Aninymouse Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Simmer down, Mustin. The movie hasn't altered your childhood, the original cartoon or any of the original toys, either. It's just off by itself, being a movie. I gotta admit, I'm looking forward to seeing this. A lot. Sure it's nothing like the original, but I look at it like a remix more than a continuation. More of a Batman Begins than a Batman Beyond, if you catch my drift. Quote
Maco70 Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 This is on page 2? I liked the movie. Better than the first in many ways. I saw a lot of familiar faces including Jetfire. I was pleased. If you go in expecting anything more than what the first offered, you will be disappointed. So shut up, eat your popcorn and be entertained. Quote
Toadofsky Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 This is on page 2?I liked the movie. Better than the first in many ways. I saw a lot of familiar faces including Jetfire. I was pleased. If you go in expecting anything more than what the first offered, you will be disappointed. So shut up, eat your popcorn and be entertained. Exactly. I loved it. Had a lot of humor. Lots of amazing looking action. I know people will hate Skids and Mudflap, but I liked them. And I liked the way they used Soundwave in the film. Was that his original voice? Not hard to mimic that voice I guess. As far as the whole raping childhood thing. Please get over that anybody. Don't base your whole life on a children's cartoon, video game, or sci fi film. Sure, associate your good memories from then from that, but not all of your life. Quote
Nec5 Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 As far as the whole raping childhood thing. Please get over that anybody. Don't base your whole life on a children's cartoon, video game, or sci fi film. Sure, associate your good memories from then from that, but not all of your life.There's nothing wrong with complaining about how these movies do a disservice to the original show.Opinions differ. I'm glad you enjoyed it because your 10$ was well spent. I'm also mildly annoyed because the success means more films of this caliber will be coming down the pike as the remake gravy train rolls on. Quote
The Author Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Original Soundwave voice actor, different effects applied. Quote
ambinate Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 This was a solid $10 summer blockbuster but as an actual film it was pretty fucking awful. I'll give them credit for the special effects and most of the action scenes, they were definitely cool, but there were parts of it that were unbearable. And 2 and a half hours? Come on, now. I'd say it probably ended up sucking about as much as the original, just in different ways. I don't regret spending $10 on it or watching it, though, because it was sort of like a cheap ticket to the circus. But next time I'll probably just watch Die Hard. Quote
The Vagrance Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 My friend wrote an essay on how much he hated it, and I must say I agree with him 110% Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; Terrible Movie, or the Terriblest Movie? (SPOILER ALERT)The spoiler alert above signifies that if you go see this movie, it will spoil your day. I'll try to keep the actual spoilers to a minimum, but I can not urge you, the reader, enough not to go see this movie. With that out of the way, Michael Bay is one of the worst directors of all time. While watching Transformers 2, the camera was so shaky half the time that you couldn't tell what you were watching. The special effects are okay, I guess, but when all it is is close-ups of robots' asses and explosion after retarded explosion, they kind of lose their punch. The dialogue was God-awful, and the only way I can imagine such a contrived plot getting past the planning stage is if Michael Bay sucked Steven Spielburg off (and then filmed it and rotated it for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON). I'm kind of convinced that the movie gave me a fever. No joke. One thing I did learn that I didn't know is that robots sound like they learned English by listening to Yo! MTV Raps. I really would rather not hear a robot talking about busting a cap in another robot, or watch a tiny robot humping Megan Fox's leg. There were multiple times (read: the entire movie) when there were supposed funny moments that were just stupid. It was like they finished the script and then thought "Oh shit, we need some laugh lines! Why don't we have Shia LaBeouf's mom eat pot brownies and then go crazy? That would be great!" Wrong. So wrong. On that note, there were like twenty synonyms for "ballsack" in the movie. I think I learned some. The funniest part of the movie was identifying all of the blatant sponsorships throughout. Turns out the army's fighter jets have Verizon LG TV screens! Who'da thunk? This also seems like a good point to mention Shia LaBeouf's Bad Boys II poster in his room. This from Michael Bay, the fucking emperor of subtlety (see what I did there?). Next, the movie made no fucking sense. The Decepticons spend literally half the movie chasing Shia LeBeouf and not being able to catch him, despite having technology greater than that of the U.S. military, and despite the fact that one of the characters (who got kicked out of the military) is able to track an Autobot using its radioactive signature, and despite the fact that Shia LeBeouf had three Autobots with him AT ALL TIMES. Then, when they do find him, they take their fucking precious time trying to remove his brain (don't ask), giving the Autobots