zircon Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 Just wanna say, HD Remix is absolutely awesome, but it's really, REALLY hard. I can't beat Easy mode. I've tried different characters, I've continued over 15 times, but I just get owned over and over even before the last fight. Quote
SoloGamer Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 Just wanna say, HD Remix is absolutely awesome, but it's really, REALLY hard. I can't beat Easy mode. I've tried different characters, I've continued over 15 times, but I just get owned over and over even before the last fight. It used to be harder. I don't think I've ever gotten past the second stage in the arcade original, even on the easiest setting. Akuma is still pretty impossible though. I fought him for about an hour and got utterly raped. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 Some of the AI is still brutal, like with M Bison, who seems to be untouchable in the hands of the AI but pretty easy to read against M Bison players. It's so much of a struggle against other players online, most matches I play usually rounds down to the last few hits or combos. I usually lose, but in some strange cases, I actually get a few perfects. I never fully understood how strange the Street Fighter games are when you can literally kill off someone with 5 big hits. Quote
SwordBreaker Posted December 1, 2008 Author Posted December 1, 2008 Just wanna say, HD Remix is absolutely awesome, but it's really, REALLY hard. I can't beat Easy mode. I've tried different characters, I've continued over 15 times, but I just get owned over and over even before the last fight. The A.I. acts almost like a human...a hardcore human with some mad skills. Quote
linkspast Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 Just wanna say, HD Remix is absolutely awesome, but it's really, REALLY hard. I can't beat Easy mode. I've tried different characters, I've continued over 15 times, but I just get owned over and over even before the last fight. Yeah, T.Hawk pisses me off to no end. I mean with out fail he seems to spam the crap out of his Hawk Dive, or that windmill grapple.. Im so glad I dont have to pay $.50 to continue. And some of those people online, its like they haven`t stopped playing since Street Fighter 2 first came out. Its unreal... Quote
prophetik music Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 they likely haven't, man. some people think it's a religion or something. Quote
Bigfoot Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 I haven't played Street Fighter II since the SNES days. This game is kicking my ass. Quote
vader217 Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 I really hard is an understatement, this game is just INTENSE. the remixed controls are what's driving me up a wall. I mean I feel like Eddie Gordoe from tekken, jumpn' around to no end cause I can't do any combos. Quote
IbanezNinja Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 And some of those people online, its like they haven`t stopped playing since Street Fighter 2 first came out. Its unreal... Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo has been played in tournaments and had a scene the entire 14 or so years it's been out, so yeah some of the guys you played very well could have been playing competetively for 14 years. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo has been played in tournaments and had a scene the entire 14 or so years it's been out, so yeah some of the guys you played very well could have been playing competetively for 14 years. Pretty much. HEY YOU, GET ON AIM SO I CAN GET YOUR GAMER TAG :3 Quote
SoloGamer Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 So when can we expect an OCR tourney? It'll probably end like all the other ones we tried, but hey, it's worth a shot. Quote
The Bologna Did It Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Right now, I'm hoping that Square-Enix contacts DJP and zircon to remix music for the inevitable FF7 Remake on the PS3. There are a few things wrong with saying that. First off, I hope I'm not the only one that's absolutely sick and tired of hearing about the "inevitable FF7 remake." Honestly, it takes Square-Enix what, like 3 years to finish a game after actually announcing it? OK now that that's out of the way, assuming Square-Enix would actually let a fan site do the music to such an incredibly high profile game is a tad silly in my opinion. The real reason I responded is because I can't stand hearing people talk about Final Fantasy 7 as if it's definitely going to be remade. That dumb 2 minute tech demo ruined half the internet. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 FFVII, ugh. Bring on the FFVII hate Quote
MojoHamster Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 They should do a Tales of Phantasia remake, while holding onto the Snes battle system. So the Tales staff can remember what it was to make a fun battle system where you didn't spend 75% of each encounter loading into it and loading out to the world map again. Then the OCR peeps can redo that soundtrack ~ Quote
