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<- This was the piece of Tomita's that I heard. The strings are nice, but a lot of the other sounds are basically just synths... nothing TOO spectacular here.

<- This was way more impressive. The high strings, harp and pizzicatos here are really great. I guess I shouldn't have started with Arabesque. Is this all subtractive though?
Tons of music has been made this way. One of the most successful "classical music" albums was done this way, back in the late 60s, Switched-On Bach.

i've got the vinyl of this. artistry is awesome, moog isn't. never really got into the sound like some people. one thing i never got into is that walter/wendy basically does their own version of bach, not really a traditional interpretation. while her control and everything was great, i still would have preferred a slightly drier approach. but that's just me.

that said, i'm talking about software, not hardware, as i mentioned before. let's not get into a music-knowledge pissing match, anyways.


I'm a bit bemused. I try to give this concept some perspective by using examples to illustrate that it's as old as the hills, then you and zircon opine on your subjective tastes of the examples I gave as if that were an intellectual response. Ignoratio elenchi much?

artistry is awesome, moog isn't. never really got into the sound like some people.

So the minimoog is your favorite synth, but you don't like the moog sound. Okay.

i'm talking about software, not hardware, as i mentioned before.

Your concept is the same regardless of hardware or software, so as much as you'd like to catch me in a technicality the fact is we are talking about both.

let's not get into a music-knowledge pissing match, anyways.

If you're gonna pick your battles then pick them. If you can't participate, don't respond.


i didn't get into moog for bach. i LOVE it used elsewhere. if you noticed, i said i like the minimoog (specifically, the D), not the original custom modular setup that carlos had built. different sounds. imo, bach sounds really nasty when you use a synth. been listening to too many piano recitals, i guess. my wife's a pianist, so it's tough for me to hear anything but piano playing those pieces.

analoq, i'm not trying to complain or something. this thread isn't about which is better, or the huge history behind it. i wanted to know about people around here that are into this stuff.

all that said, while the concept is as old as the hills and everyone and their brother has worked on a single-synth track at some point (hell, that's how synthesis started, isn't it?), i was more interested in people who frequent this site, and their stories about trying something to expand their horizens. i don't really care about stockhausen - i think his music is frustrating to listen to, and although his ideas were ahead of their time by the time he died he was a pariah in the musical community outside of his circle of friends, used as a joking example by music students to represent something utterly horrible to listen to. i'll say it again: most every 'classical' artist who uses synthesizers drives me insane, since their music only serves to drive people away from modern classicism rather than bring people in. don't say i'm not in touch, since most of my repertoire is based on that same style of music...and i hate it.

now, back on topic. like i said, i'm more into the community and the stories that they've got. anything cool that you've experienced with fooling around with this style of composition?


If you're gonna pick your battles then pick them. If you can't participate, don't respond.

what the fuck? this is a conversation that you came in and hijacked. just because you're some synth genius doesn't mean that i have to leave my own discussion.

if you noticed (Yes, I did -analoq), i said i like the minimoog (specifically, the D), not the original custom modular setup that carlos had built. different sounds.

That's fine, it just struck me as odd as they both represent the 'moog' sound, the modular just allows for more complexities.

i don't really care about stockhausen

I wasn't trying to start a discussion about Stockhausen, Carlos or Tomita. I was making a point about this being an old idea (which you have acknowledged) and used them as examples to illustrate my point which was on-topic. You guys ignored my point and went off-topic to opine on my examples.

most every 'classical' artist who uses synthesizers drives me insane, since their music only serves to drive people away from modern classicism rather than bring people in.

You make an outrageous claim like that and yet I'm the one hijacking this thread? Okay.

what the fuck? this is a conversation that you came in and hijacked. just because you're some synth genius doesn't mean that i have to leave my own discussion.

I meant don't respond to me unless you're willing to engage discussion; wasn't telling you to back out from the entire thread.

this is all i'm saying about the subject.

You just don't get it, do you? You can't make claims and then neglect your responsibility to those who wish to scrutinize. You can't award yourself the last word, you have to earn it. What you are practicing is intellectual dishonesty and I don't respect that.

Your opinions on this subject are immaterial to me regardless, so I wasn't going to entertain your argument anyways. Besides that, I already suggested it's off-topic...



What do you guys think about a single synth remix competition? The FL only competitions were in a similar vein, but this way, more people would be able to join, and synthesizing your drums would add to the challenge.

All we'd need is a nice mac+pc freebie to agree on and a somewhat established regular to host the thing.


I like that idea. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help move it forward, e.g. you're welcome to use the compo:TS system. I don't hold grudges.

All we'd need is a nice mac+pc freebie to agree on

There aren't a lot of free, well-supported crossplatform synth plugins, there's Green Oak Crystal but that's a bit complicated. Linplug's Free Alpha would probably be the best choice going off the top of my head.



The problem is that doesn't create a level playing field. Someone could be using 3xOSC someone else could be using Reaktor. And then you have to define what's allowed and what's not, like SonikSynth is a synth but it's sample based so it would give an unfair advantage. I think Nasenmann's idea is better.


I would love to host a compo for this. I'd think a throwback to 3xosc only would be wonderful, but I would want to make sure that everyone who wanted to participate had the proper software to do so. There are a couple of options on mac to get FL running as well, but if there are any other ideas let me know, and I'd be happy to set up a compo time for it.


I think it'd be expecting a bit much for anyone who doesn't already have FL to go out and get it, install it, install windows if they're a mac user, and learn to use it just for a compo.

Getting FreeAlpha or the plugin Nasenmann mentioned is easy enough for anyone, except maybe Reason users - but most of them have host software as well.

edit: Oh and I'm very glad you're interested in hosting this! cheers.

Getting FreeAlpha or the plugin Nasenmann mentioned is easy enough for anyone, except maybe Reason users...

Sadness! Oh well, I'd still enjoy watching where a compo of the sort would go (even if I couldn't participate until I broke down and got FL Studio). It would be very interesting to see what came out of it!


I'm open to ideas of course, but if i get 5 people that want to compo and they all happen to be on windows, FL would be my solution since we could all use the demo :< Of course, if we could decide on a single sample and manipulate it to all hell, that would work in any DAW and OS.

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