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Sound test to the Ten Desires demo. Digging stage one and stage three is dece, but sadly meh on the rest. He's still got more than half a soundtrack up his sleeve though - which should be the better part - so here's hoping.

Been listening to some stuff from Reitaisai. Too lazy to link but here's a rundown. Albums from Fox Factory (狐の工作室), Floating Cloud (Toho Irish), and Tutti Sound are must-haves. Almost want to throw in RD-Sounds (凋叶棕) and xi-on (彩音) with those three, but i suppose you could live without them. I suppose. ジャージと愉快な仲間たち's is neat because of the style (Andes folk music with all-live instrumentation), kimino-museum's (君の美術館's) is really fun rock-pop with vox, Misty Rain's... goddamn I want to make love to those guitar tones, oriens' (オリエンス's) orchestral isn't quite up to Tutti Sound's level but it's definitely worth grabbing, Felt's is worthwhile but is a step down from their c79 offering, and Pizuya's Cell went piano again and the arrangments and playing are decent (but conservative in terms of difficulty). アドレナ義塾's is good but for only the acoustic guitar instrumentals (tracks 1,3,9), and similarly sisimai-brothers' (ししまいブラザーズ's) had two good instrumentals (Prologue is especially good, though since it's fairly loyal I like to think of it as what Zun's music could sound like if he used samples made in this century and if he bothered with production at all). Some other albums are meh/ok and not worth mentioning. There're probably a couple/few other good ones, but I mostly burned out on this in March and SA and MoF have been devouring my free time.

Sup wall of text.


Ok fine one youtube:


Nutshell is great. Hell, Jar Of Flies is a damned good album from start to finish. And I miss when the Foo Fighters were still

. One By One was still solid but their sound changed too much after that.

Made some much-needed corrections to my previous post. Namely RD-Sounds (excellent), ~xi-on~ (excellent), and oriens-music (very good). [Maybe I thought I had listened to RD-Sounds when it was actually something else I heard?] Also, prorogue was an uploader typo and I am disappointed.

Hopefully I can get Perfect Dark working this weekend so I can grab lossless versions to mux and start my youtube uploads.


oh yeah dude i f-ing love alice n chains. foo fighters i like but after their first album it kinda didn't seem as good to me, i don't hate them or anything though.

all that remains - I Die In Degrees


Soleil - Read Yellow

I actually had a relative in this band. First cousin, to be exact. They're not half bad. But I swear, their stuff is going to drag me head-first into death-metal, and I'm going to end up a cynical, mindless metalhead like my friend, which I have been avoiding for the past year and a half.........

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