ample time to intervene. Keep in mind this is around the hour mark in a TWO-AND-A-HALF HOUR MOVIE. Finally, the American soldiers don't wear helmets when they're fighting the Decepticons, even though the Decepticons are, you know, giant fucking robots with guns. I guess that would have ruined the close-ups. Michael Bay, die in a fire. There were exactly three things I liked about this movie. The first was Megan Fox. Duh. The second was Rainn Wilson's brief cameo, if only so that he could redeem himself for that terrible first scene in Juno. The third is that the American soldiers are able to hold off the Decepticons pretty well, but as soon as Jordanian reinforcements fly in, their helicopters get completely fucked on. The American military can also apparently launch an entire fleet of Abrams tanks from a battleship miles away in less than two minutes. USA! USA! USA! Most of this is probably the fever talking, but it's pretty cathartic. You know what else would be cathartic? If Michael Bay never made a fucking movie ever again. You would have thought he would have learned after Pearl Harbor, but I guess not. I'm gonna try and go to sleep and if I dream about Transformers, I'm gonna try and figure out how to build a firebomb. Quote
Hum4n After All Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Only thing I absolutely fucking hated about the first and second movie is that an alien robot race with superior weaponry and technology are getting their ass kicked by human weaponry?! Fuck that man. I love America and our bad ass military, but for shits sake. We needed that ass kicking and firepower in that piece of shit people call Cloverfield. Quote
TheHands Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I enjoyed this movie, because I went into it expecting to watch robots fuck eachother up. And that's what I got. I don't give a shit about the plot, it's not going to be good. That's a given. The dialogue is there as an excuse to have the robots do stuff. Humans? Tacky glue to keep the pages with robots together. No, it was not well written. No, the acting was not good. No, the plot wasn't the pull of the movie. Shut the fuck up about it. You went to see robots that turn into other shit beat the crap out of each other, just like you used to make them do when they were only toys that took 20 minutes to transform into something like Voltron. Only difference is that now they're better looking, transform in 10 seconds, and you don't need an imagination to make them do it. If you like watching robots beat the crap out of each other, go see it. If you're expecting a riveting plot and amazing acting from someone who got his start doing kid movies about spies and a woman who's only famous because she's in everyone's wet dream, then you were probably born with the umbilical cord around your neck. You don't get Oscar worthy performances from people you only pay to see because you want them to dance on your dick. Get over it. Quote
ambinate Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 i think all of your points are completely valid except for the fact that the movie is 2 and 1/2 hours long and therefore we are subjected to way too much shitty acting and plot in between the transforming as in, this movie clearly doesn't realize that it's supposed to be just an action movie and tried to be way more than that, and therefore sucks. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I enjoyed this movie, because I went into it expecting to watch robots fuck eachother up.And that's what I got. I don't give a shit about the plot, it's not going to be good. That's a given. The dialogue is there as an excuse to have the robots do stuff. Humans? Tacky glue to keep the pages with robots together. No, it was not well written. No, the acting was not good. No, the plot wasn't the pull of the movie. Shut the fuck up about it. You went to see robots that turn into other shit beat the crap out of each other, just like you used to make them do when they were only toys that took 20 minutes to transform into something like Voltron. Only difference is that now they're better looking, transform in 10 seconds, and you don't need an imagination to make them do it. If you like watching robots beat the crap out of each other, go see it. If you're expecting a riveting plot and amazing acting from someone who got his start doing kid movies about spies and a woman who's only famous because she's in everyone's wet dream, then you were probably born with the umbilical cord around your neck. You don't get Oscar worthy performances from people you only pay to see because you want them to dance on your dick. Get over it. Thank You!!! Its Transformers people. Giant Robots fighting. What did you think the movie was going to be about. Yes, this movie had a lot more comedy. I found myself laughing a lot. I even ended up liking the Twins. "The Vagrance", your friends essay is just a fan boy rant. He prob didnt like the first one either. If you didnt like the first one. You wont like this one. I do agree the movie was too long. The middle dragged out too much. The movie isnt AMAZING. But i found it entertaining. Quote
