djpretzel Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
PlatformerMastah Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 Aww, I was hoping for a Halloween remix. Ah, well. When I first heard this, I thought "This is an awful lot like the original"... And even when I was done with it, I still thought the same thing. However, I still think this was worthy of being posted, as it stays pretty close to the original, while being different at the same time. And you gotta love that guitar solo. Quote
Buster Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 I love the restraint in this piece. It's smooth, cool, and yet has some tension. The guitar is perfect. I'm going to break with DJPretzel and say I don't think a "balls-to-the-wall" solo or improvisation would have benefited the piece any, but this is mostly due to a personal preference. Personally, I like precision in music. Make it emotional, make it *feel*, but at the same time make it precise and crafted. Improvisation and such may add a "human" touch, but to my ears that human touch always feels more like a flaw. I like some pieces that are heavily improvised, but on the whole I prefer pieces like this. Something with some underlying depth (love the drums and bass in here), a little passion (nice synth and guitar usage) and yet some precision in it's makeup. So to me, this piece is superb. ~Buster Quote
The Orichalcon Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 Love the guitar. Better than the original in my opinion. Nothing special about the rest of the song though. The filtering on the drums was good but then there was nothing more. I was expecting it to get a little heavier in the drum section. Still, that guitar makes this piece an instant favourite for me. What's more, you mananged to get a piece in that has nothing but the instruments changed from the original. way to go. Quote
Navi Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 Before going and listening to this song, i had to state the facts. I didn't like the original song, but i loved the Majestic remix by Ailsean and Dale North (i think) so i had high hopes for this one. When i started listening, i was nodding my head to the beat and the simple but well composed tune. And then the guitar came in... I know its wrong to make any comparisons to Ailsean's guitar playing, and most likely Sonicade ws not TRYING to get the mix to sound like Ailsean's mix, HOWEVER throughout the entire guitar section, i couldnt stop thinking : "Ailsean's is better. The notes are fuller. The playing is more experienced. ETC." I still liked this remix MUCH. However, once you have heard a good version of the song, all other remixes of the same song do not live up to the caliber of the best. Sorry. I give it an 8/10. Quote
Fieari Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 Oh come on... the guitar in this is GREAT. Someone else might be better, but all I can think of, while listening to this is... I like listening to this. I have to kindof bob my entire body to the beat while listening to it. The guitar WORKS. I love it. I would have loved to hear more, honestly... I think I agree with pretzel on that issue, but for what this offers, I enjoy it. I enjoy it a lot. Quote
The Orichalcon Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 I can't get this out of my head. I've been playing cards with some mates and kept singing out loud. They ended up kicking me out. This guitar is just awesome. I don' t know of any others, but regardless of who can play better this one fits perfectly. I forgot to give it a rating before. But I give it 8/10, only because it didn't stray from the original at all, and the percussion didn't jump to where I expect. Still in my top 10. Quote
LibertyCabbage Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 I know everyone's thinking it so just go ahead and say it: This mix is worthless because SafetyInNumbers is of the same peice and is a hundred times better. Even if this song were to be good, every time you heard it you would compare it to SafetyInNumbers, and be disappointed. SafetyInNumbers is a great remix, and this does not nearly live up to a comparison. Quote
Metasquares Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 The first 1:07 sounds almost exactly like a remix I eventually abandoned of this track. That said, I like the choice of instruments and the composition in general is great. However, this mix didn't really deviate much from the original piece, so it basically amounts to the original with different instruments. I suppose it's still pleasant enough to go in my collection. Quote
The Orichalcon Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 I know everyone's thinking it so just go ahead and say it: This mix is worthless because SafetyInNumbers is of the same peice and is a hundred times better.Even if this song were to be good, every time you heard it you would compare it to SafetyInNumbers, and be disappointed. SafetyInNumbers is a great remix, and this does not nearly live up to a comparison. I actually prefer this over safety in numbers. Orkybash did a great job with that piece, but it comes down to personal choice and opinion. I like this style of music more than safety in numbers. However I don't hesitate to say that safety in numbers was very much different to the original, where this one is very much the same. Quote
Psycrow Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 Good guitar work.... not too much else to say Quote
Tappy Posted November 1, 2003 Posted November 1, 2003 I know everyone's thinking it so just go ahead and say it: This mix is worthless because SafetyInNumbers is of the same peice and is a hundred times better.Even if this song were to be good, every time you heard it you would compare it to SafetyInNumbers, and be disappointed. SafetyInNumbers is a great remix, and this does not nearly live up to a comparison. This couldn't be more different from Safety in Numbers. Aside from the fact that they remix the same song, the two shouldn't even be compared. And to call this mix worthless is ridiculous. I like the track, but like other people said, it's a little too much like the original for my tastes. Nice guitar work, but the rest of the track is a little underwhelming. Quote
