djpretzel Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Xelebes Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 first listen: nice drum work *clap clap clap* reverse kick... ummm.... The build between 1:55~2:05 sounds quite weak... I mean it's only drums. Drum roll sounds a tad too cliche.... filtering sweep riser would make me .... make me... go wow? Going anywhere? Sounds nice and fluid... I don't know about it going anywhere... but nice variation you got there. Nice nice. Pretty good... just that build seems weak at that particular spot. Quote
sgx Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 Pretty nice stuff. I wish the bass kick was louder. The piano stuff is really nice, as is the synth that begins at 2:17. 2:47 is kinda weird, but not that bad. Nothing in this mix blows me away, but it's quite competently put together and enjoyable. Quote
SnappleMan Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 The vibe I get here, is cheap 80's German techno..... I don't like the drums, I don't like the crappy synth that comes in at 0:29, I don't like the way the song builds to nothing, I do like the paino work, I don't like much anything else... Overall, I give it a 2/10. Quote
Gren-Lohart Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 You evil being of goodness to have made a song of such......whats the word for it.......ah i know!!! sometimes action's speak louder than words!!! there thats what i think about it. (interpertion, i just play it over and over again banging my head on the desk sending my pop corn on the grounld) it's so fast and slow and good all at the same time that i just can't stop!!!! which means you did good young one and now after all that headbanging i got to.... :vomit: well i'll need to go to sleep before i put myself there by other means just keep up the good work Quote
Ryan8bit Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 The original was kind of a hard song to interpret, so I have to give kudos on that. But this arrangement, while not repetitive in terms of the leads, just doesn't seem to go anywhere. It doesn't have a clear build up to anything, which just makes it better background music than something to really focus on. Maybe that was the point, I don't know. But it is a worthwhile listen. Quote
SargeSmash Posted September 1, 2003 Posted September 1, 2003 Okay, I thought it was freakin' incredible. Maybe it's because I'm not exactly a normal connoiseur of music, and the extent of my music knowledge was high school band, but I really enjoyed it for the ambience, not to mention the retro-groove. Can't wait for Ninja Gaiden for the XBox. Makes me happy I own one. Sarge out. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 I actually thought this song sorta carved out it s own little feeling. Sort of subdued energy. Some parts were admittedly rough (2:20-2:58), but the overall feeling I enjoyed. With maybe more polish this could've been even better, but I don't think I'd worry too much about it. What's here is solid and you'll either like it or not. The fills are a nice touch, the piano is excellent (the part at 1:22 made me wanna spooge myself), and the pads are well used. The lack of bass drum is, I think, helpful to the feeling of the mix. (this isn't a hardcore dance track) So I don't understand why everyone is brutalizing this song. Oh well, opinions will differ. Quote
Aamp Posted September 25, 2003 Posted September 25, 2003 Nice intro. This song sounds sad, yet upbeat. Reminds me of the leadup to the last level in a game. Perhaps that's what this is... I don't know 'cause I never heard the original. Very enjoyable tune. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 The mix starts out with a nice sweeping synth, and kicks into trance mode right away. The kick is a little too quiet, and the drums don't have any real presence to them, but the synths are nice enough. The centerpiece features a breakdown of piano and synth. The piano here is fantastic, and the run near the end where is slowly shifts to a synth playing the same line is inspired and something that made me do a double take. About halfway through, the beat gets mixed up (thankfully), and ambient synths round it out until the end. If I had my way, I'd focus more on the piano work and less on the synths, and kick the drums up about seven notches (BAM), as instead of adding to the mix, they sortof suck the life out. The snare should be snappier, and the kick more powerful. Quote
Polo Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 Lots of intermingling going on in this mix. Howling synths create a misty vibe, fading and percolating like a ninja casting genjutsu. Reverbed piano is an avuncular standout, alternating between playing a few judicious keys that speak for themselves and playing some rapid runs across the octaves. In the busy sections, beats are amply accentuated by players like pizzicato and a bubbly bass that sounds like the Maru Mari sound effect in Metroid. But even if the sound field gets muddy at times, the arrangement keeps on blooming. Various synths carry the source's rising arpeggio while altering the backup melody inch by inch. Such a mellow, evolving undercurrent keeps me hooked. Btw, it's spelt ninjutsu, but lotsa people misspell it with a second "i", so it's no big deal. Quote
WesternZypher Posted July 13, 2011 Posted July 13, 2011 I like the "space" this mix creates -it's roaming, ambient, and good for zoning out while working Quote
Sir_NutS Posted August 5, 2017 Posted August 5, 2017 For some reason I've been thinking of this remix recently, as it was one of those very early remixes that inspired me in my early days. To my surprise (and after thinking about it, not that suprising) this remix is by the amazing Danny B., whom I didn't remember being one of the authors of this one. Simple remix but this is all about those buildups and breakdowns such as around 1:34. Even 15 years later and after several "bar raising" in the judges panel, this would be a borderline vote, which speaks volumes about how damn talented Danny B. is. TLDR: BUMP djpretzel 1 Quote
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