prophetik music Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Right now, I'm hoping that Square-Enix contacts DJP and zircon to remix music for the inevitable FF7 Remake on the PS3. two things wrong here. first of all, if S-E does a remake, no way it's going to be an exclusive - not with all the 360 product penetration nowadays. second of all, if S-E ever does a remake, it's going to be an obnoxiously huge soundtrack that sells really well and makes a bunch of japanese rockers a lot of money. no fan-based soundtrack, not when there's THAT much money on the table. konami did this as a way to keep production costs down, in the end. blood on the asphalt wasn't so good that it would attract the attention of developers (it wasn't that good at all), rather it just guaranteed them goodwill from the sizable community of contemporary, kinda-into-it gamers and made this something that newer players would be interested in, not just hardcore people. Quote
halc Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 no next-gen systems on my shelf so unfortunately i probably will not get a chance to play this anytime soon BUT i still love the soundtrack. congratulations and props to all Quote
zircon Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 two things wrong here. first of all, if S-E does a remake, no way it's going to be an exclusive - not with all the 360 product penetration nowadays. second of all, if S-E ever does a remake, it's going to be an obnoxiously huge soundtrack that sells really well and makes a bunch of japanese rockers a lot of money. no fan-based soundtrack, not when there's THAT much money on the table.konami did this as a way to keep production costs down, in the end. blood on the asphalt wasn't so good that it would attract the attention of developers (it wasn't that good at all), rather it just guaranteed them goodwill from the sizable community of contemporary, kinda-into-it gamers and made this something that newer players would be interested in, not just hardcore people. Wow, where to begin? Believe it or not, BotA was easily on par with most modern video game soundtracks. I don't know how carefully you're listening but the ReMixers here are pretty damn good. I can't tell you the amount of times I've listened to modern game OSTs and thought "wow, we could do better than that." Capcom was STRICT with quality and only wanted fitting stuff, but even that said, they took a lot of BotA as-is. If it was just something to throw the fans a bone, they wouldn't have been hardasses about it, so no, the reason it attracted them was because it was damn good. Quote
Liontamer Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 two things wrong here. first of all, if S-E does a remake, no way it's going to be an exclusive - not with all the 360 product penetration nowadays. second of all, if S-E ever does a remake, it's going to be an obnoxiously huge soundtrack that sells really well and makes a bunch of japanese rockers a lot of money. no fan-based soundtrack, not when there's THAT much money on the table.konami did this as a way to keep production costs down, in the end. blood on the asphalt wasn't so good that it would attract the attention of developers (it wasn't that good at all), rather it just guaranteed them goodwill from the sizable community of contemporary, kinda-into-it gamers and made this something that newer players would be interested in, not just hardcore people. ROFL! Who pissed in your drink? 1) SwordBreaker was just being encouraging with a good-natured hypothetical re: FF7 that you've proceeded to "serious business". Rerax. 2) Capcom made HD Remix, not Konami. 3) Sure hiring us may have been cheap as free, but the whole story behind us getting the job was that BotA was good enough to attract the attention of the developer. As zircon said, we got the skills to pay the bills. 4) Quote
Bigfoot Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 I really need an ASC for this game. The 360 controller sucks for me. Quote
prophetik music Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 2) Capcom made HD Remix, not Konami. oshits, i typoed. you're not getting my point, mod mob. and bota wasn't that good...really. i'm comfortable saying it's the poorest project in terms of overall quality on this site. this soundtrack thing is a really cool thing! and it's a big deal! but it's still a game that wouldn't have appealed to most of the mainstream gamers on this site and many others if it didn't have 'omg djp and crew' involved. it would have been nice if capcom (not konami, lol) had said, 'lets have a remix contest and the best remixes can get in' as opposed to just helping out the eight or ten mixers who were on the original project. capcom did it as a marketing stunt, no other reason. Quote
