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X360: The Perfect Match - Soundtrack by AnotherSoundscape

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The Perfect Match - 400MSPoints - with original soundtrack by Another Soundscape!

Yup, I scored another game soundtrack and I'm quite proud of this one! The second Community Game I scored (the first being the best-selling Artoon) is a gameshow/dating simulator called The Perfect Match. If I understand it correctly (and I'm pretty sure I do) you take the role of the host of this "game show" and try to find the contestants perfect match. You can check it out at the Xbox.com page and pretty soon also the developer's website OKGamesCompany.com. If you feel like you want to try it out, there is a demo avaliable on Xbox Live Marketplace that you can download both directly from your 360 and via your computer.

It can be downloaded quite easily with a simple google search in .torrent format (including a zip with everything). If you're interested, just search.


All tracks were made entirely in Reason 4 and set out to portray the games visual style and gameshow-concept. It's bouncy, cute and quite catchy if I may say so myself. If you like it, feel free to share it with anyone or perhaps (where applicable) make a remix? I'd love to hear what you come up with!

Raves and reviews:

BeefJack.com - The Perfect Match, which I thought was a highly polished product that looked and sounded better than some XBLA games

So the bottom line here is: if you're interested, feel free to download the soundtrack and give the game a try. It would mean a lot to me and might turn out to be quite an enjoyable experience for you too ;P

This is great, man! Probably a lot better than the game itself, but hey, Artoon was cool so who knows :P

AnSo only works on good games. And if things don't work out for you & Jill, you can always get back in the hunt with The Perfect Match!

(Better end this post now, before Jill kills me...)

The tunes sound great -- well done! Demos that are time limited with no warning :(

The game feels kind of like a VG version of "Guess Who", the old board game.

I must say I don't know an awful lot about the game but what I've seen looks fun. I'm glad you like the music! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to shamelessly bump this because I just got the cover art and finished the linear notes. The link is updated in the first post and if you've already got the soundtrack you can get the cover art individually by taking the image up there.

I honestly thought this would generate a bigger buzz (free soundtrack damnit!) but I guess you need a huge-ass game for that ;)

Anyway, for those who DO download the game or soundtrack, thank you and I hope you enjoy it!


I will surely download this whenever I can find the time. I've been busy lately, but will download it tonight probably when I get home. :]. I'm looking forward to it.


Ugh... AnSo... PLEASE let me know when you're going to release something that's going to spike bandwidth like this. =P

Every time I glance at the bw logs... (every two weeks or so), something new comes up, and it scares the crap out of me until I figure out what it is...

EDIT: Good stuff. =D

Ugh... AnSo... PLEASE let me know when you're going to release something that's going to spike bandwidth like this. =P

Every time I glance at the bw logs... (every two weeks or so), something new comes up, and it scares the crap out of me until I figure out what it is...

EDIT: Good stuff. =D

rofl, sorry man :D

I didn't think anyone downloaded it O.o and that you had unlimted bw.. This will however be released by other means soon so it will not be the official link for long.

Also, thanks :3


Oh shit, you scored Artoon? The music int hat game was AWESOME. Really made me want to dance. If you keep an eye on X-Play, we're doing a piece on the best Community Games that have come out so far and Artoon is one of them. Don't know exactly when the segment airs, but it's sometime in the near future.

Oh shit, you scored Artoon? The music int hat game was AWESOME. Really made me want to dance. If you keep an eye on X-Play, we're doing a piece on the best Community Games that have come out so far and Artoon is one of them. Don't know exactly when the segment airs, but it's sometime in the near future.

Cool, thanks a lot :D I'll tell Oscar, the developer, about this too. If you want an interview I can hook you up!

is this a hentai game anso

I sincerely wish it was. Goddamnit, I wish it was.



Just got hosted on [REMOVED]. A controversial decision, sure, but I'm just trying to promote free legal soundtracks to a crowd that is sure to appreciate it. I truly hope other composers will try their hardest to release the soundtracks for free (I mean we got payed for the gig, right? :D). If you support CD releases and all that jazz (which I do to an extent, and often buy) that's no problem. I just want to give everyone some free music.

..rant :D

short version: luv u, free legal vgm for all!


No, man. Not cool. YOU can make the decision to post your stuff there, but we don't endorse that site, GH, or anyone that is basically hosting pirated game OSTs en masse. I've heard the defense that some of them are out of print, which might be viable if it were JUST limited to those OSTs, but they host everything, and OCR can't simultaneously stand for honoring game music and game music composers and allow free pimpage of what amount to "VGM Warez" sites on our forums. I disagree with your decision personally, but respect your independence. I don't respect pimping it here.

As a side note, if you want OCR to host it instead, we might be able to.

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