djpretzel Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Israfel Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 You know, I didn't think much of this until around the 2:00 mark when the vocoder really starts to take center stage. The arrangement isn't exactly mindblowing, but man that vocoder sounds cool. 3:09 in particular is pure gold. I'm also reminded of Carlos, but mainly because she's the only artist that I listen to who makes regular use of that particular sound. Groovy work. Quote
Fray Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Ooooooh yeah. This is good. Really good. I have a feeling I'm gonna be listening to this one a lot in the next few weeks I'm curious to know if any of this was made on a real analog synth? The sounds are pretty convincing in that regard. My biggest gripe is the last minute or so... There just isn't much going on and it's rather boring relative to the rest of the piece. In general though, the arrangement is incredibly clean and musical. The vocoded stuff is cool but I think my favorite part is at 1:30 when the arpeggiated harmony kicks in. That's the part that elicited the "oooooh yeah" in the first paragraph, if you're wondering Great stuff! Thanks for creating this. Fray. --- Edit --- According to, the sounds were done with Buzz. Further proof that Buzz ownz yo mana. Btw, I listened to some of the other music on the site -- "an exercize in futility" is hella cool. Check it out, yo! --- Edit --- Quote
Oddity Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Nice and different, but what's with the title? Quote
Atomic Dog Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 You know, when I first listened to this, I was really turned off. It was ALL over the place, and that apparant lack of fluidity was really bugging me. But, ever the curious listener, I followed the link in DJPs description and downloaded all his other songs. I've been listening to them on repeat/shuffle for about an hour now, with this song included, and I have to say, it's really really really grown on me. I think part of the problem is, when I go to review a song, I really make an effort to consciously listen to it. And I think that was messing things up for me. But when I queued all his other songs and sat down to read for class tomorrow, I found my head bobbing, my ankle thumping to the beat, and I realized - hey! I really like this! I get the impression that bazooie probably does a lot of continuous mixing (like at a club or something), becuase that's how a lot of this sounds. It's all over the place, but when you just let it fill the room, you see how perfectly it all fits together. Damn good job. Quote
Rellik Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Heh... I mean... I had stopped learning Buzz. I will now continue. I don't know the original... and I'm guessing the arrangement isn't exactly all the original anyway, so I'm assuming the original sounded pretty similar. The vocoded synths acted almost like Cello's... they were so fluid; and the idea for there to be 2, that is GENIIUS. The lead buzzy analoguish thing is not perfect, but certainly not bad... sometimes it sounds sort of too flat for my taste, but it's really fine. The percussion, I think I can learn alot from, really. Simple, no complicated driving forces, but it backs everything up very nicely, and is not repetetive. At around 0:32, where that gated-sounding synth comes in, is lack-luster. The melody takes a very prominent position, and the melody, in my opinion, sounds more like a counter-melody that should have stayed in the back. But... I can't believe how much this ReMix affected me. It's unbelievably fluid... and even from a game I've never played, it is... amazing. I think I did less than the credit the arrangement was due, earlier in this post. I think that orchestration plays a part in arrangement, and the orchestration of this is really what makes it so great. Perfectly balanced (almost).. always musical and fluid without being completely rhetorical and uninteresting. ...this really goes up there with Pachelbel's Gannon and Love Hurts and Revival Day Impoetus and IceCapped and all those (I don't like to rank, but I feel it doesn't do any injustice to at least show what this remix is comparable to). Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Some of the synths I felt could've been made better but overall this was a very satisfactory track. I'm not exactly balls-out about it like DJP but I have to admit that vocoded synth is DAMN SWEET. I really really wish though that some of those cheesy synths were, I don't know, less glaring. A very important thing I felt from this song though was a sense of actual emotion. Oh, and that vocoded synth was DAMN SWEET. I really love that Matrixy effect at 2:00, and the pseudo classical feel is perfect for the style bazooie was goin for. A well done track to be sure, and that vocoded synth was DAMN SWEET. The last minute felt tacked on though. Didn't really need to be there. And that vocoded synth is... aww hell you know more songs need vocoder love. Quote
Hakken Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Some of the best mixxes include emotion, and I think this piece hits it right on the head. It has that bittersweet meloncholy feel to it, almost haunting if you will. The vocoding was done great and never abused. What were the lyrics? It sounded like actual words being sung. This one is definately gonna be in my head for weeks. I'm with DJP on this one, two thumbz up! Quote
neostormx Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 I'm always moved by this score, and this remix compliments that score so well its uncanny. I was immediately brought back in time to the 80s. The percusion could use work, but I wouldnt change the way it is. It makes it feel more 80's. Definitely does grow on you after a while. Good job all around! Quote
MTBE Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Wow bazooie, I think the people like it! Your voice is like a gift from God, herself. . . Quote
