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ScrewAttack accepts Soulja Boy's challenge on Xbox Live.

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he's still the guy who makes millions by applying his name in puff paint on plastic stunna-shades and destroying the English language in front of recording equipment.

I lawl'ed.


On a related note, I'm sick of people who claim that all rappers are "destroying the english language in front of recording equipment". You listen to fucking video game music, people. Have an open mind. Sure, Soulja Boy is terrible, and is arguably destroying hip-hop, but to use him as an example of rap and hip hop culture is short-sighted and ignorant. Today, rap is less about ego, and more about pointing out issues with black lower-class culture in an almost sociological way. Listen to some Nas, some Scarface. Sorry to rant, but it peeves me when people say things like "that whole culture has an ego problem". It's just ignorant and untrue.

On a related note, I'm sick of people who claim that all rappers are "destroying the english language in front of recording equipment". You listen to fucking video game music, people. Have an open mind. Sure, Soulja Boy is terrible, and is arguably destroying hip-hop, but to use him as an example of rap and hip hop culture is short-sighted and ignorant. Today, rap is less about ego, and more about pointing out issues with black lower-class culture in an almost sociological way. Listen to some Nas, some Scarface. Sorry to rant, but it peeves me when people say things like "that whole culture has an ego problem". It's just ignorant and untrue.

THANK YOU wefwefew


Never accused rap of destroying the English language, not saying anybody did. But I have to admit, Soulja Boy is the most annoying one I've heard. Don't get me wrong, I love Run DMC, Young MC, Bis Markey, Snoop Dogg, and a few others. Underground/Indie rap, has some really good stuff. I've really been enjoying Flobots, quite different in their sound.

I think the problem people have is that all they hear/see is the songs that get played on the radio. Where some of those songs (if not most that are played on the radio, but I don't listen to much radio anymore so I can't really say), just talk about their rich life.

But they get that impression simply by what they see or hear, and it just doesn't entice them, and said people get disgusted by it.

I hated country, don't listen to much of it. But since my boss played quite a bit of it at work, I've grown used to it. I've liked Johnny Cash, and I'm interested in hearing a few different others.

But I won't typecast rap, not anymore. I've grown in my taste in music, and it's still growing.

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, seriously. It may be the Internet, but I still feel the need to be respectful to people.

God I sound full of myself.

On a related note, I'm sick of people who claim that all rappers are "destroying the english language in front of recording equipment". You listen to fucking video game music, people. Have an open mind. Sure, Soulja Boy is terrible, and is arguably destroying hip-hop, but to use him as an example of rap and hip hop culture is short-sighted and ignorant. Today, rap is less about ego, and more about pointing out issues with black lower-class culture in an almost sociological way. Listen to some Nas, some Scarface. Sorry to rant, but it peeves me when people say things like "that whole culture has an ego problem". It's just ignorant and untrue.

I agree completely. I just didn't feel the need to respond this way because I've been in this community for years and I know that rap fans are hardly sparse here.

I agree with someone on Kotaku who said that all this shit Souljaboy is pulling is probably just viral marketing for something, like his game. Or maybe just him.


Never accused rap of destroying the English language, not saying anybody did. But I have to admit, Soulja Boy is the most annoying one I've heard. Don't get me wrong, I love Run DMC, Young MC, Bis Markey, Snoop Dogg, and a few others. Underground/Indie rap, has some really good stuff. I've really been enjoying Flobots, quite different in their sound.

I think the problem people have is that all they hear/see is the songs that get played on the radio. Where some of those songs (if not most that are played on the radio, but I don't listen to much radio anymore so I can't really say), just talk about their rich life.

But they get that impression simply by what they see or hear, and it just doesn't entice them, and said people get disgusted by it.

I hated country, don't listen to much of it. But since my boss played quite a bit of it at work, I've grown used to it. I've liked Johnny Cash, and I'm interested in hearing a few different others.

But I won't typecast rap, not anymore. I've grown in my taste in music, and it's still growing.

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, seriously. It may be the Internet, but I still feel the need to be respectful to people.

God I sound full of myself.

Haha, s'cool. I understand, and sorry for assuming you were stereotyping. As someone who used to write off rap that way, though, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people write it off similarly.

you know it's kind of odd that we all assume hes really bad

I mean

he's the same age as me and plays a lot of video games - he's probably a lot better than we give him credit for

No, he probably isn't. Fuck his mom.


It's not a matter of rap destroying the English language, it's a matter of Soulja Boy Tell' Em's rap destroying the English language. There is some amazing rap, ranging from the control of flow to the lyrics to the beats (MC Chris has all three, in fact).

I'm eager to see how this turns out, but honestly, I don't care what the motive was for the ego-stroke, nor do I care that it's only getting bigger. I don't know the kid personally, and I'm not a fan. I just want to see someone who trash-talked the whole internet get his ass handed to him, as a lesson in humility. Even if he doesn't show it, he'll still feel the blow on a personal level. Same thing I'd want to happen to anyone else in the same position.

Haha, s'cool. I understand, and sorry for assuming you were stereotyping. As someone who used to write off rap that way, though, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people write it off similarly.

Yeah, I'll be honest, I hated rap in the past. But I love to listen to some that has a good beat at times.

I mean, you can't deny the sound of "Big Pimpin'" I love the whole Arabian sound that's looped in the song...

Or my favorite, LL Cool J's "Momma Said Knock You Out"

So when is the "fight of the forever" gonna happen?

None of your damn business. Just kidding, it will happen whenever Soulja Boy mans up.. soo ... "forever" which happens to be coming up this 5th of Neve®mber

None of your damn business. Just kidding, it will happen whenever Soulja Boy mans up.. soo ... "forever" which happens to be coming up this 5th of Neve®mber


I'll show you none of my damn business!!:razz:


I'll show you none of my damn business!!:razz:

I'm sorry. I can't really take this topic serious anymore so I wanted to add some humor.. Please, take no offense :)

I'm sorry. I can't really take this topic serious anymore so I wanted to add some humor.. Please, take no offense :)

Soulja boy? Serious?




Hmmm, maybe gamers will think twice taking on 'ol Soulja Boy.

I just hope he makes some good songs I can bare.

Although the Travis Barker drums and guitar piece that was put onto his song sounded pretty cool.

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