn to understand the basic laws of nature.


Well, I think many people agree that we have to kill in order to survive, but I think the biggest problem that PETA has with eating meat is the way the animals are treated. If the living conditions and method of killing were more, "humane", I'm sure that PETA would be a much smaller organization. Of course, the living conditions of chicken/turkeys/cows/whatever won't be changing anytime soon since they are businesses, and likewise PETA won't be going anywhere.

Oh yeah, and I enjoyed playing that flash game too :razz:. But seriously, not many people have to do those things to make turkey (like plucking feathers, pulling out innards) since it's already pre-done.


If PETA was trying to influence me in any way with their views, they failed hard with this game. I'm enjoying myself way too much to care about anything PETA cares about.

They went really over the top with it too.


The tofu games were more interesting than the turkey ones, I wonder if they did that on purpose.

I'm gonna say... "yes".

I'm sure parents would love if their kids played this to educate themselves.

My favorite part was the facts.

"Did you know some places people actually raise turkeys just so people can eat their flesh? It's true!"


Turkeys have unique personalities just like dogs and cats. Some are social and others are loners. People who live with turkeys in animal sanctuaries report that they even have varying tastes in music.

If someone wants a spoiler tag on this. Blow me.


It's kinda funny that they think milking cows is cruel. Considering years of breeding for dairy cows, it's actually much *more* cruel not to milk the cows, because their udders get swollen and it causes them undue pain.

Considering the current state of livestock, milking cows is actually quite tame and is generally considered *good* for the animal by most reliable sources...



that's kind of too... personal (not to mention creepy) for my taste

I mean, even if they cloned some "stand-alone" human breasts or something to up the production capabilities, that's still pretty creepy.

and even if they didn't, where the hell are they going to get enough donors


This game made slicing up turkeys way more fun than it actually is.

And I never knew before that eggs bleed! All mine have are yolks. Maybe I should look for the bloody ones next time.

crazy crazy PETA, I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals but those guys are fucking nuts, Scary nuts. have you heard of ALF?

Part of the problem is that there are already organizations like the ASPCA that actually know what the hell they're doing. So when that's not enough, PETA takes it to the extreme. ALF takes it to the violent extreme. It's almost sad that PETA doesn't realize that they're doing way more harm than good.

That being said, I'll recant everything bad I ever said about PETA if they're willing to provide themselves as substitutes for animal testing. KF

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