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Spam... Seriously, coming here and posting your "friends" video? Come on, you can do better than that.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy never posted after this. But hopefully he will, and isn't just here to shill his stuff.

Video was mediocre, at best. Too many random cuts, random music, crappy artwork, and those laughs? Fucking cut that out. It's terrible.

The entire thing comes across as something a junior high school student made for his computer class.

Nice video, but if this is your first post, you need to go here friend....


Welcome to OCR, and watch out for the flames coming for you on this one...

Thanks for the heads up! I never intended to spam or offend anyone. I apologize if my first post may seem out of line. I plan to become actively involved with the community here.

Seriously though, I think all the hardcore Chrono Trigger fans out there will truly appreciate this video. :) (


I'll be an ass if I want, mister... guy. Person. Of Mephisto. Besides, Toadofsky already called it, so someone had to do it. It's part of the forum handbook. Look up section IVX, paragraph 21, subsection (a): It says, and I quote:

Upon the statement that one can expect negative treatment upon posting a topic, media, or other matter, members in good standing are obligated to enforce said treatment upon said poster. Failure to do so will result in loss of internet points, social status, and or e-penix.

And there's something about newb and noob stuff in there as well. I can't remember what part it's in.

Hmmmm. If you spell it "mephestio", it sounds like a type of Cajun cooking style.

Thanks for the heads up! I never intended to spam or offend anyone. I apologize if my first post may seem out of line. I plan to become actively involved with the community here.

Seriously though, I think all the hardcore Chrono Trigger fans out there will truly appreciate this video. :) (


Okay, okay, we see the video, that's fine, don't need to keep linking, or I'll agree with the Damned here. We've had enough spammers here, don't start passing yourself as one too. Is that your guys' first film?


The "T" in "The Damned" is capitalized. I didn't go through six years of high school to be called "the".

Oh.... well my most humble apologies and I graciously prostrate myself for forgiveness...

I thought the video was weak, honestly. It's just not very good, for reasons already mentioned. Don't doubt there's energy behind it, but that doesn't make it good. We've all gotta start somewhere, so this doesn't preclude making better videos in a few years time.

Well at least someone stays on target with the topic...

Meanwhile, I,

what was we talking about???


Well dang, I never knew this was going to cause such an uproar. Give me a break, I'm new here. I'd rather see this thread deleted than put up with verball abuse. Lesson learned! Now can we quit the bashing and not get personal here? I'm a nice guy who simply wants to share *my creation. Thank you liontamer for the constructive feedback.

Experience Chrono Trigger like never before! A phenomenal compliation of art and music that follows the story of Chrono Trigger. This one-man project was started about about a year ago. Countless hours were devoted to the actual precision editing. (Credit for the media goes to all the talented fan artists and musicans out there.) Ode to the best video game ever made!
Haha! A year for this? Sorry dude, but I'd want my year back. Way too many random music and scene changes, all it is is pictures. Unless you drew and animated all of those yourself I'm not impressed.
Haha! A year for this? Sorry dude, but I'd want my year back. Way too many random music and scene changes, all it is is pictures.
Video was mediocre, at best. Too many random cuts, random music, crappy artwork, and those laughs? Fucking cut that out. It's terrible.

The entire thing comes across as something a junior high school student made for his computer class.

I thought the video was weak, honestly. It's just not very good, for reasons already mentioned. Don't doubt there's energy behind it, but that doesn't make it good.

Whoa whoa, now. Stop right there! I'm starting to think this video wasn't intended for a mainstream audience. Oh and I meant 'one year, on and off'; it was more like several months of work. Seriously, people shouldn't raise their expectations so high. Before anyone passes judgement they must know the backstory. This video started out as a small pet project I made to appease my friends. I decided to take it a step further.

Chrono Trigger's music has always been my favorite aspect of the game. I am in fact very passionate about it and I wanted to emphasize that by covering the highlights of the soundtrack one video. First of all, the music isn't random. All of it was carefully selected from my massive library of Chrono Trigger remixes. Each one is VERY relevant to the scene. A hardcore fan would recognize the sounds and even appreciate this attention the detail. There were also a lot intricacies involved with stitching the tracks together, making volume adjustments and adding sound effects to enhance the presentation.

Yes it does consist mostly of pictures. So what? They were collected from DeviantArt and other internet sources that I gave credit to. Crappy? Not at all. I tactically used effects and transitions to make them more appealing. Would you have preferred overused sprites, in-game scenes or the official artwork that everyone has seen? I carefully chose among the best fanart out there to piece together the story. If you compare my video to other fan-made Chrono Trigger videos on YouTube, quite frankly most of them clearly show little to no effort. I am qualified to say my video is superior.

Above all, this is a showcase of fan talent; featuring art and music (with a tad of crude humor) while chronologically following the story. Basically it's Chrono Trigger in a nutshell. That's the beauty of this video tribute. It surprises me how some of you are so quick to bashing. I say it's pretty damn good for my first video. Honestly, a lot of thought and hard work was put into this, so don't disappoint me and jump to baseless conclusions. Just loosen up and enjoy. ;-)

Whoa whoa, now. Stop right there! I'm starting to think this video wasn't intended for a mainstream audience.

I wouldn't say that OCR is quite mainstream.

This video started out as a small pet project I made to appease my friends. I decided to take it a step further.

You claimed this was a friend's video...

I am qualified to say my video is superior.

I'm curious how you became so qualified.


Don't even begin to pick me apart, Fratto. With all due respect, I will not waste my time because I've already said more than enough. Not even looking argument, I already made myself clear. Can we end these attacks and get back on topic? Seriously.

Take a look at how you've described the video man :/

(Haven't seen it yet, will after work.)

I was going to address that too. Didn't mean to raise expectations, that was a mistake on my part. >_>

But consider my detailed explanation for the video, and you be the judge of that. :-o

I am qualified to say my video is superior.

Above all, this is a showcase of fan talent; featuring art and music (with a tad of crude humor) while chronologically following the story. Basically it's Chrono Trigger in a nutshell. That's the beauty of this video tribute. It surprises me how some of you are so quick to bashing. I say it's pretty damn good for my first video. Honestly, a lot of thought and hard work was put into this, so don't disappoint me and jump to baseless conclusions. Just loosen up and enjoy. ;-)

Well, I think you have the right idea in terms of believing your work is good. Any artist needs that kind of faith in their own abilities in order to persevere in the face of negative comments. As long as you can dismiss criticism you feel is not constructive and focus on relevant criticism, you should be fine in the long run as long as you're also dedicated to improvement and open to the possibility that this could be a lot better.

I think this is good in the context of being a first video, but only in that context. The hyperbole in the description

caused much of the negative feedback you're getting, because it doesn't live up to that hype. But you already know that. :-)

I haven't been able to figure out how since the upgrade...is there a new tag for it or something?

I think you just link to the video. Normal link, no tags. That's what I did in one thread and it worked. :) If you're really unsure quote someone's post that has and see what they put down.


Those pictures in the video that came from 3D models looked exactly like the pictures from Chrono Trigger: Resurrection before Square-Enix shut them down. Did you use pictures from that project in yours?

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