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Geez, that's awful. I thought the setup was vital to building sympathy/empathy with the characters, as well as helping you feel invested in/engulfed by the movie in general.

If those people walked out on a movie like District 9, I think I'd hate to see the kinds of movies they might consider worth staying for.

Probably the crap movies that make up 75% of what's showing in theaters these days.

Anyway, my two cents: Amazing movie, totally worth the $7.50 I paid to get in.

Everybody who loves this movie has to check out the shitstorm caused by a well known Black, racist movie reviewer who has SMASHED this film in his review. It's one of the few bad reviews you can find in Rottentomatoes. You can't miss it. Hilarious.

Anyway, I really hope the Blomkampp changes his mind and collaborates with Spielberg and Peter Jackson for that fabled Halo movie now more than ever. He showed he can do the aliens mixing up with humans many times now.

Heh beat me to it good sir!


I saw this movie having no idea whatsoever what it was about. I hadn't seen a single trailer, hadn't read a single article, and nobody that I saw it with told me anything about it. I didn't even know there were aliens in it.

Apparently, this was the best way to see District 9, because it blew. My. Mind.

I was extremely impressed and moved (but not in that mushy Breakfast at Tiffany's kind of way) by the story, and I had trouble sleeping that night, which is usually really weird for me. Excellent, excellent film, tremendous acting, beautifully filmed, and yeah...the ultraviolence was just the right level of OMGWTF.

I don't know if I liked it better than any other movie that's come out this summer, but I definitely intend to watch it again, soon.

Oh, and somebody made a comment about Enemy Mine? Dude, totally.

Oh oh, and somebody else said something snarky about Michael Bay? DUDE. Totally.

  • 2 weeks later...

One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Worth watching (not for the squeamish). I really hope a sequel isn't made as I believe it would just turn into another predictable hollywood movie.

The ending for the movie was awesome imo. I loved it.


This was and amazing movie! When I saw the MNU alert trailer, it caught my attention almost as much as the Clovefield trailer did! This movie felt so real and it did a great job with throwing me into that mode that you forget your watching a movie. The weapond design was also amazing. This movie saved the summer from how bad and disapointing the transformers sequel was lol!

  • 9 months later...

i just saw this film tonight. sorry for the necrobump, guys =( SPOILER ALERT.

i really enjoyed it - particularly the filming style. very graphic (i'm not talking about the blood and gore, although that was pretty serious too). i REALLY liked the storyline, particularly. i thought it was excellent, all considering.

probably my favorite thing (once i figured out that i needed to turn subtitles on to understand what the heck the aliens were saying) about the movie was that there was NO backstory given whatsoever. they just were. no hard info regarding where the aliens came from, why they were living in such filth in the ship, or why "christopher johnson" was so technologically knowledgeable.

loved it. want the bluray now.

loved it. want the bluray now.

$14.99 at Best Buy right now. Saw this in the theater and was thoroughly impressed. Bought the bluray the day it came out, and it looks AMAZING. Just not a movie I can watch while I'm eating, lol


It was a great movie.

I just read through the thread and the racism/Nigerian thugs comment caught my eye. I thought the fact that it was Nigerians who turned out to be the thugs was quite funny. It's probably something people would pick up on if you lived in an African country, but it's a prevalent stereotype here to associate Nigerians with crime (regardless of where I've been - South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, Ethiopia or Zimbabwe). So I feel it was more poking fun at the whole judgement fellow Africans hold of Nigeria (especially since the "Nigerians" in the movie weren't talking in any language from Nigeria but in Chichewa, go ask Madonna, lol).


man, i liked it, but i wasn't crazy about it. it felt like there was a big disconnect between the first and second half of the movie. i thought the first part, which was more focused on the documentary motif, was way more compelling and interesting than the second half, which seemed sort of like a typical thriller. i was really impressed by the special effects (especially considering the budget) and it had some solid action, but i just felt like they wasted an opportunity to really get into some of the social themes that were used for the premise. it was still much more intelligent than most action/thriller movies, which is cool. not quite what i was looking for, though.

