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Aw man, I thought you were referencing to 'The Legend of Link'. :P


Why do you think Prime 3 was a throw away? I can understand Prime 2 (Even though the Luminoth Fortress was, you have to admit, awesome), but I felt Prime 3 really delivered on what it set out to do. Sure the story doesn't deserve a Pulitzer, but the game was fun, and challenging (Especially on Hyper mode).

The system employed in TP, I think, worked well as a means to tell a story. The game ushered you along, but that was so you could make it through and experience it all. I'll admit that some places were a bit like being baby-fed and the boss battles, while epic, were too easy. The dungeons were fun and challenging too, and while there may not have been as many brain-bending puzzles as in OoT, the ones that were there were still really good. The story overall was pretty good, although the way they cheaped out with Illia still irks me...

I think that the next Zelda game should have another in-depth story, but with more chances to just explore. I don't want the continuation of the game to completely rely upon the player just happening to find a secret entrance somewhere, but instead of being led to the next dungeon, maybe just tell the player the general location of it, and let them figure out how to get inside. I'd also like to see bigger dungeons with more space; for example, why not have a dungeon have a sort of balcony or outside area where you can see the rest of the landscape for a moment, solve a puzzle (Maybe using light from the sun for a sort of mirror/lens thing) and then go back inside the other way and explore the other half of the dungeon. Oh, and much more challenging gameplay, along the lines of FFIV DS. Start out very easy, but then get brutally hard near the end.

My favourite temple in TP was the Temple of Time, because of how HUGE it was and how connected it all felt. The puzzles also seemed really intimidating and complex but turned out to be pretty simple, which was a bit of a disappointment. The boss was also way to easy, but the surprise "second battle" was a nice touch.

I doubt it, but it might fit with some of the plans Nintendo had a back a few years ago about getting into animation.

I recall hearing that as well, and that it would come out in 2007. Since that obviously didn't happen though, and since I haven't heard a thing since then, I'm guessing they ditched that plan, sadly. If there's going to be any good video game movie, it has to be made by the people who made the game.

Heh heh... How about "The Legend of Zelda: The Clock of Time"? :<

Nintendo should do a mochup of that for April Fools day ^_^


Why do you think Prime 3 was a throw away?

I was only referring to its environment (which, as overly-detailed as it was, I felt was nowhere near as atmospheric or dazzling as Prime 1), and its story.


(Although, as I'm about to explain, there's not much of a story, so go ahead and read this anyway!)

Way before you even see the ice-themed guy's ice-copter in the lava part of the jungle planet, it's incredibly obvious you're going to have to go to three vastly different-coloured planets to defeat the three one-dimensional hunter characters who have *gasp* become corrupted with phazon! I'm wondering why the heck those guys turn evil (oh wait it's because Phazon is an evil substance right??), meanwhile Samus remains completely sane, and maintains the unwavering trust of the Federation and several giant brains. Waking up from a coma was a nice touch, but then all of a sudden "oh hai samus here is your godly weaponry kthnxbye". Three bounty hunters go insane and run amok with poweful phazon weaponry - meanwhile the fourth hunter (Samus) wakes up from a coma and must immediately test out her new phazon weaponry, if I recall correctly, in the FREAKING CHAIR SHE WAS LAYING COMATOSE IN. You know, just to make sure that if she goes insane and runs amok like the three others, she's gonna have enough firepower to defeat a small army. I'm serious, the cartoon shows I watched as a kid had far more depth than this. The stories in Metroid Fusion and Prime 1 were FAR better in every way.

Although I will give it credit for one thing. After the silly "ok lets go in a wormhole and have a space battle for no reason" part, I felt the story couldn't get any worse... and then as you travel down deeper into Phaze, it just keeps getting worse! But then I started fighting Dark Samus, and realized "holy crap they didn't even TRY..... THIS BOSS FIGHT IS SOOO AWESOOOOME!!!" And then I blew up a giant brain and the planet exploded into rainbows or something and all was well ^____^ True story. That last boss was pretty challenging too and took me several tries, best part of the game!


The system employed in TP, I think, worked well as a means to tell a story. The game ushered you along, but that was so you could make it through and experience it all.

Yep, I totally agree, but I wasn't too excited by its story unfortunately =(

I think that the next Zelda game should have another in-depth story, but with more chances to just explore. I don't want the continuation of the game to completely rely upon the player just happening to find a secret entrance somewhere, but instead of being led to the next dungeon, maybe just tell the player the general location of it, and let them figure out how to get inside. I'd also like to see bigger dungeons with more space; for example, why not have a dungeon have a sort of balcony or outside area where you can see the rest of the landscape for a moment, solve a puzzle (Maybe using light from the sun for a sort of mirror/lens thing) and then go back inside the other way and explore the other half of the dungeon. Oh, and much more challenging gameplay, along the lines of FFIV DS. Start out very easy, but then get brutally hard near the end.


My favourite temple in TP was the Temple of Time


The boss was also way to easy, but the surprise "second battle" was a nice touch.

I think I already posted here the story of how I beat the "second battle" in one hit. Funny story: I shot a bomb arrow

The end.

So, has anyone actually figured out what the clock means? Because if those numbers are in seconds (I assume they are)... it only has like 14 hours left to go.

the numbers are in seconds but since I actually know how to do math there is around five days left

I recall hearing that as well, and that it would come out in 2007. Since that obviously didn't happen though, and since I haven't heard a thing since then, I'm guessing they ditched that plan, sadly. If there's going to be any good video game movie, it has to be made by the people who made the game.


Nintendo did make an feature length Animal Crossing anime. As far as video game movies go, it's not bad.

5.54 days to be precise.

Sorry to all those confused, it's in metric time and well, metric time is not the forte of some people...

Yeah, you Americans need to switch over soon. I'm sick of having to figure out what time it is below the 49th parallel (or the 18th, if you're going by the old Imperial system).

5.54 days to be precise.

Sorry to all those confused, it's in metric time and well, metric time is not the forte of some people...

Funny, when I did the math using the traditional method of /60/60/24 I got...roughly six days before it would be revealed. That's precise enough for me because counting down the seconds is really damn annoying.


470900 seconds

60 seconds to a minute

470900 / 60

7848 minutes

60 minutes to an hour

7848 / 60

131 hours

24 hours to a day

131 / 24

5.450 days

rounded down is five days, though I guess you could be silly and round up for no reason


Nintendo did make an feature length Animal Crossing anime. As far as video game movies go, it's not bad.

Wait, that was actually made by Nintendo? If so, that's not bad. Then again, it doesn't seem to hard to make a movie about Animal Crossing. That movie was just as mellow as the game.


It seems to be synched exactly with my computer's clock to get the time, or both it and my computer are very, very acurate. Anybody else care to verify if it takes your computer's time? also, it's counting down to 12 am on the 23rd in my timezone, but if it's taking your system's time, then it wouldn't change around the world, would it? should we expect something 12 AM CST, or Japan time?


Not necessarily. If it's counting down to a specific event, then it's not going to matter what timezone you're in. It will simply count down to that specific moment in time. If it's a staggered event, which correlates to midnight in each timezone, then it would matter what your computer clock was set to.

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