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Hey everyone, you should join Honest Gamers and help us make it a larger, more recognized, reviewing site. Also, if you join and make a quick post on the forums saying you joined cause of me, I get bonus points.

So what's in it for you? Anyone who is part of the site can submit reviews, and most reviews get taken, increasing your writing portfolio. Also, members often leave helpful feedback for writers, so you can improve your writing abilities. Writers also get to participate in on-site contests for free games (usually two or three free games a month).

It's easy to join, and easy to win. So what's keeping ya?

A review that gives the GBA version of R-Type III: The Third Lightning an 8.

HAHAHA OH WOW!! :lol::lol::lol:

That better be out of a hundred or we have some problems.

As for the site, looks neat but imo the colors a bit off putting; feels like im looking onto a grey slab with stamps plastered on it. I mean on seemingly a lot of reviews you got all this grey space at the bottem left side. Do something with it.


Hmmm... owned by Amazon, huh?

Pass. I have a hard time taking a site that calls itself honest when they're owned by a business that sells games. Even if it's user generated, there's still room for the owner to pull strings, influence reviews, even just outright make them up.

Also, what's to stop the fanboys from abusing the place?


Alright, so I forgot the link. Give a tired Zipp a break! Honest Gamers isn't owned by Amazon. It helps sponsor us, as websites cost money to stay afloat. I'm sure you understand.

In any case, Honest Gamers is exactly what it claims to be. It hosts a wide variety of opinions, not cutting out reviews because it doesn't agree with scores. Anyone who shows some competence in reviewing can make themselves heard.

Isn't that what free-speech is all about?


Er... what?

First of all, I'm not the site owner. The reason I'm pushing for Honest Gamers is because it's led to me having a career in video game reviewing. I work for local magazines based on the portfolio I set up there, HG sends me free games to review, and other online sites and mags ask me to do articles for them.

I'm just trying to share the success.


One more plug for Honest Gamers:

I just got hired by Examiner.com to write reviews and articles on Indie films and video games. I get paid based on the number of hits, estimated about $100-250 per article (and I'm contractually obligated to write at least four a week).

Thanks to Honest Gamers for this, because it was my portfolio here that caused them to hire me. I'm telling you, it's a good site if you're interested in getting your work out there.

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