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Just a video right now. Sorry about no real executable.


It's just a little thing I'm working on for my gamedev/gamedesign portfolio.

I need to redo the graphics for the ships, because I know they're crappy, but they work. And the texture on the buildings could be better. The movement of the player (mecha) is buggy too, I realize, but it works.

Basically you're a mecha blowing up police, in a city, and you can change into a faster, jet with less firepower. There are multiple types of weapons.

- Basic Gun (average)

- Shotgun (weak but scatters multiple shots)

- Vulcan (weak but fires quickly)

- Rifle (strong, but slow)

It's not final by any means, and is more of a concept. The video demonstrates weapon changes, bullet time, a brief transformation into the jet at the end, and very basic enemy ai (if you even want to call it that, lol). Upon uploading this, I realize I forgot to show how the jet can use missiles and lock on to things. Ah, well. A little spinning green cross hair fades in and a missile flies into it. Not missing much. lol.

Again, it's just a little concept to further fill out my game design portfolio.

It was a fun little distraction to build and I just thought I'd share it. :)

I've always thought a bullet-time shmup would have a lot of potential.

Off the top of my head, ESPGaluda 1 & 2 have the Kakusei modes to navigate around the ludicrous Cave-style bullet patterns and rack up ludicrous Cave-style point totals, and After Burner Climax has Climax mode, which in addition to slowing the game down gives you gigantic aiming crosshairs and infinite missiles, so you can blow up everything on the screen in one massive explosion of awesome.

anso is not here because he is still mad that no one posts in his official shoot em' up thread

I thought it had more to do with "some" of us being very smug about the PC shmups being only available on the PC platform rather than Mac...

not my fault the touhou games only ever work on windows, or most doujin shmups for that matter...


Thanks for the kind words guys.

I didn't realize you were involved in game design?

Yeah, game design is kind of what I'm focusing on at college. I've actually posted a few other shoot em up demos I made over the last few years here on OCR. I think I actually had a working demo online once. Wonder what happened to that. It's been years. It was pretty crappy though. lol.

where the hell is anso? he's usually fanboyed all over anything involving shmups by now. i mean, this is the 7th post, and all.
anso is not here because he is still mad that no one posts in his official shoot em' up thread

This. ^

I thought it had more to do with "some" of us being very smug about the PC shmups being only available on the PC platform rather than Mac...

And this. ^

Also, this game looks hot! 2d Omega Boost anyone? I still think a shmup with cel-shaded graphics would be hotter but I digress, I'd play this if I ever bothered to start WINE. The only issue gameplay wise I can find with your concept is that the enemies are always aiming for you. This makes 1. shooting them easy, 2. avoiding them easy and 3. this game not R-Type.

The only issue gameplay wise I can find with your concept is that the enemies are always aiming for you. This makes 1. shooting them easy, 2. avoiding them easy and 3. this game not R-Type.

Yeah, the enemy "ai" (if I even want to call it that, lol) is ridiculously basic right now. Again, this was only a little concept demo and it only demonstrated how the player can move, shoot, use bullet time, upgrade guns, and kill things. And maybe demonstrate the aesthetics of the style. I just wanted some kind of placeholder enemy in there just to shoot at. At first it was just a few static enemy vehicles that would sit there and do nothing... so... at least at this point they're a little aggressive, albeit not very effective. lol. Yeah, if I ever finish this the enemies need to be able to do more and fire in more of a way that is a challenge. I don't really want to go for too much bullet dodging though, where the screen is completely covered though. Maybe in low doses.

I had a cool armor system in place, actually, where you cold shoot off pieces of an enemy's craft until you started hitting their vulnerable core, but it was a little buggy so it's not finished yet. You could take out specific parts and the enemies would die differently (cockpit everything blows up, engine and the car just stops flying, etc. etc.) It was a very Einhander-ish system, which I like. :D If I ever finished this game, I would want almost all aircraft to have this armor system... maybe even the player too. It's a fun little system, and makes shooting things more rewarding imo. Relatively easy to implement too. In fact, I had one where if you took out the enemy they'd eject... and then you could shoot their ejection pod/parachute... if you were completely evil. lol.

Aesthetically, I also wanted to add more things going on in the foreground... like advancing enemies that you couldn't attack. There is a little "airborne highway" in the background too (I don't know if anyone could notice it... all the cars and trucks are behind the 3D buildings), but I wanted civilian cars flying around too which the player would have to avoid or shoot down. They were a little tricky to implement effectively in the style I wanted, but it's on the to-do list. :)

The idea for this level was to originally have an airborne battle in the middle of heavy traffic... clearly the traffic that would cause the player problems is absent at this point, lol, but it's something I'd like to do in the future. :) I wanted the levels to have hazards and things that the player could interact with, even experiment with. Like shoot civilian vehicles and get them to crash into enemies, etc.

... in fact, the bullet time thing was originally added because I wanted a way to react and avoid fast moving civilian vehicles. :)

Anyway, if I continue this project there's a lot of little things I want to add. I don't think it's quite to the point of feature burn because the features I want to add naturally lend themselves to the gameplay, so I think they're all feasible, and relatively easy to implement. It's all basically just a design blueprint... a prototype if you will. Ideally I'd like to have 3D graphics... so we'll see where it goes from here.

Also, this game looks hot!

and thanks, especially when this would be considered pre pre pre alpha. lol.

I'd love to use this as a prototype for a full game for PC, Xbox Live or PSN. In fact, I've been doing a lot of research and contacting developer relations to get more info from Sony and Microsoft. So... yeah, right now it's just a little pet portfolio project but we'll see where it goes.


This looks good, but the background really reminds me of the first stage in Einhander.

By the way, wouldn't the 'bullet-time' break the distinctive fast-pace of the shmup genre?

May as well save it for 'in-stage' tricky situations, or boss fights. Maybe via some kind of gauge.

It's not like you got trillions of ships, lasers & shit coming from everywhere, wanting you dead, like in


Good luck for ye project anyway!


It's called frame rate drop :P Its saved my ass more than a few times.

Gotta give credit, those slow-motion effects were neat for the time. :mrgreen:

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