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so looking at the fabled clock at a little closely,

we got a a triangle. 3 sides, and in the zelda universe. only 3 things stay the same. Gannondorf, Zelda and Link.

top part of the clock we got a full triforce, with power, courage and wisdom all being present.

if you just look at the "bottom right" corner, the triforce or power and the triforce of wisdom are present. and then in the "bottom left" what would be the triforce of wisdom would be the only one present.

doesn't make much sense...

but what if you turned the clock around its center? so that the top being the full triforce. "the bottom right" would be turned to be upright and thus being the triforces of courage and wisdom. and the clock being turned once more for the "bottom left" to be on top and you have the triforce of Power all alone.

if it was a time traveling zelda game, based off a triangular clock with radial symmetry. i would make its so that the "hour hand" would point to a time period and the second hand would give you a limited amounr of time in each or it would reset ala Majora's Mask. or just chronical your time there.

each of the symbols would mean something. the corner with just Power would be the future where gannon has conquered and rules. the other being the alternate future where link is King of Hyrule and Zelda, queen and Ganon had been banished for good. or their descendants are in power where peace flourishes and everyone's happy. and the full triforce being the main place you explore being your typical zelda fashion back to the "present" where ganondorf was around and link was doing what he does.

also i have my ideas of a Zelda movie being set in modern or futuristic settings. but those are mine and mine alone. but if done right, it would be awesome.

post script: do I think any of this is true, not at all. just what i would do if i could or had to using what i know, which is NOTHING. just having fun.


Would be more interesting if you actually played as Zelda then if adopting Fure's theory. It'd be nice not to play as an effeminate elf, but the actual feminine one. Or, God forbid, another character all together. Still have it centered around the timeline/storyline/conga line, but make it not "Link finds sword. Link uses sword to rescue Princess Zelda and defeat Gannondorf. Hyrule is happy... for now."


Very nice find there! How'd you stumble upon this?

Anyway, I really hope that it's not a Harvest Moon version of Zelda. Rune Factory-type gameplay, on the other hand, will work. I prefer something from the ground up, though. It is kind of strange that Marvelous has a countdown on its page while Nintendo remains quiet about this.

What's with all "The Minish Cap" hate? That was a great Zelda game with lots of nice ideas. In fact, every Zelda game that Flagship made was pure gold to me. They've done a nice job with ALLTP's GBA port. The Oracle series in my mind are the best handheld Zelda games, even better than Link's Awakening.


It's not a Zelda game. Even if you throw around shit like "BUT CAPCOM DEVELOPED THOSE GAMEBOY ZELDA GAMES SO ITS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE BLAH BLAH BLAH" you have to remember that Capcom didn't host the website for those games on their webspace.

Plus it doesn't say "Nintendo" anywhere on the countdown page, but it does say Marvelous.

Plus the Triforce is usually yellow.

And you never see the Triforce missing a triangle.

It's not a Zelda game.

Have you guys noticed how the clock winds back just a second before it reaches 12? maybe this is a clue to a majora's mask style of gameplay?

we can only hope.

You beat me on that.

A Zelda game like Majora's Mask would be great stuff in my book. Loved how you got to interact with almost every NPC in sidequests.

It's not a Zelda game. Even if you throw around shit like "BUT CAPCOM DEVELOPED THOSE GAMEBOY ZELDA GAMES SO ITS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE BLAH BLAH BLAH" you have to remember that Capcom didn't host the website for those games on their webspace.

'hasn't' isn't the same as 'won't'

Plus the Triforce is usually yellow.

see above

And you never see the Triforce missing a triangle.

see above

Plus it doesn't say "Nintendo" anywhere on the countdown page, but it does say Marvelous.

can't rebut this

It's not a Zelda game.

you know if I went into some threads just to tear the threads down people would probably call it trolling emotawesome.gif


Plus it doesn't say "Nintendo" anywhere on the countdown page, but it does say Marvelous.

You make a very good point here. It's kind of surprising and plain weird for a developer to have a teaser page for a supposed Zelda game with no mention of Nintendo whatsoever.

Plus the Triforce is usually yellow.

And you never see the Triforce missing a triangle.

It's not a Zelda game.

Kind of picky there. These are just Triforce symbols on a relic, not the actual Triforce...thus they don't really have to be yellow. Additionally, we've seen incomplete Triforce symbols numerous times, especially Ocarina of Time and the games released after it. The hands of the bearers (Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf) have one of the pieces each...representing the piece each one owns.

Although I agree with the one who said that the Triforce isn't exactly a Nintendo-exclusive symbol...yet Nintendo made it known to gamers as so.

You make a very good point here. It's kind of surprising and plain weird for a developer to have a teaser page for a supposed Zelda game with no mention of Nintendo whatsoever.

That was my thought on seeing this page.

It looks cool, but I'm afraid that linking this to a new Zelda game is just wishful thinking at this point. Zelda fans see a Triforce, but I don't know that most people would. It is just a geometric shape, after all...


The counter actually marks how much money is left in the US...when it reaches zero it means all the money is spent on fast food...

*back to being a nice person*

Could it be a Wii-make of Majora's Mask? :D The style of the counter gives me reason to believe it'll be more of a GBA or DS game though 0_0;

I'll pretend to come back in a few days to check it out again...


So I took a look at the source and there was some japanese for the description and it said this "Clock of puzzle to [maberasuentateimento] official sight appearance! The new game, cuts the new time…." according to babelfish.

The Legend of Zelda: The clock Puzzle of Time?

So I took a look at the source and there was some japanese for the description and it said this "Clock of puzzle to [maberasuentateimento] official sight appearance! The new game, cuts the new time…." according to babelfish.

The Legend of Zelda: The clock Puzzle of Time?

maberasuentateimento sounds like "Marvelous Entertainment" (Japanese uses b's for v's)

I'm pretty sure that's what it says.

Have you guys noticed how the clock winds back just a second before it reaches 12? maybe this is a clue to a majora's mask style of gameplay?

we can only hope.

Majora's Mask 2? Holy crap I would cream my jeans if it turned out to be that.

also i have my ideas of a Zelda movie being set in modern or futuristic settings. but those are mine and mine alone. but if done right, it would be awesome.

I absolutely agree. I've also got some ideas regarding a modern-set Zelda theme, and even in the extensive realm of both crappy and non-crappy fan fiction, I've come across some really interesting ideas.

Simply put, if handled properly by intelligent writers with foresight and good planning, a new Zelda game could really benefit from a new, modern setting that draws heavily upon Zelda mythology and how it comes into play in the modern world. Time elements could be extensively used, and the blending of modern and medieval settings could be very engaging.

Alas, Nintendo has never been known for its unique and novel story-writing, so I won't hold my breath.

maberasuentateimento sounds like "Marvelous Entertainment" (Japanese uses b's for v's)

I'm pretty sure that's what it says.

The end moral being never use Babelfish to translate more than a few words because you will get horrible horrible horrible things from it.


Well if its a time-traveling Zelda game there's no reason we can't have both a modern and fantasy Zelda game. Infact, why just two time-worlds? Old-now-future settings...

I'd have to side with this not being a Zelda title though With how TP felt and crushed my hopes I'm not sure I want a new one.

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