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Didn't see a thread for this so I'd thought it would be good to start one.

Just played the demo on XBox 360. Pretty cool. I have to admit that I'm spoiled by Mirror's Edge because I expect every game to be as fluid as that, but its still pretty damn sweet. Definitely has plenty of stealth elements (which has been sorely lacking in Batman's other video game ventures) and the fighting works well enough. I have issues with the Detective Mode because it feels like a Batman version of Wolverine's Feral Senses, but I'll let is slide. The developers weren't too creative with the gameplay, but at least it's solid and everything worked well enough.

Overall it was enjoyable. I look forward to the full game.


Solid and surprisingly good. Of course, it's inspired by a lot of other games and mostly plays on automatic...but I'm willing to give the game the benefit of the doubt 'cause I enjoyed that demo. I had fun pulling off all those moves. It looks great graphically as well. Character models are really cool and the art design has a nice touch to it. I was especially surprised by Harley Quinn's realistic model...since we're all used to her cartoon one. Speaking of which, I'm glad they went with the Cartoon voices. Very nice voice acting, especially from Joker.


It would be sort of like MGS if it had more depth. Even compared to Soul Reaver, it didn't have much depth to it. It just seemed stock, even though it's done really well. Hopefully the more you get into the game, the more gameplay variables open up and you can actually do more unique things. The demo just looked like a short attraction ride. Looked pretty but a bit rote, even with the grappling system.

As for the style, it's basically the combination of Begins, Burton and Cartoon. Even the Batmobile looks like the Burton mobile + Batman Forever. Basically the best look it can have, IMO. And thank god the voice acting for Batman is not the grating and possibly very inaccurate Christian Bale voice, but the old, noble Batman voice (Cartoon) casting.


There's a lot more to the gameplay that wasn't shown in the demo. Like being able to guide the batarang to hit multiple baddies, attacking with your cape, using the grappler to grab unsuspecting baddies, and a bunch of other stuff that you learn while playing through the game. I've been waiting for this game since Gameinformer first talked about it over a year ago. I can't wait!


Yeah, there are supppose to be a ton of combat techniques and ways to use items that are not in the demo. Plus the enemy AI gets smarter as well according to interviews I read. But seriously, best batman game ever. And original TAS voice cast so far is great.


So I tried the demo and I have to say it's actually not that bad. First thought it would be something of a basic beatem up in 3D. Rather

how much of it is not entirely just "button-mashing" as I thought it would have been as well.
IGN later confirmed that The Joker will be available at the launch of the game as a free download from PlayStation Store, but will only be playable in the Challenge Maps. Joker is exclusive to the PlayStation 3 version.

Game Informer teases that Arkham Asylum will be the ultimate Batman experience and the voice cast will reflect that, featuring Kevin Conroy as Batman, Mark Hamill as the Joker and Arleen Sorkin as Harley Quinn in the game, reprising their voice roles from the long-running DC Animated Universe. Tom Kane joins the cast as Commissioner Gordon, Amadeus Arkham and Warden Sharp. The game will be based on the 70-year Batman franchise as a whole rather than being tied to any particular adaptation.

I may very well get it for the PS3 :)!!


Yeah I was impressed with the overall picture too. Combat system may be repetitive though, reminds me of Assassins Creed. Lets just wait for independent play testing of the final game and maybe you guys can list its strengths and faults.


After playing the demo, I gotta say I like how it focuses on letting you plan out your course of action, rather than challenging you in the execution of that plan. They dont make grappling from A to B a challenge, or demand elaborate button-combos out of you for fights and finishers. It's more about choosing how you clean out that room of baddies, and stuff.

I hope that made any sense at all right there...Either way, I plan on getting the PS3 version.

Reminds me of Splinter Cell. I was hoping to see more fisticuffs action than stealth action. Then again this is just one video so I won't rush to judgment.

Funny you should say that because much earlier videos gave me the first impression of being nothing more BUT fisticuffs.

Case in point, this

posted back in late April.

Perhaps it's a balance of both..?


I actually am compelled to buy the PS3 version for the Joker exclusive and maybe make it my first PS3 game if the reviews are amazing (90%+ in metacritic plz. I can't handle spending $60 on anything less than a classic). Otherwise, I'm happy with buying most ports for 360 version.


I have to be honest, previous Eidos games from the last 15 years have NEVER interested me. So when I loaded up the demo and saw the company's logo pop up I said to myself quietly, "Oh, great, another shitty Eidos game, with weird controls and repetitive gameplay... why did I download this...?"

Surprisingly enough, I enjoyed playing through the demo. I also didn't like the detective mode. I don't like scanning for things... it broke up the experience imo, but fighting, the stealth, taking people out with stealth moves was a lot of fun. The voice overs are great (to be expected honestly) and the game drew me in. The game really focuses on the Batman series' strong points, and from the small little demo I played, it did it well. Graphics are nice too.

I would consider buying this... but I might wait on it until the price drops since I have very finite resources and desire Scribblenauts in September.

i played the demo and when it ended i said ok i am going to buy this

Yeah, pretty much this.

I did think the combat system was going to be a bit stupid at first...but then I was impressed with how COOL one button can make the dark knight look. Definitely liking how games are taking cues from 300 with all the slow motion badassery.

I think the detective mode could be awesome, but I know that it will eventually turn into nothing but a gargoyle finder, or some stupid predetermined set piece that the developers want you to find. Maybe if they went CRAZY into detail and let you scan and interact with EVERYTHING...but this is going to be nothing more than a cheap way to further the story ala doom 3.

still going to get it, though

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