djpretzel Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Well, it's been a long time coming, but thanks to helpful advice from Protricity and immense, amazing assistance from Aubrey (who runs the Supertux mirror and kicks ass), we've finally finalized an official OC ReMix BitTorrent distribution. If you don't know what bittorrent is, it's a distributed download system using a special client that forces everyone downloading to share with everyone else for that specific download, even as it's in progress. More info at There are two torrents, one for OCR00001 to OCR00500, another for OCR00501 to OCR01000. The mp3 files are not compressed in any way; we decided on two torrents because some bittorrent clients have a limitation on the number of files (512) they can simultaneously lock and write to. At this point, we are looking for those with high-bandwidth connections who are willing to seed these two torrents, meaning to download them in their entirety and LEAVE the download running after it is complete for as long as possible, and if you need to disable it for some reason, to re-enable it whenever possible. In other words, we need DEDICATED seeders, with good connections. Because these torrents contain the mp3 files themselves, you can and should download them into whichever directory you already store OC ReMixes. Assuming you haven't mucked with the filenames of mixes you've downloaded, the torrent client should recognize the existing files and you won't have to redownload those tracks. We're interested in seeing how many existing files are recognized, so if you've got a lot already and intend to seed, let us know what percentage (roughly) were recognized by responding to this thread. The BitTorrent client we recommend is Shadow's experimental, found at The OCR torrents are at Please remember that we're looking right now primarily for seeders - people willing to devote bandwidth after they've gotten all the files, i.e. to share, and also with broadband or better connections. The purpose of this post is to help get a few more seeders online before we make the URL more public, place it on each mix's (OCR01000 and before) download page, advertise it elsewhere, etc. Aubrey, Ari - if I've left anything out, please chime in. If anyone has questions regarding this specific torrent (NOT BitTorrent in general, PLEASE), feel free to ask. Thanks, Quote
ravon Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Sweet!!! This will be a perfect opportunity to get the correct ID3 tags for the stream once and for all. Edit: Ouch. I only had 39% from the first one. Seems like OCReCollections didn't bitch about the file name diffs :/ Quote
Doulifée Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Very good idea. as soon as i got my second hard drive installed i can see what i can do with that. Quote
The Listener Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Hmm.. It's working for me, though it said that I am firewalled. Does anyone know how to configure my router so it doesn't say that I am firewalled? P.S. I am currently dling at 45kb/s and uploading at 12kb/s Quote
ravon Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Hmm.. It's working for me, though it said that I am firewalled. Does anyone know how to configure my router so it doesn't say that I am firewalled? Yes, depending on which client you're using. Try to open up the ports 6881-6999. Quote
The Listener Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Thanks. I have been trying that, but the light is still yellow. Oh well, I guess people will have to be patient with my upload speed. EDIT: I got it working now. Quote
whiteknight Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 I want to help with this one, but I am going to have alot of problems being a reliable seeder UNLESS i can find a good linux version of the Bittorrent seed program that operates without a gui. my windowsXP machine is a laptop, which is prone to overheating if left on for too long. so I turn it off every night. my linux box however, is on all the time, but it doesnt have a GUI to speak of. it is all commandline/shell nonsense. if I can find a good bittorrent client for my linux box, you will have a dedicated seed up 24/7 for at least a few months. if anybody knows a good one, send me a PM EDIT: I participated in the last bittorrent test that was run, and now I have the first 1000 OCR songs. if I point the new tracker to the folder, will it recognize them? I dont want to have to download them all again. Quote
neminem Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 I would help... I have nice bandwidth, but my only computer is a laptop, so I'd only be able to seed when I was around, which I don't think would help too much. Quote
ravon Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 if I can find a good bittorrent client for my linux box, you will have a dedicated seed up 24/7 for at least a few months. if anybody knows a good one, send me a PM Hum, tried their official client? My friend uses the Python version, and it seems to be working pretty good. Quote
whiteknight Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 as a quick matter of inquiry (because I have the first 500 songs, and am currently seeding the whole lot of them) when going through a firewall, should i open the BT ports(6881:6999), forward them, or do nothing at all? Quote
IronicMuffin Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Hmm in 2 weeks ill be back home from college...and amazingly i have a better connection at home then on campus... anyways...I have the first 1000 OC mixes...and I wouldn't mind downloading the rest...i got plenty of room....the only problem is i would only have the good speed for a month... If....and this is a big roommates and I get a cable modem in our dorm i could do it for as long as comp is on 24/7 so yeah...give me a couple of weeks and i'll help out as much as needed Quote
Doulifée Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 start the download of the first part. Need to free some space on my hard drive till monday or maybe thuesday. i hope i can install my 140Go hd to store the 20Go of mp3. everything going smoothly anyway. the speed seem correct Quote
Mog Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 I'm seeding both now, not sure if I can keep it running on this computer though. It's already dangerously low on ram. Windows takes like 120 megs for some reason. I might transfer the 4 gigs to my upstairs server computer and seed from there sometime. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Just in case anyone is using BT++ for this, just a fair warning that BT++ and some other older clients dont handle multiple files well, example the 500 remixes in one download. You will have to use shadows client for stuff like this. Quote
Wideruled Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Ill bee seeding as much as possible, i might have to take em down every once in a while but my bandwidth is yours. Quote
Blake Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Dang...I didn't know there was THAT much. I'm so uninformed...I'll try downloading it later x_X Quote
Neimonster Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 AAAAAAAAAAAAH! The songs are all messed up, they end to early and what's missing on one song is in the beginning of the next! Is this just for me? Is this only while downloading? Is this the end of the world? HELP! Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 Well of course its cause you are downloading. BT will save the whole file to the HD as a blank file, and fill it in as it downloads. So when you try to listen while downloading, it fills it in with random stuff from the download. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 Whoa, d/l rate 79 kBps, u/l rate 17 kBps...I'll try to seed as much as possible, but college goes off for winter break soon, so I won't be able to seed again until like mid-Janurary. Quote
chocobo150 Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 Whoa, d/l rate 79 kBps, u/l rate 17 kBps...I'll try to seed as much as possible, but college goes off for winter break soon, so I won't be able to seed again until like mid-Janurary. At least you get to stream it to other people. If you try to let other people upload in UCD, they block your port and you have to go to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and show proof that you have nothing downloaded and that you have no downloading program before you could get your port back. Quote
Akuen Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 sweat! XD I'll download it when I get back at my dads house. I can prolly work as a seeder when I am there. I'm at my dads 50% of the time. Quote
whiteknight Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 AVG upload: 10kbps total upload: 704Mb online time: ~11 hours. not doing so bad eh? Quote
Bahamut Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 Well, beat upload rate 49 kBps, total upload 672.84 MB, total time 4 hours 53 min! Quote
*MP*Evil_Cartman Posted December 8, 2003 Posted December 8, 2003 YAYEE! Finally. Finally i can get all OCRemixes on my iPod. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll be seeding until i have to sleep. Quote
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