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  ifirit said:
Since the problems link sent me here, I guess I'll report my problem with the BitTorrent software.

While running the BitTorrent file OCR00001_to_OCR00500 in Shadow's program, I get a message saying that there is a problem in PYTHON23.dll and the program closes, occasionally giving me the "blue screen of death." I've uninstalled the program, run the Memtest86 program as recommended by the FAQ, and reinstalled the program. I keep all non-essential programs and processes closed, yet the problem persists, even after reinstallation and rebooting.

I'm operating on Windows ME, using a standard broadband connection, without a firewall. I've tried scanning my computer, the program, and everything that is running, but I can't find the source of the problem.

I can still run the BitTorrent for a few minutes (between 1 and 5 minutes, to be more precise), but afterwards it crashes. Any help?

That sounds like a problem with Python, moreso than with the Client itself, although other than re-installing Python, I've got nothing -_-.

Anyways, when do you predict the next batch of OC's are coming out on torrents? I was hoping this would be a more regular thing (like every 100 or so) since BT is smart and will resume files, but it doesn't look this way. Any ideas?


Worst case...Try right clicking and doing a "Save Target As" of the link so that you can save the torrent to your hard drive. Then you can open it with your bit torrent client from there.


I've been seeding quite a lot the past few days, BitTorrent rocks;)

I've downloaded OCR00001-OCR01000, total files are 971, weighing in at 3.41gb. Currently seeding the second torrent.

  Dionyseus said:
I've been seeding quite a lot the past few days, BitTorrent rocks;)

I've downloaded OCR00001-OCR01000, total files are 971, weighing in at 3.41gb. Currently seeding the second torrent.

Im going to start to seed soon.

and Dionyseus ...That's great name choice, pretty cool. 8)


Having some problems. When I press the link, it takes me to a page with a bunch of codes. I tried saving target as but it saves a wordpad file. Can someone please tell me what's going on? Is it just down?


Hope this is in the right place...

Sorry for asking such a newb question, but I'm not familiar with bittorrent. As I have a crappy sound card and no knowledge of mixing, the only way I can repay the site is by keeping bt running. Anyway, it says 1 thru 1000. Will it download (And share) the entire collection, or only the first 1000?


Only the first 1000, but not the remixes that were removed from those. Basically, all the OCR's with a number ranging from 1 to 1000, in two sets(1-500 and 501-1000)

You'll have to download the others manually, or wait for the next set of mixes(Should be released at OCR#1250 or #1500 if I remember correctly...) to appear in a torrent file.


ill seed when i get home which should be about.......30 minutes? and when i seed, i got a nice fast seedin speed. around 30k/b or so. so if ya want this nice collection, be around! PM me, or AIM me, my AIM stays on.

EDIT: seeding after i rape 4chan of their pictures.



Due to changing to linux, and a general inability to do some things with it, I no longer have bittorrent on my system. My bad. I found another way anyway. Since CD-Rs are cheap, I've started lending/handing out some and telling people. Who says word of mouth is dead?


Just thought I'd mention, that I'm glad you guys did the BitTorrent thing. I've never been a big fan of it, but I was wondering how I could help out here at OCRemix.org.

I'm currently downloading both torrents on my cable connection here at home. I'll try to keep my comp on as much as possible. I may turn it off at night, to give it a rest, and so I can sleep (loud fan).

I'm also going to be restricting my upload a bit... haven't chosen an actual number yet. Probably won't be more than 20kbps.

Thanks for giving some of us out here a way to help out. :)

EDIT: Well, I may not be able to seed after all. It seems that whenever I have BitTornado open (I had the first 500 done) that it was still using a whole lot of download bandwidth. Even if I'm just seeding. *shrug* I'm not sure if it's a setting or what.


I finally completed all 1000. I'm going to try seeding for a while, but when I tried to seed the first 500, it seemed like the torrent was still destroying my bandwidth.

Eventually my web browsing slowed to a crawl, and the rest of my family on our 3MBit cable connection was feeling the burn. So bad that it was worse than our dial up.

Has no one else had this problem?

EDIT: :cry: Internet slowed to a crawl within minutes. If anyone has an idea what could be wrong (a setting or something?) let me know, I really would like to help by seeding these.

  Wielder of Crystalis said:
Eventually my web browsing slowed to a crawl, and the rest of my family on our 3MBit cable connection was feeling the burn. So bad that it was worse than our dial up.

Most bittorrent programs have a upload rate and simultaneous connection limit which you can set. On the default Mac OS X client, just press the button in the top right corner of the window to bring the toolbar down.


Enclosed (bottom of post) is an image of my BitTornado client running. I'm using the WinXP version.

The upload limit setting shown is Cable/DSL Fast, but even on Cable/DSL Slow, or Dial-Up my internet connection dies. I've checked the Network Performance in my Task Manager, and it just shows an upload, and no download.

But if that's the case, why is my internet slowing to a crawl?

Also, if you'll notice, I show my internet connection activity in the taskbar. Both lights there are solid, and stay that way until I close the torrent.

I mean, I seem to recall running Kazaa with a similar (or higher) upload limit, and I could surf the web, watch streaming video etc.... But I think BitTorrent just hates me. :)

EDIT: Well, if what I read here (http://btfaq.com/serve/cache/37.html) holds true, it seems it's a cable modem (or other hardware) problem? :( Finally find some way I can help, and I'm not compatible. Ah well... sorry guys.



I want so bad to download these.....except our computer's decided to screw itself over and make two copies of EVERY file on it, jumping the amount of space taken up on the hardrive to near 90%. ####. Maybe in the next few months, when my parents are (supposedly) getting me a new computer, I'll start downloading these.

Even then, my ability to seed for you is nonexistant - way out here in the backwaters of Texas, DSL, Broadband, and all those other goodies aren't available, so I'm stuck with 56k for the next two years.


I do not know if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but is it possible to do another torrent? One that contains mixes 1001-current? Maybe it could be updated once a week or month or something.

I love the site and the music, I just want to help save the bandwidth cost.

  travisb said:
I do not know if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but is it possible to do another torrent? One that contains mixes 1001-current? Maybe it could be updated once a week or month or something.

I love the site and the music, I just want to help save the bandwidth cost.

That's likely coming in a 1001-1250 or 1001-1500 torrent when OCR reaches that level.

I'm broadbanded tomorrow (as it were) so as soon as I've downloaded the torrents I should be able to seed.

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