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i guess this isn't a bad time to chime in.

by the way:


let me get a few things out of the way - i'm definetly not white, kids. in fact, i grew up in the ghetto in south sac with a predominantly black group of friends and essentially being egyptian and constantly picked on by misinformed suburban kids who wouldn't know there was more to a country named egypt than camels and sand if it bit them in the ass, my only recourse was to be taken in with those who considered me and accepted me as one of their own. those are my brothaz. they're my niggaz.

the word nigga itself, in the context i've grown up using it and hearing it used in, is a vernacular term directed at persons in a friendly manner (take note of the fella who walks in at the beginning of the track while i'm smokin a bowl.. thats my nigga perry ellis.. he actually had climbed in through my living room window when i was first recording the track and it was such a natural event that i had to leave it in.... he hollers at me "weed, nigga... whats up nigga?"

he isn't calling me an african american slave. he isn't maliciously attacking me with a "ghat" - in fact he had walked into my room with a couple 40's, a ridiculously bright hawaiin shirt on and two extremely hot white chicks behind him.

you're an idiot if you don't understand the meaning of nigga.

... like it was mentioned before, its alot like how white boys go around sayin "duuude... broooo" and sound ridiculously retarded.

i think the message of this track is getting lost in the whole argument.

there has been this longstanding misconception amongst some of the members of this community that there is some sort of rift between ocremix and vgmix. we're a fairly obscure community... and we got to stick together. what pretz is doing with ocremix is an awesome thing that everybody needs to recognize. the same goes with the staff at vgmix. this track was recorded last summer when vgmix 2.0 had not yet gone live and there was a growing tension amongst some of the kids in the community about whether or not vgmix was a valid site or if you could depend on it for good videogame arrangements. i started to see people getting polarized by the whole argument and it was starting to get very irritating...

so what better way of addressing the issue than with an arrangement about a game that is the very epitomized message of friendship. for those of you who are not familiar with asterix, its a game based on the popular french comic about two gaulois (to whom the french are descended) fighting back against their evil roman oppressors. they are a ridiculously dorky duo (very odd couplish) and in the process of their many adventures, asterix (the short, slightly smarter one) gets in trouble with the romans and is taken away... obelisk (the big dufus one) goes after him to save his best friend... his homie... his nigga.

in alot of ways, the arrangement is an opportunity for us to show that we can combine flawless instrumentation (ubik is the man... don't even question it) and orchestration of lyrics to a purpose... the lyrics are in fact about the game (if you've ever played it, you'll recognize a few cute nuggets of goodness snuck in) and not just a series of rhymed words for the sake of rhyming them. this isn't really about bustin caps and rollin on dubs, 4:20 nigga!. this is about friendship and about sticking together no matter what. till the end of time. that you can, through the convenience of a videogame, travel across distant lands, dark dungeons and tricky booby traps... to your death itself... for a friend. for your nigga.

one luv, y'all.



Excellent quality. Excellent skill. Great job.

This is what OCR is all about.

Heard this one way back and was impressed. Still am.

Hope to hear more from weed and ubik.

i wouldnt go that far. This track is well-produced, recorded, and it is creative and entertaining. i like it. but i wouldnt say it's what the site is all about. it's definately not in my top 10 mixes, or even top 20. however it's surely in the top 10%, and it's a solid track.

so, i guess my point is, sweet track, just dont let protricity go to your heads.


Thanks to zyko for that post - he said everything that needed to be said.

This track was all about fun and camaraderie, not trying to offend or cause controversy. Those who mistake the term "nigga" for a racist slur are missing both the context (I'm an English major who's studied linguistics, I can say for a fact that in this context the term "nigga" isn't racist!) and the whole point of the song.

Thanks to everybody for feedback, positive and negative, and biggest thanks of all to zyko - I couldn't have done this without him.

Kick back and enjoy, everybody. :)


Wow... Consider me blown away. I'd tend to agree with Protricity; purely on a technical basis, this is one of the best songs on the site by a long shot. The lyrics, although they didn't have to have as much profanity, are very well done, and unless you're INCREDIBLY uptight, shouldn't offend at all. There's nothing in there that you can't potentially hear in a PG-13 movie.

Overall, this one's going in the regular rotation. It's nice to see more ReMixes with vocals, and this one delivers in spades. *Sets this on loop.*

Are you saying OCR isn't about high production quality and creativity? I think you misunderstood what Prot said.

There are a lot of songs on this site of high production quality and creativity that were never honored with the phrase: "This is what ocr is about". The fact that this particular piece was pointed out for such rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and a lot of people obviously disagree with the sentiment. As for me, I haven't actually listened to the song and don't plan to. Why? I worked in a record store south of Chicago for roughly a year and rap was almost all they ever played. I never liked rap, but now, as a result, I have a frothing hate for it and all of its associated catch phrases.