Malcolm Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 It's undeniably nice and pleasant to listen to...but it never quite goes beyond that level. The guitar is undeniably sweet, but that's the only thing that really makes an impact whilst listening to the remix. I like it, though. The choice of instruments in particular are very becalming. Very zen. But this mix will probably be best remembered for the guitar section, which could very well be a bit of a shame. Oh well. --- Quote
Shhteve Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 Well, tell you the truth, I'm not really taken by this piece. The choices for instruments are nice, but it sounds very much like you took the original song directly from midi and played around with it to suit your style.. But with that said, nice work, I'm sure the average joe wouldn't be able to think of that. Quote
LibertyCabbage Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 hehe i listened to it again a few times... now I'm starting to like it... but I think it's just cause the guitar pwns so much... the first time i heard it I was comparing it to SafetyInNumbers so I was disappointed, but I realize that when u look at them separately this one's pretty good... still I don't think it'd be nearly as good without the excellent guitar, but it's enough to make it a good song... fortunately the remixer was smart enough to keep it short Quote
MoGG Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 nice sounding, kinda like an update to the original which i really love. The Guitar part is kool. Hope to see more from this remixer. Quote
*Drasiir Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 Fantastic. The guitar is perfect. It blends well with the rest of the song. This remix also feels much more emotional than Safety in Numbers, which is great, because that's something the original was trying to do but couldn't. Quote
No_Style Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 Since I haven't heard the original...or don't recall it. I like this remix anyways. I do agree that the guitar was a great addition Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Aahh, I love a mix so balanced. Everything is mastered very well, and the overall feeling comes across very well. I especially love the tiny little effect used at 0:10. Stuff like that makes a good mix better. I don't know what everyone is on about this sounding like "SafetyinNumbers" because honestly, they couldn't be much more different. This song isn't trance, SafetyinNumbers doesn't have a guitar solo, and there's about 75 bpms difference as well. Anyways, I really like this for it's sheer polish, even if it isn't as different from the original as it could be. Quote
Silverblade Posted November 9, 2003 Posted November 9, 2003 Class! For some reason, the first half of this remmix reminds me of the X-files; and that goes great with the original title 'You are not alone' The small effect at 10 secs was great. Really well done! Quote
Temporal Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 This is going to sound like a trivial complaint, but one of the notes in the first part is wrong. Happens at about 0:33, and again at 1:01. Listen to the original, then listen to this. Woops. It doesn't sound to me like an intentional change; I think Sonicade just put in the wrong note. I can see where the mistake might originate; the first time through the pattern, that note is correct (i.e. at 0:20), but the second time it is supposed to be different. I guess Sonicade didn't notice that the patterns were different. The original was one of my favorite tracks, so I picked up on this mistake pretty quickly, and it bothers me, because the original flowed much better. Other than that, this mix is OK. The first part sounded like a midi rip, but the guitar was pretty good. Although, I have to agree with Mythril Nazgul in that it really doesn't compare to Ailsean's work in PMM... though perhaps that's why PMM costs money. (Worth every cent, mind you.) I have to completely disagree with the guy who said that "Safety in Numbers" is much better than this. I actually think this mix is better. ::shrug:: This piece just needs a guitar, IMO. Quote
The Orichalcon Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 The idea of a remix is to be different. This can include changing the score. Which means you're able to get away with little things like that as you can pass it off as a 'remixed note' Quote
Kyran Posted November 11, 2003 Posted November 11, 2003 It could have longer. It seems like just as you're getting into the song, it's over, wanting more, but not enough to loop it. I agree a second guitar solo would improve it. Quote
AhrenNighthawk Posted November 21, 2003 Posted November 21, 2003 Hmm...this mix is quite a good one. Though it doesn't stray from the original composure, you have to admit, it changes the 'mood' of the song. It's now one of my favorite songs that I RP to, and right now I only have about 20. For the critiqing, it's good through the whole mix, those two 'wrong notes' I don't really notice, and I loved the guitar. The synth in the background adds a nice touch, along with the percussion sounds. In the beginning it sounds more like something shaking than drums to me, but that's my opinion. And the ending, as before mentioned, sounds like it should be more. It just ends too soon. So, compared to my other favorites, this song gets an 8/10, -2 points just for preference, but as a stand alone gets a 9/10, -1 point because I think the ending came too soon. Quote
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