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Started a new character this morning and I got him to level 11 so far. Sambo is filming an episode of his "Let's Play" series tonight and I just wanted something decent to wear to the occasion. I'll be leveling up a lot slower from now on that's for sure. In the meantime, what does everyone think about the crafting system? There are a lot of recipes preloaded onto your class but does it include the end game high end gear? Or is there some sort of quest to get them?


You guys need to get in touch with the OP and have them update the main thread with a list of players and what servers they are on.

@Theory of N - I know exactly what you mean. I was all excited for Guild Wars 2 last year and played for a month or so but I had ZERO IRL friends who wanted to play that game, and everyone from OCR always changed servers so there was only a few of us on.

For me, I feel it's absolutely necessary to play with friends especially in MMOs, otherwise I just simply lose interest.

Posted (edited)

I'm on Masamune. There is no way I'm moving from my group because we are that awesome. Come join us if you want. The Distant World Free Company is always open. I was going to wait until the "Let's Play" episode released but I can't hide it anymore. Everyone behold, my linkshell. I'll post the video when it's available.


P.S. Our chat room was full at 50 so we raised the cap to 75 and maxed out. Raised it again to 90 and maxed out. Raised it again to 120 and it was still full for this event. Our website has now over 1,100 members strong. We only ask that you keep things friendly, help out others when they ask, and just basically be a nice guy. People come to us in droves because of the incredible community we have developed and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Edited by DarkeSword

I spent like ten minutes this evening trying to get into the server queue for Cactuar. Not spent ten minutes in the queue; spent ten minutes trying to get into the queue. I just got a "the server is full, go away" message.

At this rate, between login being fucked for a few days, and then the instance servers being fucked for a day or so, and then the servers getting hammered so hard that I couldn't even get in line to wait to log in, it's probably for the best that I have other plans for the actual launch tomorrow.

I can't stand huge groups like that. I much prefer a smaller tight-knit group.

Also this. I'd much, much rather roll with 10 or 20 people I know than 1,100 people who just happen to be on the same website.

Don't you have to be dead in order to be legendary? Or really Rare?

You could just have a legacy or an occult following. Or just have exploits that are something beyond mortal comprehension. Or just have a name like Brushfire. Says so right here on the "How to be a legend" checklist.


See, I initially joined Ultros in the beta because I love that little bastard. In the beta I bumped into Sixto by absolute chance in Ultros who told me that there was supposedly going to be an OCR group based in Ultros so I stuck with that.

I've since been unable to track him down in there and pretty much every other friend I have is on other servers and there is no world transfer service yet. So, yay.

Also, it's not like I can ever log the hell in anyways.

I post this not to whore out my writing, but only because I'm sure you guys will enjoy where the article is coming from:



Here it is folks, this is the moment I wanted to show all of you. This was filmed last week on Saturday. We waited for 3 hours for him to do all his filming to get to this point. Hope you're amazed.


Further Server and System Improvements

As we continue to address server issues, I would like to follow up on my previous announcement regarding the measures being taken to improve this situation.

With the maintenance completed on September 4, we have increased the number of concurrent connections allowed across all Worlds by roughly 60,000 users. For the time being, however, we believe it necessary to maintain login and character creation restrictions, even though they have inconvenienced many of our players.

With the exception of recently added Worlds, each World can now support 7,300 to 7,800 simultaneous logins. Further increasing this limit runs the risk of causing severe lag in all zones. We will continue monitoring server loads to ensure a stable playing environment as we move forward with our plans.

Following the increase in server capacity, we reached 325,000 simultaneous logins, and we anticipate that this number will only increase. Therefore, as our development and operations teams continue to work towards a full-scale upgrade of our servers and systems in order to accommodate more players, we will continue our suspension of digital sales of the game.

During this time, we will be monitoring connections during peak times for each data center. Once we have confirmed that all Worlds and the zones within them are stable, we will continue to monitor server loads and populations in real time as we prepare to upgrade our servers and make other extensive improvements.

The following is a general outline of our major goals to improve overall server and system stability. Specific details will be announced as soon as they are available.

1. Substantially increase the number of Worlds.

2. Create a third duty finder group to further alleviate server stress.

3. Increase the number of servers used for instances.

Even with the increased capacity of all Worlds, the number of simultaneous logins is still reaching the limit. Because increasing server capacity further would result in significant stress to individual zones, frequent restrictions on character creation have been necessary for the most heavily populated Worlds.

Furthermore, since simply adding new Worlds would heavily stress the Duty Finder system, a significant increase to the number of Worlds will be accompanied by the creation of a third Duty Finder group for each data center. We will also increase the number of servers used for instances. We believe these steps will allow for a marked increase in the number of concurrent connections our servers can maintain.

With that said, we have also noticed that many players are leaving their characters idle in game due to the login restrictions we have set in place to maintain server stability. In response to requests to address this issue, we are working to implement a feature that will automatically log out characters that are idle for a prolonged period of time.

The above improvements are scheduled to be implemented next week. We will make an announcement at the beginning of next week with further details.

4. Commence World transfer service.

In addition to our above plans to improve server stability, we will begin service for World transfers. Players who were unable to join their desired World due to character creation restrictions will now be able to move to a World of their choosing.

We realize many players would like to play together with their friends, and preparations for the World transfer service are a top priority. We are also working towards resuming digital sales for those who had planned to purchase the game but were unable to do so.

5. Begin large-scale improvements for long term operations.

Next year will see the PlayStation 4 release and another influx of players. In order to ensure the best experience for all of our customers and customers-to-be, we are carefully monitoring our operations as we continue planning extensive changes to improve the game.

Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconveniences caused by the current restrictions to logins, character creation, and digital sales. I assure you that our entire company is working tirelessly to improve your gaming experience, and we hope we can count on your continued support.

FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida


i am reeeeally enjoying it so far, but i'm at the point where i'm going from gladiator to paladin, and i feel like i'm going to have to redo 30 levels doing the same thing. 30 levels of sword and shield all over again, with no story quest...kind of painful when i think about it

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