anosou Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 oshits, i typoed.you're not getting my point, mod mob. and bota wasn't that good...really. i'm comfortable saying it's the poorest project in terms of overall quality on this site. this soundtrack thing is a really cool thing! and it's a big deal! but it's still a game that wouldn't have appealed to most of the mainstream gamers on this site and many others if it didn't have 'omg djp and crew' involved. it would have been nice if capcom (not konami, lol) had said, 'lets have a remix contest and the best remixes can get in' as opposed to just helping out the eight or ten mixers who were on the original project. capcom did it as a marketing stunt, no other reason. Just chiming in to mention that neither me, palpable, mcvaffe, AE, prozax, djpretzel, BGC or Mazedude were on Blood on the Asphalt. All remixes from BotA didn't make it either. I agree that BotA is not the best project around, I'm not ashamed to say that either, but it's obviously good enough to catch developers attention! I might not agree that BotA is on par with "most modern game soundtracks" but the finished soundtrack most certainly is. In other news, are you saying Street Fighter doesn't appeal to a broad audience? Even if it doesn't it appeals to a whole lot of GAMERS, with or without OCR involvement. I don't think Capcom is trying to get extra marketing with the help of OCR, I think we're getting extra marketing with capcom's help. OCR isn't that big really but we're a talanted group of musicians. Even if it was cheap for Capcom that's not very strange is it? To get this opportunity is worth a lot and seeing as it worked out really well (have you looked at the feedback/reviews?) the future might hold bigger and paid projects for us. In the end and we got some great promotion too (I've gotten like four soundtrack jobs partially because I've been a part of this). I don't really get what you're complaining about :/ Quote
Liontamer Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 oshits, i typoed.you're not getting my point, mod mob. and bota wasn't that good...really. i'm comfortable saying it's the poorest project in terms of overall quality on this site. this soundtrack thing is a really cool thing! and it's a big deal! but it's still a game that wouldn't have appealed to most of the mainstream gamers on this site and many others if it didn't have 'omg djp and crew' involved. it would have been nice if capcom (not konami, lol) had said, 'lets have a remix contest and the best remixes can get in' as opposed to just helping out the eight or ten mixers who were on the original project. capcom did it as a marketing stunt, no other reason. 1) Hedgehog Heaven had "Sonikku Ganbatte." You're not getting MY point. You don't have to like Blood on the Asphalt, but, completely contrary to what you said, our so-called "worst" still attracted the publisher and secured us the job. You can't claim that album is too poor to land a game deal with, when it's specifically what landed the game deal. 2) What's your point about Street Fighter not being FF7-level in terms of popularity among the game music community? It's still extremely popular among game fans. That's like complaining Soul Calibur IV isn't as popular as Super Mario World here. It doesn't have anything to do with anything. We'll have to score Final Fantasy VII HD Remix next time so that you can give us the all-important OK. 3) What's your point about Capcom not holding a contest for musicians? "It would have been nice..."? When weighing deadlines and budgets, why would they use valuable time and energy with a contest when they found a strong talent pool of musicians that even had a centralized figure to streamline communication? Should we have had an inferiority complex over not being the first choice to handle the soundtrack? No, and why would we? Al Pacino didn't cry that he wasn't the first choice to play Michael Corleone in The Godfather. We were smart enough to simply knock it out of the park with the opportunity we had. 4) What's your point about why we were hired? Let's even assume it was a pure marketing stunt. A huge portion of the game development was done by fans (gameplay rebalancing, art, music, playtesting, quotes, achievements) and resulted in a stellar, major-scale product that, unless you're living in a bubble, is doing extremely well right now. And Capcom SHOULDN'T promote the level of fan involvement as part of their marketing strategy for the game? "I can't believe Capcom used the fan angle to appeal the game to more gamers, that's just unconscionable!" You're simply brushstroking the marketing as bad and used to obscure a lack of substance & quality. I don't see any problem whatsoever in OCR delivering substance AND fitting the company's marketing plans. They're not mutually exclusive. Quote
Pavos Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Proph is making friends again, I see. But, coming back to an earlier post, we could try to do an OCR tourney... We just need everyone on the same system *cough* Xbox LIVE *cough* Quote
DarkeSword Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 but it's still a game that wouldn't have appealed to most of the mainstream gamers on this site and many others if it didn't have 'omg djp and crew' involved. Seriously? I mean, we are talking about a high-definition remake of Street Fighter II, right? Quite possibly one of the most influential and beloved games of all time? Right? Right? Quote
Bleck Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Seriously? I mean, we are talking about a high-definition remake of Street Fighter II, right? Quite possibly one of the most influential and beloved games of all time? Right?Right? the only game anyone on OCR cares about is Gears of War 2 Quote
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