man, i liked it, but i wasn't crazy about it. it felt like there was a big disconnect between the first and second half of the movie. i thought the first part, which was more focused on the documentary motif, was way more compelling and interesting than the second half, which seemed sort of like a typical thriller. i was really impressed by the special effects (especially considering the budget) and it had some solid action, but i just felt like they wasted an opportunity to really get into some of the social themes that were used for the premise. it was still much more intelligent than most action/thriller movies, which is cool. not quite what i was looking for, though.

*SPOILERS sort of*

The second half was quite different from the first half, but I enjoyed the rollercoaster ride it gave us. Not to mention the drastic change in character that occurred in the main character - that was awesome. I mean, seriously, who even liked Wikus(sp?) in the beginning of the movie? But at the end of the movie, you at least sympathise with him, and what he went through.

probably my favorite thing (once i figured out that i needed to turn subtitles on to understand what the heck the aliens were saying) about the movie was that there was NO backstory given whatsoever. they just were. no hard info regarding where the aliens came from, why they were living in such filth in the ship, or why "christopher johnson" was so technologically knowledgeable.

A theory I've heard is that the ship is a prison ship, which is why most of the aliens are quite 'skill-less' in terms of running the ship etc. Christopher on the other hand is one of the only crew left alive on the ship, which is why he knows how to run it. Seems plausible enough. But yeah, I like how the back-story isn't spoon fed to us. District 9 is a great sci-fi flick.

*SPOILERS sort of*

The second half was quite different from the first half, but I enjoyed the rollercoaster ride it gave us. Not to mention the drastic change in character that occurred in the main character - that was awesome. I mean, seriously, who even liked Wikus(sp?) in the beginning of the movie? But at the end of the movie, you at least sympathise with him, and what he went through.

I think his wife totally had the hots for him. That's just a guess, though.

To be honest, this is probably the only movie I watched last year that I really enjoyed.

A theory I've heard is that the ship is a prison ship, which is why most of the aliens are quite 'skill-less' in terms of running the ship etc. Christopher on the other hand is one of the only crew left alive on the ship, which is why he knows how to run it. Seems plausible enough. But yeah, I like how the back-story isn't spoon fed to us. District 9 is a great sci-fi flick.

The vibe that I got was that, being insect-y, the aliens had something of a hive mentality. Not necessarily a full on psychic hive mind sort of thing, but at least a very hierarchical mindset. The leaders tell you what to do, and you do what the leaders tell you, and everything runs like it should. But if there was some sort of accident/disaster/whatever that killed off most/all of the leadership, then the whole thing collapses, because your drones have very very limited initiative. "Christopher Johnson", in this idea, would be either one of the few surviving leaders or else a drone that developed more initiative than his fellows due to the situation. Either way, he'd probably hide his status (rather than attempting to take control of the drones) to avoid becoming a target for the humans.

The vibe that I got was that, being insect-y, the aliens had something of a hive mentality.

I'm certain that they suggest this in the film. Haven't watched it since the cinema but I'm sure a line is dropped about "workers" somewhere near the beginning.


Ah, Black Mage cleared this up earlier anyway.


I have to admit that the movie did take a turn for the predictable when Wikus decided to help Christopher get the fluid back, but I also got to see a giant robot fling a pile of pig carcasses at people and snatch a missile right out of the air, so I can't complain :P

Honestly I am so glad D9 got so many nominations at the Oscars. It is a good sign for Neill Blomkamp to make another awesome movie.

i just saw this film tonight.

LOL, are you serious? So did I. This Sunday. The very day you necro-ed the thread. My psychically-linked long lost twin has been found?!?

More than glad I saw it. The lack of explanation for so many things left me wanting a deeper story... but all in all, the unique premise made it worthwhile. Also, those who say the movie is racist: LOL. Yeah dude, that's half the point.

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