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Yea this is coming to PC and 360 as well. Make no mistakes about that. I'm pretty excited about this game, maybe a bit more than 13 o.o

Also about it being weird having 2 FF games announced so soon, think back when FF9 was announced, they also announced 10 and 11 as well.

PC is confirmed, 360 is not. Also, global release!



Wasn't FFXI supposed to be the most grind-happy of all the various MMOs out? :? I'm down with Final Fantasy and all and I think it'd be fun to play a dragoon or something, but with everything I've heard about FFXI I'm going to have to hear some confirmation about this sucking less (for lack of a more subtle phrase) before I get excited about it.

Posted (edited)
Just one? (Pay no attention to me...

Yup. I did do stuff afterwards and had Bard around 50 (not hard). And hey, to my credit, that first 75 job was Ninja...and I was a Tarutaru.

This was before they started to fix up the economy way back too, so that wasn't the easiest first job to bring up but It was too badass.

Briefly looking, my beloved job's barely gotten much of anything new since I was on years ago, while they've practically doted on PLD. Still don't even have Jubaku and Dokumori Ni. Bastards. lol

Edited by Kiyosuki

I started playing FFXI after they added level syncing, and apparently that changed the system greatly. Everyone I've talked to that has played it and other MMOs seems to say that WoW is the most grinding tedious MMO around though.


It is pretty grind-happy, but I'd say the difference between now and years ago is that they have finally added some very practical ways to get exp without having to be in a full party, making it a lot more friendly to play than it used to be. If I had to guess, FFXIV will have a lot of this stuff implemented from the get-go so hopefully it won't get the same reputation FFXI originally had of being incredibly time consuming to do anything (which for the first few years, was pretty true I'd say).

Class (or as they like to say, job) balance still has it's issues, though most jobs are fine there are still a few that do very little other than get laughed at by the majority of players. This is something that has been the case forever with different jobs at different stages of it's update history, so I wouldn't be surprised if this trend repeats itself in FFXIV (but it would be nice if it didn't.). For example, Kiyosuki brought up the Ninja job, which is a perfect example of a job that hasn't gotten anything new in literally years, while some jobs like Samurai and White Mage (yes, White Mage of all things) have gotten amazing new abilities.


So the Square-Enix Final Fantasy XIV Q&A session just ended, and there are a couple of points:

1) The game is being developed on PS3 as well as PC with other hardware(Microsoft) being considered. This pretty much translates into "We're releasing it on the PS3, PC and 360, but Sony paid us a lot of money not to mention the last part."

2) The game is going to be set totally apart from Final Fantasy XI, and there will be no sort of player transfer of any kind. Final Fantasy XI is still going to have content delivered to it for at least another year.

3) The trailer had pre-rendered footage as well as in-engine footage. The "galka" fighting those weird jellyfish things on the ship with other characters was in-game engine footage.

4) They're going to "look at various play styles such as partying, soloing, playing for 40 minutes or playing all day, etc." and make sure to have content suitable for all of them.

5) It's slated for a worldwide, simultaneous release in 2010. There will be a beta in the coming months.

4) They're going to "look at various play styles such as partying, soloing, playing for 40 minutes or playing all day, etc." and make sure to have content suitable for all of them.

This makes me happy. Also makes me wonder how they're gonna pull it off. To get anything done in FFXI you had to log on for at least 2 or 3 hours.

4) They're going to "look at various play styles such as partying, soloing, playing for 40 minutes or playing all day, etc." and make sure to have content suitable for all of them.

OH YEAH !!! I'm happy too !!!

Let's fav their site and watch for the news, now :D

Posted (edited)

I've said it once, I'll say it again: if they could make a game based around the mechanics and ease of play that WoW offers with the stylistic design of XI, I'd be in heaven!! Having to clock so many hours into XI was just fine with me at first, but now, it turns me off.

Also, while I'm excited to see Nobuo on the project, Naoshi has been doing a phenomenal job on the expansions!

Finally, EdgeCrusher: Odin FTW! That's the server that sephfire and I were on.

Edited by tweex
Tweek and Sephfire. Neither of us play much anymore. I am a Taru (75blm/68whm/63rng) and seph is a Hume (60whm). The constant grind took us both away from it :(.

I do remember a white mage named sephfire actually. Can't remember if I grouped with him or what, but yeah, definitely remember the name.


I used to play on Titan for about three years. Unforunately, I always played on my hueg PS2 and it got stolen by a mexican working on my house during renovation. My dad replaced it with one of the "new" slimlines so I couldn't play FFXI on it anymore. I got it for PC a while later and still have it...but I never got used to the controls on PC and I don't own a credit card OR have a steady income :/ I really want to play again. I miss it :(


Every year or so, I get really homesick for Vana'diel. I switched to WoW years ago, but I have so many fond memories of FFXI. And then I log in and remember why I left. Always a bummer.

If this game can capture the FFXI magic without the ridiculous tedium, I am 100% on board.


I for one have never touched FFXI. However, FFXIV looks incredible from what I've seen. I always loved the FF series and I always wanted to play XI so by the time I had a job and a credit card, I was too far deep in the hole to realize what the newest expansion is and etc (they ONLY have over 9000 expansions). With FFXIV as a fresh new start I'm definitely going to jump on board!


I used to play samurai by the name Avenius. I started out on Ramuh, but moved to Hades when they created those new servers. I also get "homesick" sometimes, no other game has had such an immersive world, although the gameplay really was too slow.

Damn, I hope they follow up the concept of skill chains. That's one of my favourite features in FFXI, although I've been told nobody uses them anymore :o

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