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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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You need to slow down when you talk, Rexy. I still can't understand a word you're saying. You start off all right and then sort of trail off into gibberish.


Am I the only one who can understand Rexy? Bloody Yanks. :wink:

I'm not a god damn yank. You're an Aussie and you've never heard of Perth, West Australia?

Aust - ral - ia? Ain't that near Germany or sumthin?


Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the "adjusted" timetable for you. Chances are that you're in the middle of a "DST change" and might miss the show of about 1 hour. So sorry about that. Tonight is also (theoretically) a halloween show. So I hope you play the "Halloween Bumper" this time, Larry. Back to the usual jibba-jabba.


Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you (with DST changes - the "non US" side of the globe has officially "winter time" again).

Small World-Timetable

Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm *
Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm *
Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm *
Rio de Janero (Brazil): 12:00pm (night to sunday)
Reykjavik (Iceland): 2:00am (Sunday)
London (England): 2:00am (Sunday)
Oslo (Norway): 3:00am (Sunday)
Germany: 3:00am (Sunday)
Paris (France): 3:00am (Sunday)
Helsinki (Finland): 4:00am (Sunday)
Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday)
Moscow (Russia): 5:00am (Sunday)
Hong Kong (China): 10:00am (Sunday)
Tokyo (Japan): 11:00am (Sunday)
Sydney (Australia): 1:00pm (Sunday)

* currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

Have fun while listening to VGF#68.

:arrow: BONUS:

A new torrent batch from the shows VGF#50 to VGF#54 is up and running. So please help out seeding.


Soory but the torrents of VGF won't be running till the show is over. Due to reasons I don't understand (with a DSL 3MBit line) the WMRE stream craps out for me if a torrent is running.

I'll resume as soon as the show is over. If I sleep in, as soon as I get up again.



Due to massive amount of editing and time issues, it's not possible to keep up every week for Larry. He did a couple of "backup shows" in one night. Leveling out the volume and writing down what was in the interviews takes time.

Another examples:

VGF56 - VGF60.99 was a 24h marathon at WMRE, VGF60 is still patially lost *god I swear Larry, I'll get it to you!*, since the relaunch of VGF the shows were over 4hours running time (up to 8hours!), etc.

That's why the showes come out that late. All that stuff takes time and Larry is a one man army. And I only release "official" shows as torrents, no bootlegs. Even though I have a couple of bootlegs on my HDD (VGF60.99 for example, I released the ending and the aftershow one time though).


Actually, when I called in off-air last night, Larry told me that he will release the Duck Hunt RoFL and Bound Together episodes (55+68 ) at the same time; the former being for the next to be released, and the latter for its release to coincide with the project.

Then again, Larry better not change his mind again :P


Haha; just read through the chatlogs. And what in hell did I do to upset Kaijin and Joshua Morse to the extent of them taking the piss out of me throughout episode 68's duration? O_o

Nonetheless, if they can pick on me on that show, I have every right to do the same next time on the same lion-channel. hoo haw?


Oh I've been dreading the release of #55, the show that no doubt killed a few listeners thanks to me. :(

just kidding, I think...

In regards to the comments prior to though, I must know, how bad was Kaleb G's track that his got cut and mine got accepted? :?

In regards to the comments prior to though, I must know, how bad was Kaleb G's track that his got cut and mine got accepted? :?

Larry played it in episode #56. Pay close attention or you'll miss it, since it's like 25 seconds long.

I still need to snag a copy of it...


Tonight's a 69'er... in a couple of... er... terms. But mainly the show. Ying and Yang, 69c for a burger, of course Larry Oji and possibly a crapload of sexual allusions. *cough*


Unless the studio is hijacked again by half naked basketball goons and girls drooling over him

As usual, here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you (finally the DST mumbo jumbo is over!).

Small World-Timetable

Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm
Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm
Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm
Rio de Janero (Brazil): 1:00am (Sunday)
Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday)
London (England): 3:00am (Sunday)
Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday)
Germany: 4:00am (Sunday)
Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday)
Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday)
Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday)
Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday)
Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday)
Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon)
Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (Sunday)

(*) no countries are currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

Have fun while listening to VGF#69.

:arrow: SEEDERS NEEDED for the torrent batches

*and as usual, as long as I record VGF, I can't seed anything - blame the realmedia stream at WRME*



Small World-Timetable

Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm
Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm
Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm
Rio de Janero (Brazil): 1:00am (Sunday)
Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday)
London (England): 3:00am (Sunday)
Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday)
Germany: 4:00am (Sunday)
Nineko (Italy): 4:00am (Sunday)
Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday)
Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday)
Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday)
Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday)
Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday)
Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon)
Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (Sunday)

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