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OCR01020 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Braving Tal Tal Heights"

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Quality beat, quality instruments, quality humanization, quality breakdown, this track is very well done. The only negative things I find are minor gripes. I think the violin is too loud in comparison to the rest of the mix and I think the ending leaves a little to be desired. Otherwise, great use of uncommon trance instruments, and great little touches all around. (like the snare work near the end) I especially liked the breakdown. All too often in trance songs, the breakdown just has the beat dropping out, and it ends up simply slowing down the song's momentum, but here, it really is a nice changeup.



This is really, really impressive. I always loved the music on Tal Tal Heights, as tinny as it sounded on GB, so this is something akin to an orgasm. I do agree that the lead violen is a tad loud, but there's really nothing else to complain about.


Thank you forever and ever, Disco Dan. You're Jesus.

*crosses Tal Tal Heights off of wish list*

I've been contemplating remixing this song for the longest time, but I had no idea what I was going to do to make it different. You've succeeded. That fiddle is incredible, if a bit dominating and piercing at times.

Two things: I would have liked there to be a good bassline. Slap bass, preferably. And the ending does seem to drag on a bit. But beyond that, you get 4.9 out of 5 Nice Work Guys!

:nicework: :nicework: :nicework: :nicework: nwgush.gif

last man standing, shut the fuck up. If any song was asking for a trance beat, it was Tal Tal. Go sit in a corner, blow your eardrums on Strauss and stop your bitching. Constructive criticism only.


I don't think the song was "asking" for anything, especially a "trance beat." The orignal piece has roots in latin music and general orchestral marches. If you ask me, Disco Dan's trance kinda came out of nowhere, but works quite well.

As for ripping on "last man standing," you should learn that people aren't always going to agree with you. Try cycling through the past few pages and seeing that all of the criticism is pretty much the same: "The song is great, the strings are a bit loud, and the ending is a little drawn out."

You can't please everyone, and Disco Dan does a great job pleasing the masses. I know I'm still listening to it. And if one person wants to hear what you've done, that's all that really matters. No need for flaming someone who doesn't even bother to add anything constructive to the mix (which would be "last man standing").

Also, after having listened to the mix some more, I really think it's well done, but I would have liked for there to be more of a bass precense. I don't think it really equals up with other trance tracks. This could partially be some limitations on the hardware end. The absense of the original bass part saddens me.

Either way, there's a drought of Link's Awakening arrangements, and this definitely satisfies the itch. I think I might be tackling "Mabe Village" because this song is definitely inspring. Thanks, Disco Dan.


In some portions of the mix, this one had a similar feel to Dan's MegaMan 6 mix (and IMC 6 winner) "Native Knight". [/blasphemy] Personally this wasn't my cup of tea, since I was never a fan of the Zelda theme [/blasphemy], but this is still a well-made track, which is pretty much a given with Disco D.


I've sort of been meaning to address most of these comments in a general blanket post so here goes:

:arrow: The EQ thing with the voilins being piercing. This, I have no doubt, is true. It's due mostly to the fact that the headphones I've been working with are a bit bass-heavy, and hence treble-light. I don't really have speakers I can use, because the ones I had lost woofer power and are pretty much only worth the satellites now, and we all know what desktop satellites sound like without any low end. The other thing is, in the past, my songs (check out any of my megaman 3 stuff) have been generally bass heavy and lacking in treble. So I am probably subconsciously overcompensating for past EQ flubs, all the while listening to it on headphones that don't give me a good treble response. YES, I'll be getting some new ones or speakers as soon as funding becomes available. In the meanwhile, sorry for the ear damage.

:arrow: The ending. I've been doing a lot of pop remixes lately, and so the tendency to end a song in a manner that caters towards mixing into another track has become a bit of a bad habit. I agree about the ending, and perhaps I rushed it. At this point I don't want to redo it and have it replaced or resubmitted as that sort of looks tacky, but I will admit it's not nearly as inspired as it could have been.

:arrow: Choice of leads. I picked the banjo and the violin because I felt they definitely fit the mountain mood. I debated using synths, but that just felt wrong, so I went with the violin.

