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point being, this thread has a few assumed conditions. the people remaking the game would do it theoretically perfect. keeping the old school charm and game play and feel of the original game while updating the other parts of the game that were comparatively lacking.

*keyboard gibberish*


Truth said above.

I would have wanted the Close Combat series on PC revived.

They touted Company of Heroes to be spiritually carrying the Close Combat feeling.

They were very wrong. I still wait a proper return of the Close Combat mechanics and feel.

And why is it that every time a change in camera and fully 3D world would somehow change the core gameplay? If it was so desired, you could have the default camera places so it would be a "top down" RPG. so update the graphics even though they can "get away" with charmy shit. have with a fully functional 3rd person camera.

I was actually referring more to the change in gameplay towards a 3rd-person over-the-shoulder adventure game, not a change in the camera. That's how I read you original idea.

make it so that when you go through tall grass, you actually go through tall grass making random encounters actually interesting or have it be a realistic cave with no light and it's your job to light the way and everything be shown in real-time or getting a bike or seeing the bush being sliced in half when you use cut and gyms be intimidating and impressive.

Yeah, see, this is what I thought you weren't talking about. From the way I read your post, it seemed different from what you just explained.

so I suggest you don't over-react and get defensive about a game being possibly being improved upon while making yourself look like a complete ass.

Calm down, youngin'. No one here is making an ass out themselves except you.


He started it! :<

Honestly, how can any of you forget the old Atari classics? Those would benefit from any amount of modernization.

Mind you, most of those games barely had color, let alone any kind of complex objective. You could write up a basic plot for the manual and it would be a step up.

Asteroids could be a 3D space shooter now. Frogger could be updated as well. Just about any of the really old games could work.


Someone has probably already said this but :

My all time favorites Monkey Island 1 & 2 (and the not so good 4) with Monkey Island 3 graphics and sounds...


To me Monkey Island 3 is still one of the best looking (and sounding) games ever. Comparing MI3 and 4 makes me cry. Why in the heck everything has to be 3D nowadays... Just look at World of Goo. Best looking game in years! And yeah, also best in any other category. And now I'm not on the topic anymore. Geez...


This is my first youtube video ever. You seriously have to watch this. It's a really stupid game, but it could be really awesome if remade as a source mod with some tweaks to gameplay. I know it doesn't really show in this video but you can knock your opponent's carts out of their hands and push them away so they have to run after them.


Cool Spot comes to mind. Don't know why. I'd like to see a souped up 2D version with Tallarico composing once again. Bonus stage had one hell of an addictive vibe.

Earthworm Jim would be another game I'm looking forward to 'cause I've been a huge admirer of the original 2D ones. Good thing Atari and the character creator are working on a revival right now.

I thought about this too, but SCIII still haunts my dreams. :(

Haha, yeah. I enjoyed SCIII for its own sake, but it definitely was bad for the series. I think even ToysforBob (Fred Ford and Paul Reiche) pretends it never happened. They didn't write it, and you can tell. I think some might even go so far as to not even have what happened in the official story.

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