Wadoko Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Having finished Other M a few days ago, I really felt like the gameplay was good, the story was bad, but it was just too short to have a firm opinion one way or another. I don't mean short as in how many days/hours it took me to beat it, but getting to 100% was a piece of cake. After getting to 80 missiles and 9 energy tanks I kept thinking I must have missed some. I felt like I was playing another Star Fox Assault... Quote
Rozovian Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 I'm beginning to think the story itself wasn't necessarily terrible, just handled atrociously (both as Metroid game and as a game at all). Still feels like something a 12-yearold fanfic writer would produce tho. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Still feels like something a 12-yearold fanfic writer would produce tho. Hey that was insulting Quote
Toadofsky Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Like I said earlier, I am almost SURE that we will get a Zero-Mission esque game in the mold of Other M following this. And we the fans will be happy, since it will probably be handled with more finesse. I wish I had that confidence... Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I'm still waiting for Metroid Dread. Sakamoto "acknowledged" it was real, but who knows when it will be released? Quote
EC2151 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I wish I had that confidence... Like I said, Fusion's criticisms resulted in Zero Mission. Now think of the mild criticisms Fusion got (which Fusion is the third best game in the series, in my opinion), and see what would happen if you apply that to Other M's criticisms. Zero Mission kept the great things about Fusion and made it better. Like the Happy Mask Salesman, I have to believe.... Believe.... Plus, like all Metroid games, this is selling like crap, so it'll be once again a good long time before we see another Metroid game anyway. Though I'm hoping for a 3DS iteration... In fact, IF THERE IS a 3DS Metroid, I will buy a 3DS right away, hook line and sinker. When you're loyal to a series... Heck, my brother got our first DS because the new Advanced Wars was coming out on it. Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Let's just hope the 3DS Metroid isn't a demo packaged in the first waves of 3DSs Quote
Devyn Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Metroid: Dread - Nintendo's version of Duke Nukem Forever. Quote
RDX Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 http://wii.ign.com/articles/112/1122068p1.html lol. even though i didn't like other m, i feel like she missed the point entirely. in america's quest for sexual equality, there a few numb nuts who themselves forget that women too are capable of emotion. it's only human, people, we've all cried before. was other m over the top? yup. was the plotline poorly planned out? yeah. was giving samus actual character and personality while retaining some badassery a terrible choice? no, that was one of the few things they did right. Quote
Rozovian Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I don't think you read that article right. To me it didn't seem like the author had a problem with Samus having emotion, the problem was to what extent those emotions controlled her and to what extent those emotions are spelled out, something completely alien to the Metroid series. At most, we've seen subtle hints of emotion during the appearance of bosses in the Prime games, or the scene at the end of M2 with the newly hatched metroid, or the last line of her pre-Ceres monologue in SM (and yes, a single line ending in an exclamation point is enough to show emotion, anything more would be superfluous). (Fusion doesn't count, it's later in the chronology) This inconsistency it at the heart of the ppl's reactions, not the emotions themselves, not the story, its execution, not the Waldo games or walk rooms any of that. (they're separate criticisms) If this was a character that's relatively normal (biologically and psychologically) and/or with games that depict him or her as expressing emotions, there wouldn't be half the outcry there is now. I read an article by someone who showed the Ridley scene to a shrink and a PTSD-coping soldier (iirc). The point of that article was that Samus' portrayal in that scene is a good example of PTSD (which they confirmed). Completely missing the point that many fans make, that she's been through far worse than have Ridley come after her, back from the dead. Again. She'd have had PTSD after her first vg outing, or after Ridley came back after her in the Primes. Meh. (also, I'm noticing using excessive parentheses is becoming a habit (at least in this thread)) Quote
Toadofsky Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Like I said, Fusion's criticisms resulted in Zero Mission.Now think of the mild criticisms Fusion got (which Fusion is the third best game in the series, in my opinion), and see what would happen if you apply that to Other M's criticisms. Zero Mission kept the great things about Fusion and made it better. Plus, like all Metroid games, this is selling like crap, so it'll be once again a good long time before we see another Metroid game anyway. Though I'm hoping for a 3DS iteration... I tend to feel opposite. Sakamoto wanted to cram his "vision" into Metroid, so he retcon what happened in the original and put in some cutscenes (though they were nowhere near intrusive), the last part reeked of Metal Gear with the sneaking around in her skimpy Zero Suit. Zero Mission to me is a better game than Fusion, and is the only 2D Metroid that holds up for me anymore. I'm not hopeful for any future Metroid games if Sakamoto is involved in any part of it, story or otherwise. If Nintendo does finally release a new Metroid game, they'll need to understand WHY the last one didn't sell well, or any of them, other than the NES Metroid, Metroid 2, and the first Prime. If they don't, well, they'll keep wasting money again and again... was giving samus actual character and personality while retaining some badassery a terrible choice? no, that was one of the few things they did right. Sorry, you lost me on that last part, where was the part where she was still badass? I didn't see it when she was weeping over seeing Ridley again... ALL KIDDING ASIDE, I don't mind characterization, but so much of this story and characterization was so ridiculously bad and amateurish. I don't expect a Citizen Kane like the game critics (who have probably never seen that film) demand, but at least better acting... Quote
