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cool, I'll give it a whirl sometime tonight then...

(and what did you mean by giving zircon physical attention in the Mag thread?!)

and just curious, are you a guy or a girl?

a girl


I'd tell you but I don't watch many subbed episodes, I prefer the dubbed...if you watch the dub there's no sound problems that I know of, although most streams are so high quality that there's alot of hot audio pops in the background...


@ Kenobio, Elfen Lied was dubbed really well, the voices were really well done, especially the difference between Lucy and Nyu....

@SlickDaddySlick, Congrats, I haven't seen Lucky Star myself, but I've heard of it...I may go back and watch it one of these days, if I'm not bogged down with others.


So I enjoy a few types of anime, but I'm generally drawn to the lighter situational type series with kinda silly humour. For example the most recent thing I watched was Minami-Ke; I also enjoyed Full Metal Panic (can't stand Alchemist), Chobits, Great Teacher Onizuka , that type of thing. Also a huge Studio Ghibli fan.

Can anyone recommend any other series I might enjoy based on those?


I never saw the point of sitcom/slice of life type anime. If that's what you're looking for, why aren't you just watching live-action versions? (That said, I'm not a big fan of those sorts of shows regardless of the medium, so whatever.) Most of the anime I watch is sci-fi or fantasy-ish; you know, the sort of thing that would be completely impossible to do live-action without either a) looking like ass or B) having a ridiculously huge budget.

Someone mentioned Black Lagoon earlier; it's got scads of violence and bad language and all of the sorts of things that soccer moms are terrified of exposing their precious babies to, and completely and utterly lacks anything remotely resembling "cutesy", so I don't really think that's what you're looking for. It's a pretty good series overall, though the second season went downhill when it became The Rock And Revy Show and every other character was kicked into the background without comment.


Uh, I would've thought it's pretty obvious that anime has a completely different feel and demeanor from live action in any genre. Like any animation, it allows you to exaggerate and dramatize the simplest of things.

Also Miname Ke is the only one of those things I listed that I'd describe as slice-of-life. The others have at least some sci-fi or fantasy elements core to their story, and Ghibli is as fantasy as it gets. Basically I'm just asking for anything with some funny moments that isn't too serious.


You might like Card Captor Sakura >.>

Or XXXHolic

They're both by CLAMP, CCS is a bit more Shoujou, but since CLAMP really likes genere/audience mixing I'm not sure if you'll notice much. You might be safer with Holic, it's Seinen or whatever (I sort of don't like CLAMPS shift to creepy noodle people though).

I'm also not sure if they'd be slice of life enough for you, but I guess you can give them a shot.

Maybe try Fruitsbasket?

Sorry I'm picking out girly things, but I'm a girl so yeah, that'll happen :P

No I'm not 5 years old, I just edited the post because I was throwing knives at a certain pretentious, full of himself ass *cough*DarkeSword*cough* and I changed it because it was kind of harsh...I can't stand people that judge other people, and I especially can't stand people with their nose in the air...which, from what I hear alot on the forums is that pretentious, full of himself ass definitely thinks he's too good to even join a discussion without throwing an insult at someone.

Who's throwing insults?


I dunno, definitely not me anymore Darkesword, I've decided to be nice...even when people get on my bad side, after all, we're online...

yeah, I've tried the manga of most of those...didn't like 'em...

And remember, Elfen Lied was violent, and bloody, and had bad language, but Nyu sure was cute!


yeah, but what I did and what I'm doing now are two completely different things...I don't like being insulted, and I don't like throwing insults...I've seen something in Offtop go completely out of hand, and after that, insulting people only makes things worse, so therefore I'm just going to post and enjoy myself.

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