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Wild Arms: ARMed and DANGerous - History

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Jade, it's all good. I have an even better version. Lil' question: why am I not on the list?

I have not given the "complete" list yet. Was waiting on some re-mastered wavs and didn't want to call them completed yet until I had them. But your song was never completed so it's not counted. Any other question, contact me through e-mails. Not here.


Now that Bada(cartoon slide up sound effect): Boss Themes Volume I is slated for this month, is ARMed and DANGerous still going to launch on December 20 like JaDE ARaN HaRuNo had hoped?

Now that Bada(cartoon slide up sound effect): Boss Themes Volume I is slated for this month, is ARMed and DANGerous still going to launch on December 20 like JaDE ARaN HaRuNo had hoped?

Jade has said the djp himself confirmed that the album would release on 12/20 so it would coincide with the 15th year anniversary of the game. So we should be good! I can't believe we're under a month till release!


Yup, yup, yup. Date is set in stone guys. Not going to change. Been wanting this baby out on that date for quite some time 'cos of the 15th anny. We're all working hard to finish this up, we're almost there. 17 more days! Get pumped! Show your support too, wear a WA signature at OCR! ^_~

Hope you all enjoy this album... I know it is hard to satisfy everyone, but this style has been long overdue at OCR. May the hype be worth it all.

Do you have any "surprises" in store for us with the release Jade? I noticed the track listing has disappeared from the first post...

There's no way we're releasing today, so don't EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

However...wait, MIKE SAINT-JULES?! SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!

Mike is a friend of mine and I recruited him. It was easy considering he loves him some RPGs, Wild ARMs being one of them.


JaDE, I just thought I'd ask: After this gets released, would you mind posting the substantial and almost completed WIPs somewhere else where interested parties can reach them? I would also appreciate whatever WAVs you received for A Sorrowful Separation and Battle Motherfried.

Edit: Scratch that last part, JaDE! I just realized those pulled WAVs are not up to you.

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