The Vagrance Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 If you like watching robots beat the crap out of each other, go see it. If you're expecting a riveting plot and amazing acting from someone who got his start doing kid movies about spies and a woman who's only famous because she's in everyone's wet dream, then you were probably born with the umbilical cord around your neck. You don't get Oscar worthy performances from people you only pay to see because you want them to dance on your dick. Get over it. I would agree with you if the robot action was actually good, but it wasn't. The only times I genuinely enjoyed what I saw happen was when Optimus Prime starts wasting dudes in the forest and in the desert. Bumblebee ruining that dog's shit was kinda cool, but I didn't pay money to see robots punch each other. If they are going to have this insane weaponry, then let them actually use their insane weaponry, and not in the lame "I'm going to fire at you from a distance" shit that happened for the last half-hour of the movie. I also don't want to see humans killing Decepticons, humans are boring. I hope the next movie (because there will inevitably be a next movie) just has an all-out no-holds-bar clusterfuck of a battle for a good third of the movie, and less running and rotating helicopter shots. EDIT: "The Vagrance", your friends essay is just a fan boy rant. He prob didnt like the first one either. He actually liked the first one, and I personally loved the first one, I saw it twice in the theaters and who knows how many times on DVD. I also liked the new Terminator and X-Men movie, both of which were mindless action flicks. Hell, when I got home from watching the movie I watched Cradle 2 the Grave and enjoyed it more than I enjoyed Transformers 2. I hate it when people say "oh you didn't like it because you were expecting plot" because thats not the case. I didn't like it because it was fucking stupid and a bad movie. Quote
Aninymouse Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I enjoyed this movie, because I went into it expecting to watch robots fuck eachother up.And that's what I got. I don't give a shit about the plot, it's not going to be good. That's a given. The dialogue is there as an excuse to have the robots do stuff. Humans? Tacky glue to keep the pages with robots together. No, it was not well written. No, the acting was not good. No, the plot wasn't the pull of the movie. Shut the fuck up about it. You went to see robots that turn into other shit beat the crap out of each other, just like you used to make them do when they were only toys that took 20 minutes to transform into something like Voltron. Only difference is that now they're better looking, transform in 10 seconds, and you don't need an imagination to make them do it. If you like watching robots beat the crap out of each other, go see it. If you're expecting a riveting plot and amazing acting from someone who got his start doing kid movies about spies and a woman who's only famous because she's in everyone's wet dream, then you were probably born with the umbilical cord around your neck. You don't get Oscar worthy performances from people you only pay to see because you want them to dance on your dick. Get over it. I wish I could add this post to my sig, but alas, I will have to remain content to merely quote it. However... The people commenting on the film's length and and the sheer amount of "forgettable/unnecessary" material aren't too far off I'm sure. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 If I want a good movie with robots fighting each other, I'll keep my $10 and go buy the Terminator 2 Blu-Ray (no joke it's around that price right now). It IS possible to make an exciting action movie with explosions and fighting that also has likable characters and a story that might actually move you. Can't wait till Avatar comes out in December and James Cameron can show everyone how to make an action movie again. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 If I want a good movie with robots fighting each other, I'll keep my $10 and go buy the Terminator 2 Blu-Ray (no joke it's around that price right now). It IS possible to make an exciting action movie with explosions and fighting that also has likable characters and a story that might actually move you. Can't wait till Avatar comes out in December and James Cameron can show everyone how to make an action movie again. T2:JD is probably the only real good movie with robots fighting and blowing shit up along with many other factors... FUCK NOW I GOT TO GO SEE THE MOVIE TONIGHT, YOU HAPPY?! WRECKING MY SCHEDULE LIKE THAT... Also James Cameron doing "Battle Angel" surprised me. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 He actually liked the first one, and I personally loved the first one, I saw it twice in the theaters and who knows how many times on DVD. I also liked the new Terminator and X-Men movie, both of which were mindless action flicks. Hell, when I got home from watching the movie I watched Cradle 2 the Grave and enjoyed it more than I enjoyed Transformers 2. I hate it when people say "oh you didn't like it because you were expecting plot" because thats not the case. I didn't like it because it was fucking stupid and a bad movie. Its just not for everyone. You're not wrong for hating the movie. There is no right or wrong. I dont think the movie was the greatest thing i have ever seen. It was not as good as i hoped it would be, but overall i thought it was good. Quote
The Author Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I actually like the fact that human are not simply useless meatsacks in the movies... It would make sense for the military to be able to hold off the Decepticons, and it would make sense for the Autobots to associate with the military in this specific condition... Not quite sure I like Optimus Warrior Prime, but he can't always be a pacifist. Quote