Kuros Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Wow... I love this piece. The game and the music has been some of my favorite for a very long time (I even use the heros name ifrom the series in most aliases that I make), and you did this piece more than justice. 10/10 in my book. Quote
gilead42 Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 Man, this song bring me back. I love Wizards & Warriors on the NES. Anyway great remix. It has (in my opinion) a rap song feel. Good job. 10/10 Quote
WolfymoZ Posted September 6, 2003 Posted September 6, 2003 Very interesting, i liked the vocoder work. Nicely done. Reminds me of playing that game, years ago. They shoulda had this music instead of the music they had. haaha! Quote
Xelebes Posted September 7, 2003 Posted September 7, 2003 Ooh... a mix with a substantial amount of vocals. This is a keeper just for that. And I likes vocoding... And I just like the arrangement... Ooh... the vocoding gets even BETTER... nice... And I likes that drum. My only complaint would be that the high is a bit too hot... but that is probably me, no? Quote
Fygee Posted September 7, 2003 Posted September 7, 2003 I've always been a gigantic fan of 70's synths and mellotrons (chorus sound + melltron strings = god), and the use of voice distortion, and its really great to see someone trying to replicate that style. As a result, you can probably figure that I listen to a lot of Moody Blues and pre-80's Genesis. The song is fairly hit and miss. Some of the synths are dead on, especially that small little "wow wow wow" sounding one at the end. The use of the vocoder is nice as well, its not too loud or far in the front, and doesn't overpower the song. The beat is also nice without becoming boring or repetitive. Unforunately, the percussions sounds feel very weak and remind me a little too much of those $30 Yamaha or Casio keyboards you could pick up at Sears during the 80's. The percussion sound is also a little too loud and too forward in the stereo channels. The main synth is also too loud. Finally my last little gripe is the singer (which I'm assuming is the same person as the remixer), sounds a little too much like he's a part of a 1st grade musical play about how healthy vegetables are or something. In other words, singing because he has to, not because he wants to. He also sounds like his voice is in a "half-whisper", instead of a proper volume, which is needed to get the full effect from a vocodor. Overall good song, but not perfect. I'd really, really like to see more songs that fit this style in the future. Quote
Slice O' Pie Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 Considering this theme is one of those I used to leave my NES on just to listen to back in the day, I tend to be fairly discriminating when it comes to remixes of it. I've only REALLY dug a few that I've heard, and this one certainly makes that list. As DJP said in a much more eloquent fashion, this mix is quite choice. Quote
averageteenager Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 I really liked it, i like those synth pop techno crap noises, does anyone know what the distorded voice is saying in it i think i know but i'm not sure Quote
Kreepster Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 whoa! im no pro on remixes, i just know i love em! and techno is my style. dude this is one of best i think ive heard the beat and mealody at 1:25 Quote
Vortex RuneCutter Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 I'm not one to review remixes, mostly because of the lack of knowledge of terms. But I will give my opinion on this remix. I like it a lot. Quote
Evilhead Posted September 10, 2003 Posted September 10, 2003 I really love this mix... I think it's my new favorite of the entire site, replacing Mazedude's A Boy and His Blob mix... I love all the retro stuff going on here, and all the various complexities. It is mixed and recorded perfectly. The ending is really nice, repeating and fading out perfectly. I don't know what else to say other than great job!! Quote
Facade Posted September 11, 2003 Posted September 11, 2003 It's an awesome remix and it's in my list of them, but I have one question. Can you/anyone tell me what your singing? Trying to think (busy right now...can't listen this minute) of what I've got out of the words so far..."Ecstasy" and "Set me Free"? Quote
Trenthian Posted September 11, 2003 Posted September 11, 2003 If you are listening bazooie, or rather reading... I would just like to say thank you man. Thanks, this song once you've listened past the 100th listen becomes a deeper part of ones life, it has changed the way I think of harmonics. Thanks. Quote
Jaxvon Posted September 11, 2003 Posted September 11, 2003 I have to admit that upon first listen, it sounded really cheesy and annoying. After a few more times through though, I began to really hear the hidden beauty of this mix. I am a little partial to synth stuff, but this song is just good anyway. The vocals sound like shit at first, but their almost ambient nature starts to grow on you. After 5 or 6 times, you almost go into a trance. This seriously makes me feel kinda creepy...I really can't describe it's effect on me very well. All I know is, it gets really good after awhile, so give it a chance. Quote
Trenthian Posted September 12, 2003 Posted September 12, 2003 I have one request, can someone tell me what he is saying? the lyrics, I cant tell what they are... I dont know if you are supposed to know but it sounds like he just wants to go to bed. ::goes back into a trance listening to this wonderful mix,: in the verybeginning I just noticed the drum playing over the synth very cool Quote
bazooie Posted September 12, 2003 Posted September 12, 2003 hi all. i'm glad you enjoy the remix. when i release the album later this year, i'll master it to a higher quality. i've had a few requests for the lyrics so here they are in their full unadulterated, cheesy goodness: and if you do love me i will say i love you and you will go with me to the land of harmony where horizon meets the sea the sun will warm my love my love, please leave me i want to sleep in the night, don't call me just let me dream now you can sing along o_0 -bazooie Quote
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