:arrow: Bassline. djp's one comment was that the bassline was very standard. I kept it as simple as possible because of the genre and the driving feel I wanted to keep. I've found that complex basslines tend to lend themselves better to different genres, such as jazz, funk, fusion, etc. Though they're not out of place in some dance music, I just wasn't feeling anything in particular outside of the standard trance bass.

can't think of anything else at the moment. As for last man standing's comments, they seem to be less about the song and more about his preference in music. Which is fine, 'cause everyone's entitled to their own tastes, it just sort of seems out of place in this particular thread. It's more like "I don't like this style of music, and hence this song," as opposed to "I don't like this song because of such and such technical reasons." Anyway, nothing wrong with negative reviews, it just seems to make more sense to have them be a bit more targeted around the mix instead of the genre.

Also, I don't know if I'd classify this as trance, but I've never been good at genres so I'll let you all make that call. Thanks for the comments and compliments. Glad you're enjoying it.



i sat and waited for the day somone remixed this theme! this is my second favorite theme from that game. now i wait for a fast paced remix of the ballad of the wind fish.....

this remix is great. i really love it


This is truly one of the coolest remixes! I had only listened to the first 5 seconds and I already knew it was going to be an awesome song. I love the trancey feel mixed with great instrumental work. Great work Disco Dan!

Bytheway, Disco Dan, can I ask was software and samples you used to make it. I know it doesn't matter that much but for a newb like me its nice to see what software produces such fine works of art.


I have been converted.

No, not my religon you freak! My tastes in music! Previously, before listening to this Godsend, I was a sole headbanger/mozart zealot... but now... I have a respect for this "techno" thing (and only at the loss of my freinds, who think "4nythingh taht isnt K0rn Slipknot or i33t pr0n is t3h g4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!21!" Screw them, eh? :)) I have fallen in love with this song...

...and only at the loss of 98% of my hearing!

I swear, that damned violin is literally jumping out of my headphones and drilling into my eardrum with a chainsaw. I swear, I't feels like a horde of hungry gnats are eating out my inner ear! Other than that, the banjo goes perfectly, and the part around 3:43 is what really sold me. It really gives off that "mountain" feeling. I can just picture going up a mountain as I listen to this. Beef is , I think that it coulda used some more orchestral elements, but it's still fine wit' me! This is by far the best mix on the site. Great freakin' work. :mrgreen:

Damn my ears hurt like hell... but who cares!


wow, it has been a few days since i downloaded this one, and i am still listening to it all the time. this is the second disco dan song that i seriously play every day when i get the chance. the second one is your awesome techno rendition of the megaman 3 theme "bluelightning" - that might be my favorite mix of all time.

you do good work disco dan, i cant wait to hear more of your stuff in the future.


I simply LOVE this remix. It has got to be one of my favorite music files on this site. I may not be that well known and I may lack the experience and technical phrasing/reviewing of a remixer at the site, but I do appreciate great music when I hear it. Link's Awakening is my favorite game in the Zelda series (I made a site and wrote an FAQ for it), and this track was my favorite out of the list of musical scores in the game itself. I never would have thought I would see a remix for it. I applaud you, fine sir, for a great job on creating this piece of music.


Very nice...

I've been hoping someone would remix this song for a long time, and someone finally did it! I'm normally not a fan of trancey dance music type songs, but I really like this. Strangely enough, the banjo seems to fit in perfectly.


I discovered something cool completely by accident. I tried playing the song. I was messing around and I accidently got it playing twice. I was amazed by what I heard though. It sounded better than the original. Since then I've been playing with goldwave trying to find the perfect interval at which to overlay them. Try exactly 10.4 seconds. Its not as good as what I heard the first time because the violin still plays a few notes that don't harmonize but its not too noticeable. I should look at the notes being played themselves to figure out how to align it properly but i'm that skilled in music.


YES! Finally someone remixes the greatest track ever in any Zelda, and more than that, comes up with one of the best remixes I've heard. This one is amazing, Disco Dan.


Wow... there are some things you just don't expect, like techno banjo, but it's done fabulously. I love it when people come up with make-you-want-to-dance beats and manage to put fresh, fun things in that aren't the same old techno routine. The violin sounds funky (and intrusively fake), but that's probably because of the aforemeantioned headphone-induced EQ issues (and might be because I used to /play/ the violin). The banjo is flawless though, and everything else is beyond any negative criticism that I can think of. 5 stars!

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