There are a lot of songs on this site of high production quality and creativity that were never honored with the phrase: "This is what ocr is about". The fact that this particular piece was pointed out for such rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and a lot of people obviously disagree with the sentiment.

Wait, so your personal genre preference overrides the right of the reviewers to express an opinion with any hyperbole whatsoever?

I wouldn't say that the song as a whole is what OCR is all about either, obviously, but quit getting all over people's junk about it.

Wait, so your personal genre preference overrides the right of the reviewers to express an opinion with any hyperbole whatsoever?

I wouldn't say that the song as a whole is what OCR is all about either, obviously, but quit getting all over people's junk about it.

I was doing no such thing. I was merely giving a reason for some of the more negative reactions. I personally am completely neutral and have no opinion of the song whatsoever, since, as I said, I haven't listened to it.

My "personal preference" isn't relevant and I don't know why you brought it up.


I don't like the remix, but at least it has heart, and something to do with asterix, apparently. That's not so bad, but I really don't like this type of music, so~


That....was amazing. Just as it was said before. This is what OCRemix is about. It is just not whether the remix is a masterpiece...sometimes it doesn't need to be. It just had got to be unique and have something that stands out. In this case, its the rap.

I can see why the judges agreed easily that this remix should be posted here. It's 'da bomb (yet I never played the game, prolly most of the users here have never have played or even heard of it). Will I burn this song with some 50 Cents or OutKast...prolly not!!


as a metalhead with eclectic tastes, i can simply say...


i listen to rap from time to time (although the my regular playlist runs the gamut from megadeth to opeth to iced earth with stopovers in nevermore and iron maiden) and i prefer rap that i can walk away from feeling i've learned something. (sadly, most of mainstream rap isn't like this.)

what'd i learn from this? just one thing. some folks are way too uptight.

the lyrics are clever and nicely delivered, and the black friends i have who think 50 cent makes the earth go round and never heard of any video game made before grand theft auto 3 would appreciate this.

i'm vastly entertained by this mix, and i'll probably be playing it nonstop on loop for the rest of the night.

this mix makes da urf do shit.


that was the stupidest thing ive ever heard in my life, i think i lost 20 IQ points while allowing myself to listen to the 20 seconds until i turned it off. Also all these guys sound white?!?!


Yay, this mix finally gets its due. I have had it on my computer for the longest time, and i was hoping that it would get on OC, but the language on it made me wonder if it would pass under the eye of the Pretz.

This song can be defined in one word: slick.

Every rhyme that Zyko spits is like a jem; every second of the track that Ubik created is a jewel. This song is everything and the kitchen sink.

From the kick ass raps to the pitch changing vocals, to the hilariously ironic chorus to the shout out at the end, this mix kicks ass.

There is no way i can deny the excellence of this song. I have figured out about half the lyrics just from listening to it constantly (it has not left my playlist since october) and they just make me laugh like a maniac. As a rap fan, i can attest that the rapping is smooth and flowing, like fine water.

Weed, you are a lyrical poet. Ubik, i look forward to more of your mad genius. To take a track like that and make it into this!

I can say no more. Excellent work.

(although the my regular playlist runs the gamut from megadeth to opeth to iced earth with stopovers in nevermore and iron maiden)

Awesome. :D

How about Nile or In Flames?

IF is great, although i think everything starting from reroute to remain and later is kind of lesser. i like their chiptune of moonshield though. they also did one of the few covers of iron maiden that i like better than the original. of course, that's probably because i fucking hate paul dianno, and murders in the rue morgue is dianno-era.

haven't heard nile. what's their sound?


I have to say I vehemently hate rap... but I really don't mind this track. it's definately not my favorite remix though.

But, as with all ocremixes, it's in my playlist and they all have an equal chance of being heard. I love all the remixes equally... :)

All the remixes on this site are very good and expand my musical horizons and that's a really great thing...

I have to laugh when my neice says, "Don't you have any music that's not from a video game?"


I basically hate rap in all forms, but this isn't so bad. The "I'm yo nigga" chorus is amusing and catchy, and reading the lyrics while listening to the song made me laugh more than once. I like how the song isn't about bling-bling or smacking bitches or killing people (well sort of, but it's funny) or anything. I love the first stanza (mongoli-ON!) and various different lines ("bleed out of various places" made me chuckle). The only technical problem is that near the end, the singers get distractingly out of sync. Otherwise, I like this song. I'm probably not putting it on my playlist since the language is a bit strong for my family but overall a great remix.

Now I just have to play this game.


I don't really like it, because I'm not a huge hip-hop freak. I like the chorus however. The excessive swearing is... not really necessary. I'm not gonna play this in a car or on a boombox, I might get beaten. (kidding)

It's decent, not good, not bad, but decent.

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