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wowowowow night hound

played him for the first time and man is he such an easy farmer. Had vanguard, treads, 2 soulscreams, agi buckler, and wingblade 25 minutes in (then the game ended). I was 7-0


My item builds depend on the kind of game I'm playing. If it's a game where I'm dying a lot and/or are getting constantly outlaned, I get items with better buildups, or simply cheaper items, to enhance my abilities sooner. If I am doing fine already, I save up for the big stuff earlier on.

Does anyone else get 3 soulscream rings / bracers on certain characters? Especially playing Valk, I've found that 3 rings really helps more than two, and makes her viable without expensive stuff a LOT longer.

on ranged agility heroes, i always get 3 soulscreams to start. it gives you a valuable stats edge early game.


What zircon said, basically. With Pestilence, I usually start with 2x runes and logger's hatchet. Unless I'm getting REALLY outlaned (which is quite rare), I completely skip bracers and get Helm of the Victim (950 gold) from the outpost asap which provides armor and regen, making me immune from most earlygame harassment, and providing a buildup towards Insanitarius.

Speaking of Insanitarius, words can't express my love for this item on certain STR heroes. Besides adding some very nice passive stats (regen, damage, attack speed), upon activation it provides a HUGE non-scalable dps boost (so it's perfect for earlygame ganking), as well as an instant ~500 health. Downside being you lose 35 hp per second as long as it's activated. Uses for this are infinite: you can use it to destroy almost anything 1v1 early-midgame with the huge damage boost, you can activate it just before what would be an otherwise lethal nuke, and it's just generally great to activate it as you're about to die and hightail it out of there (or turn the tables on the sucker who was thinking he'd get an easy kill :P).


I will turn your tier list on its head!! But not really. Even the competitive friends I play with hate it when I go Arma. He's solid but he creates a completely different playstyle for the team that revolves around him.


But I mean, what's special about him? Stat-wise he isn't that great, and really his big thing is the damage reduction from behind. His spine shooting thing is laughable which leaves him with an OK stacking slow/debuff and the ability to buff himself a bit. Also, obviously you're far superior to any of us, so you can play any character well - it doesn't mean that your Armadon is better than your Pesti.

But I mean, what's special about him? Stat-wise he isn't that great, and really his big thing is the damage reduction from behind. His spine shooting thing is laughable which leaves him with an OK stacking slow/debuff and the ability to buff himself a bit. Also, obviously you're far superior to any of us, so you can play any character well - it doesn't mean that your Armadon is better than your Pesti.

Read up on spines, it's not laughable. It stacks and his slow -armor. Also, spines when you kite and tank means more spine stacks. He can rack up some pretty fat damage when he's farmed Mock. He was a potent jungler in DotA I heard, never tried it but that might definitely help him rape more.

but yeah, I don't have much to say because I don't have the experience.

Read up on spines, it's not laughable. It stacks and his slow -armor. Also, spines when you kite and tank means more spine stacks. He can rack up some pretty fat damage when he's farmed Mock. He was a potent jungler in DotA I heard, never tried it but that might definitely help him rape more.

but yeah, I don't have much to say because I don't have the experience.

Someone explain to me what kite means, and more importantly WHY IN THE HAIL PEOPLE CAN'T JUST TALK ENGLISH.


A lot of these terms are carried over from MMOs. Kiting is basically when you can outrun someone while still attacking them at range - thus they have no way of fighting back. The way you get faster is usually with some kind of slowing disable, the best example being Arachna's webbed shot.


I learned to play DotA in sd mode and I think it helps you get a feel for the different types of heroes and the playstyles associated with them. You can play the same hero ad-nauseum in ap all you want, but as soon as someone else picks him or you end up in rd mode you don't know quite what to do.

I love the blacksmith meme for some reason.

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