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Diablo 2 1.13 Patch possibly as soon as next week! Join us!

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HC wouldn't be as hard as it is if it wasn't for the fact that sometimes the game suffers from 10+ second lag spikes. So your best bet is to just leave the game as soon as you notice it.

I'll just dick around exploring chars, until the patch :P. Looking at a poisin necro.

Poison necros are crazy fun until you realize that every other necro buld buttrapes it =(

Am I the only douchebag on USWest? :|

Douchers unite! I've been runnin cows for a bit today. Finally doing things Fanatically with my paly.

Add me, yos.


Poison necros are crazy fun until you realize that every other necro buld buttrapes it =(

Not in DPS... Seriously not in DPS. The other builds have their perks, but in raw damage the poison necros take the cake (especially with their lower resist combination).


My bone necro has some very decent gear but he soloes hell really slowly because of the lack in dps (both bone spear and spirit are around 3k damage per shot, even with the high fcr some enemies take a lot of time to down) I blame the lack of poison/bone skillers :P

I'm loving my fury druid at the moment though, the guy tanks insane amounts of damage <3


I thought about making a poison necro because I just got that unique Kris or whatever that adds a lot to poison abilities. I was going to look it up, but for some reason battle.net's Diablo 2 site is making my computer completely crash. The screen goes blank. This is so weird.

Not in DPS... Seriously not in DPS. The other builds have their perks, but in raw damage the poison necros take the cake (especially with their lower resist combination).

Yeah cuz raw dps is all you need in d2 rite? :razz:

Poisonmancers are absolute crap once you hit hell mode because pretty much everything is psn immune (unless lower resist removes immunity since 1.11, that was my last psn nec), and they cant fight in duels because psn damage doesn't kill. Bone necro's take proper skill focus but are much much more efficient in every area, and summon necros, well, they just win everything.

Yeah cuz raw dps is all you need in d2 rite? :razz:

Poisonmancers are absolute crap once you hit hell mode because pretty much everything is psn immune (unless lower resist removes immunity since 1.11, that was my last psn nec), and they cant fight in duels because psn damage doesn't kill. Bone necro's take proper skill focus but are much much more efficient in every area, and summon necros, well, they just win everything.

Hm... What about a Druid?

Yeah cuz raw dps is all you need in d2 rite? :razz:

Poisonmancers are absolute crap once you hit hell mode because pretty much everything is psn immune (unless lower resist removes immunity since 1.11, that was my last psn nec), and they cant fight in duels because psn damage doesn't kill. Bone necro's take proper skill focus but are much much more efficient in every area, and summon necros, well, they just win everything.

Your kidding about the dueling, right? Seriously, poison necros are one of the best PvP builds out there (look them up - even with max resist, max reduction and the natural 25% reduction from PvP they'll still drain you to nothing in an instant - then throw lv1 teeth at you to finish it). With the teleportation from Enigma it's nearly impossible to avoid it, too (although a rabid druid gives them a run for their money). Bone necros are good for PvP too, though :P.

Yes, I think it's changed since 1.11... I know many curses break immunities, now (if the curse is strong enough - in fact it's a defining feature of Fishymancers), so lower resist could very well take of poison immune from most enemies.

Run a bone necro through Act 2 Hell - every freaking (important) mob is magic immune. Bonermancers have a very, very difficult time there (where poisonmancers would flourish). I've played quite a few 80+ bonermancers - believe me, it's not that simple.

I understand where your coming from with the utility and all - but on Bnet you'll be playing with other players for the most part so others will fill the gap that you'll lack. To be honest many sorc builds would be crap if immunities completely ruined them (Pure lit/ice/fire, anyone? Used for raw DPS, but need other players to fill in they're deficiencies). You'll admit that the poison far outstrips the bone and summon necros in raw damage. Situational damage, sure, but very, very high raw damage that is great on Bnet. I know it's not the only thing out there (I personally prefer curse/bonermancers), but it is a perfectly viable alternative.

Hm... What about a Druid?
Druids rock... but the only druids I've ever played are elemental druids (fire or wind - wind outstrips fire by far). Lycanthropy druids are great, too - wolfs get high speed and damage while bears get incredible AoE stuns and incredible damage (and life). Fire druids get high damage over time, but wind druids utilize a combination of cold and physical damage (great for Hell, by the way) and are virtually immune to elemental (but not poison) damage.
Who wants to low lvl duel my druid? :razz: I'm lvl 18.
Is it your hardcore elemental druid? lol, I'm game tomorrow at 2:15 eastern :P.
who hasn't played d2
Native Jovian. :-x

Run a bone necro through Act 2 Hell - every freaking (important) mob is magic immune. Bonermancers have a very, very difficult time there (where poisonmancers would flourish). I've played quite a few 80+ bonermancers - believe me, it's not that simple.

That's what mercs are for.

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