EC2151 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Probably because they haven't seriously advertised a Metroid game since Super Metroid. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Dudes, Other M broke over 250k in sales. http://www.vgchartz.com/game.php?id=35086 That's not bad at all. Especially for a Metroid game. Quote
EC2151 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Sakamoto wants to hear the fans' opinions of Other M "I want to hear what the fans have to say, if Metroid should take a different direction, or go down the same path as Other M" Is this the internet's chance to make magic happen? Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Everyone tell him we want another 2D Metroid. Quote
Toadofsky Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Sakamoto wants to hear the fans' opinions of Other M"I want to hear what the fans have to say, if Metroid should take a different direction, or go down the same path as Other M" Is this the internet's chance to make magic happen? I highly doubt it. Read this from a recent interview, prior to release of the game... "So for all of these people saying that they really want a 2D Metroid, what I’d really like to say to them is I think this is your game. I’d like to see these people play it, and if they still want a purely 2D Metroid game after they’ve had this experience, then they should certainly let me know, then we’ll have to think about what to do next.” Now read what he says POST release of the game: "We might be able to come up with a better Super Metroid but, some day sometime, we would work ourselves into a creative dead end if we were simply moving forward in one direction. I, myself, have been seeking new stimulations and new play feels with the games that I’ve been working on so at least I am trying to avoid repeating the same things. I definitely consider the feedback of those players that prefer Super Metroid but the fact of the matter is that Other M has other features that must be exciting and appealing to the audience." http://www.gamestm.co.uk/interviews/yoshio-sakamoto-discusses-metroid-64-metroid-dread-and-the-unwritten-future-of-the-warioware-series/ If that says anything to me, he's saying, "My vision is all that matters, you don't like it, doesn't matter, only my vision is important!" Granted, my link is a few days older than yours.... Quote
Calpis Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Sounded more like "Not everyone wants Super Metroid 2". Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Well, it's like Chrono Trigger. A lot of people would like a sequel, but why? Why try and build upon something from what is probably one of the most favored RPGs? It just makes a lot of room for disappointment. If enjoyable Metroid experiences are created, then I'll be happy. I'll also be happy knowing that Super Metroid will probably be my favorite Metroid title, ever. Fusion and Zero Mission were great, but they weren't Super Metroid. Keep doing stuff like that. Quote
Rozovian Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Somebody tell him the gameplay wasn't the problem. Quote
The Author Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 The replay value is there for this one though, which was somewhat lacking in the primes. Quote
EC2151 Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Also someone needs to tell him that Metroid fans like multiple endings. Even if those endings are just samus in different outfits. Just give us SOMETHING. Quote
JadeAuto Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I bought a wii just to get Super metroid off of virtual console and to get Metroid: Other M. How lame am I? Now I own every metroid but corruption, hunters, and 2. And I'm seriously looking for the prime trilogy limited edition without having to pay horrid fees on ebay. Yes, I'm a samus fan. I'm liking Other M sofar. I don't like how linear it is, and I wish they would have put in sequence breaking and a bit more flexibility in the upgrade system - however, it's a good first attempt to make it 2d in 3d. Also, combat is much more exciting. I like that. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 If that says anything to me, he's saying, "My vision is all that matters, you don't like it, doesn't matter, only my vision is important!" Heaven forbid anyone sticking to their guns and following through with their own creative vision. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Malaki, are you seriously supporting Sakamoto's egotism? Not a wise move, bro. Quote
The Author Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Just finished the game for a second time. You know what? It's a pretty darn good game after all. The controls are tight for the most part, the story is actually a lot better than I first assumed, with hints as to who the deleter is during the game, still kinda bothered by the Anthony deus ex machina, but it wasn't completely unlikely, the structure of the station fits the events. The game actually needs a second playthrough to enjoy it more. Trust me, play it again, you will be surprised. (And I have to say, all Metroid games (even Super) get better when you play them more than once.) Quote
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