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Post-apocalyptic Pokemon.

Stop. I see you navigating away from the thread already. Just hear me out.

As I’m sure you all know, Pokemon is a happy, fun series of games aimed largely at kids. Bright colours, cheery and quirky characters, upbeat music and an all-around light-hearted feel; all of these serve marvellously in detracting from the fact that the focus of the game is on ferocious gladiatorial combat.

What if, rather than trying to dull the edges of its inherent violence, it were to embrace it?

Picture a Fallout-style scenario. Nuclear war has engulfed the Earth, reducing most of it to a barren, desolate wasteland. The creatures known as “Pokemon” were once normal animals, but have since been mutated heavily by radiation, causing them to have bizarre appearances that often only barely resemble their original species, as well as granting them remarkable abilities. This has also left them with extremely unstable DNA, which has been known to lead to abrupt and inexplicable transformations, wherein a Pokemon undergoes millions of years worth of evolutionary progress in just a few seconds.

With advanced technology rendered the stuff of legend, mankind has been forced to fall back on more primitive ways, capturing and taming these strange beasts to use towards their own ends.

Pokemon battling, in this world, is not something one does for fun, or out of a desire to win tournaments and “be the best”. Such duels are bloody and painful, but they are a harsh necessity of life. If an aspiring trainer or his monstrous companions lack the skill, determination and power to meet challenges head-on and face the many dangers that the brutal wasteland has to offer, they will be crushed and tossed aside to die a meaningless and unlamented death.

To quote the late, great Richard Pryor; “You’d better get bad, Jack, ‘cause if you ain’t bad, you gon’ get fucked!”

And you will get fucked. Wild and feral Pokemon are an ever-present danger, and there is also the terrible threat of Team Rocket. Although this ruthless criminal organisation was thought to have been all but wiped out, they underwent a mysterious rebirth in the fires of the nuclear holocaust and have become more bold in their dealings than ever before, raiding, pillaging and enslaving anyone who lacks the strength to oppose them.

It’s a whole new world we live in.

But you still gotta catch ‘em all.

Fist of the North Star + Pokemon = ???

Holy crap, I didn't even read your post Achaon when I posted this but I think I nailed it on the head. Just gotta fix a few things and it's good to go.


Not exactly what you're describing, but close enough to warrant me looking it up again:


The writing's not horrible like a lot of fanfiction stuff, but it definitely needed work. Still, it was written back when most people writing fanfiction of Pokémon were 12 years old and could barely write a decent sentence, so I wasn't going to hold it against the author, then or now.

(Dear lord it's been a while since I last saw that page. Looks exactly the same, too.)

Could someone tell me what the "I, Mario" thread was all about? :oops:

Shael Riley made a post about how awesome a realistic and gritty Mario would be and people ran with it. They created all kinds of fan art, wrote short stories, and even auditioned for voiceovers.

A few things I remember were Luigi being an asshole to Mario, and a Bowser/Princess rape scene (which was scrapped pretty quickly).

They also set up a message board for this, which surprisingly, has some recent posts.


Alright, guys, we need to throw together some concept art ASAP.

dickhead-pokedex thx molto

also unoriginal idea i wish you hadn't stopped me from navigating away after the first sentence!


"What the devil of an attack is this?"

I'm sorry, I don't think I'll be able to read this.

also unoriginal idea i wish you hadn't stopped me from navigating away after the first sentence!

I wish YOU would choke to death on an artichoke so that everyone at your funeral would be making bad vegetable-related puns rather than mourning and also so that you'd be dead.

Shael Riley made a post about how awesome a realistic and gritty Mario would be and people ran with it. They created all kinds of fan art, wrote short stories, and even auditioned for voiceovers.

A few things I remember were Luigi being an asshole to Mario, and a Bowser/Princess rape scene (which was scrapped pretty quickly).

They also set up a message board for this, which surprisingly, has some recent posts.


Awesome, thanks. I've never payed that much attention to that thread because I wasn't aware of what was going on, but now I am.

Shael Riley made a post about how awesome a realistic and gritty Mario would be and people ran with it. They created all kinds of fan art, wrote short stories, and even auditioned for voiceovers.

A few things I remember were Luigi being an asshole to Mario, and a Bowser/Princess rape scene (which was scrapped pretty quickly).

They also set up a message board for this, which surprisingly, has some recent posts.


Oh wow, I totally remember that thread way back when and contributing some art when I had a working scanner. Good times man, good times. But on topic...

...yeah, nitty gritty Pokemon would be interesting to see. I feel Team Rocket had hints of that, except since it was a kid's game they couldn't really make them as evil as they should have been.

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