Toadofsky Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I actually like the fact that human are not simply useless meatsacks in the movies... It would make sense for the military to be able to hold off the Decepticons, and it would make sense for the Autobots to associate with the military in this specific condition... Not quite sure I like Optimus Warrior Prime, but he can't always be a pacifist. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I enjoyed that too. You'd think after two years they'd have started to get better weaponry to at least TRY to hold off Decepticons, and back Optimus' team up. That was also something I enjoyed. Optimus and his team helping the military. It did seem that Optimus was getting pissed in some of those fights. Maybe frustration over the situation I guess? I think they did good showing a bit of the old situations with Starscream and Megatron (who's REALLY leading the Decepticons). I wished Arcee was in it a bit more, but there's only so many you can fit into a film, at least that's my opinion. I noticed Jazz was back. Didn't recognize some of the other members of the Autobots though. The Constructicons were pretty cool. And at a brief, brief moment, at the beginning, I was hoping that at the whole dawn of man thing, that that Tiger would transform, kinda like Beast Wars. that would've been SOOOO cool. With Megatron and Starscream still alive, I wonder where they'll take the film next. Unicron maybe? Galvatron? Hmm, maybe that'd be going to far. I don't know. <<<<<<<<<<<END SPOILER>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can understand people hating on the movie, that's fine. Sure, it could be better in every sense of story and plot. But I have to say though, that the first film probably wouldn't have even been made. They had a hard enough time convincing a movie studio to do it until Spielberg backed it Let's not start getting into Spielberg's ideas and directing post Minority Report okay? Yeah, I've enjoyed pretty much all of his movies, even Crystal Skull. Quote
MechaFone Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 One thing I have to say about this movie: the length. That, and I have GOT to stop drinking half my large coke before I'm 20 minutes through my movies. This movie was indeed a bit mindless and a lot of unnecessary humor. Even if it wasn't necessary, I still found myself laughing at those moments. Now, I'm an avid movie-goer. I love watching movies in the theater with my wife, it's one of our favorite things to do together. We're not deep, philosophical people. We like to be entertained, even if it's brainless, plot-less action. And that's what we got with Transformers 2. The college scenes, while not brilliantly done, were great. Even the scenes prior before getting there were pretty damn funny. Tasteless maybe, but still funny. C'mon, people. We're not looking for an Emmy or some thought-provoking masterpiece. This is Transformers. Action, humor, and even some lovey-dovey scenes into the mix. That's all about what you're gonna get. For me, that's enough. Quote
Maco70 Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I just went to the official movie site hoping to nab a cool backdrop or something.. ...Really? Mor robots plz. Quote
relyanCe Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I just went to the official movie site hoping to nab a cool backdrop or something.. ...Really? Mor robots plz. Unfortunately, fanservice trumps awesomeness on the sliding scale of entertainment popularity... Quote
Bleck Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 this movie was really really really bad what all the retards going 'hur it's just a popcorn flick just enjoy the robots' is that almost every transformers show before this not only had giant robots fighting BUT WAS ALSO ACTUALLY FUCKING GOOD beast wars was one of the greatest show of all time and guess what - they didn't have to pad the plot every five fucking seconds with jokes about SOMETHING HUMPING ANOTHER SOMETHING I can understand if you're grade A retarded and are entertained by the lowest of lowbrow bullshit but don't think any lower of me when I denounce both this movie and your taste in movies Quote
DJ Mighty Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 I can understand if you're grade A retarded and are entertained by the lowest of lowbrow bullshit but don't think any lower of me when I denounce both this movie and your taste in movies Your opinion is just that, an opinion. Judging someone because they dont agree with you is what makes me think lower of you, not your taste in movies. Liking the movie doesnt make you retarded. Telling people they are retarded for liking the movie, makes you retarded. Quote
Bleck Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 Your opinion is just that, an opinion. shut the fuck up and get your high school 'opinions are great' inane bunch of wishy washy refuckingtarded bullshit out of here I am so not in the mood for any of that moronic crap Quote
Aninymouse Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 I just saw it last night. I think Bleck's right. I liked the parts of the movie with the actual TRANSFORMERS in them, but everything else was terrible, terrible bullshit. I left the theatre with such a bittersweet taste in my mouth, like "oh man I really wish they weren't making a 3rd one now." Because Micheal Bay is now more awful than ever. I mean I even tried to enjoy it at the "popcorn flick" level, but nothing could make me enjoy Megan Fox's nonacting (and I'm still shaking my head over her plastic surgery) or the other worthless human characters (latino pussy, sector 7 guy, the parents... the soldiers at least were tolerable). Also The Fallen sure didn't end up amounting to much at the end, did he? All that buildup and he barely puts up a fight. Quote
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