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his name was omniknight for a reason in dota olololol

seriously though yea he deserves a bit of nerf but he still can be taken on

whos fault was that?

Explained already the bs, but I picked first and got randomed to wildsoul twice. zircon got randomed as well I think. Bardic was the only one who could choose purposefully.

Also, I'm never doing AP again.


AP? is that All Pick or something? I don't like how certain people like to wait until the last second to pick a counter, i just like hitting random for the extra gold and trying out new heroes.

AP? is that All Pick or something? I don't like how certain people like to wait until the last second to pick a counter, i just like hitting random for the extra gold and trying out new heroes.

Same, picking the same hero all the time is a game killer IMO. AP = All pick yeah.

Same, picking the same hero all the time is a game killer IMO.

Eat poop, poop eater! :tomatoface:

Also, nah, it's not. I prefer practicing with one hero that I get pretty good with, also AP is the standard game mode. It makes me sad that you guys want SD or RD all the time.

Eat poop, poop eater! :tomatoface:

Also, nah, it's not. I prefer practicing with one hero that I get pretty good with, also AP is the standard game mode. It makes me sad that you guys want SD or RD all the time.

My problem is that the hero picking is forcing hero picks for others, which in turn tries to take things in an hardcore direction that's ripe for much frustration.


i seem to recall anosou torturer and celly behemoth for my first five or six matches. everyone else sorta had a revolving door of picks

also it seems that the sql server that stores all of the login information is being hammered right now, can't log into the beta site or in game. :\

edit: oh, it seems there is planned downtime at 10 am central for an hour. thxu tensei for the infoz :)


Important notice to all people that want to play with us:

Unfortunately, at the moment it seems like clan invites don't work, so you can't enter the clan chat. However, I'll be idling in the channel ocremix (type /join ocremix) and should be able to add you to my friends list, invite you to games, etc.

Edit: Seems they fixed clan invites (I managed to invite someone), so next time I see you online, I'll be sure to send you an invite, bladiator.


Well, the premise of the game isn't entirely based on solo hero play, or 1v1 for that matter. With that said, some heroes can do great by themselves which is the point of the middle lane anyway, but of course that's early laning phase. When it's time to push or gank you mostly have to move as a team or else that lone wolf gets killed constantly. It is something that can be looked down upon in the DotA community.

A tier list isn't a bad idea, but what I would suggest making a "difficulty" list instead. Starting with which hero is easier to play for a beginner. I wouldn't cut off someone's balls for picking Scout over Pyromancer, but I would let him know that Scout will be hard to grasp at first. Playing games inhouse let's us know when people are learning. I don't like pubs.

Also, this brings us back to hero preference. Of course Jereziah is better than Keeper of the Forest for tanking and putting out damage. But keep in mind this is once again TEAM play. A Keeper partnered with Kraken or Pharaoh can easily disable an entire team in a small radius for the other members to pick off. Moon Queen especially helps in this situation. More than likely, no hero can survive that.


Hey there; I'm a regular on OCremix's tf2 server and Garian told me you guys have been playing HoN for awhile. I'd love to play with you all, but I haven't been lucky enough to get a beta invite. :( If anyone has an extra one and feels generous, I'd like to join you all. :)

Hey there; I'm a regular on OCremix's tf2 server and Garian told me you guys have been playing HoN for awhile. I'd love to play with you all, but I haven't been lucky enough to get a beta invite. :( If anyone has an extra one and feels generous, I'd like to join you all. :)

I have 3 invites atm. PM me your e-mail address and I'll send one your way.

Also, no respawn timer rule? Just get killed less. Dying is MEANT to set you back, especially early on while laning, since you'll miss out on quite a few seconds of farming.

I think faction restrictions can be interesting, but I'm still partial to Single Draft myself.


I'm not 100% certain but i think we can still do SD with all heroes turned off. it may not be as fun to do it while there are still heroes being introduced and are not all completely balanced though. Hopefully as launch nears we'll see some actual changes to address some of issues with the definitely overpowered heroes (the ones that zircon has been placing in his God tier).

also is anyone any good with valkyrie? i've had major trouble using her because her stun is really hard to hit with?


Valkyrie's really good when you get the stun timing down, especially since it stunts longer if you shoot it from a longer distance. Also, I'm partial to AP so you can pick a hero you really like D:

Otherwise I prefer RD over SD because SD can result in you playing something you hate.


AP results in Donut picking magmus and c3lly picking behemoth and anso picking torturer EVERY. SINGLE. GAME.

Though I have to admit, sometimes there's a hero I have tried out in practice mode and now want to use in a real game, so in those cases I'd like to have AP, but ah well.

Oh, and this should probably go into the OP, but:

If you're new, be sure to post your ingame handle in this thread. Me or some other clan officer will add you to our friends list and send you an invite as soon as you're online. After accepting the invite, log out and back in again and you should be in the clan chat.


By the way, I still maintain that Blood Hunter is a really, really awesome hero. Is ANYONE better at chasing than he is? He's got a long-range nuke that deals massive damage the more the target runs, he has high base speed, and passively increased speed to boot. Not to mention a silencing DOT. Dude is awesome.


Blood Hunter doesn't have any disables or slows really. His ult can be negated by quickly hitting H and either slapping him back in the face (He has pretty low hp for most of the game, being an agility-type. If he cast his silence on you before his ult then it's even better because he just boosted your damage output by at least 20%) or just using a homecoming stone if things start to look messy, and he won't be able to do anything to prevent you from teleporting out.

Arachna or Pestilence are way better at chasing IMO since they both have a very powerful slow/disable. Pestilence's speed buff and low cooldown on his AoE stun allow him to easily chase down anything and interrupt spellcasting.

On an unrelated note:


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