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PRC156 - PRC's Sixth Anniversary (Free Round)

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The People's Remix Competition 156


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition!

A whole year is already over, it's the sixth birthday of PRC. After PRC155 where only Evktalo (and the Bonus from Hylian Lemon) entered, it's time for a special edition. Evktalo may decide the source for PRC157. After a year, time for some statistics:

- PRC has 17 different winners this season, out of 25 rounds. Some rounds has a double winner

- OneUp won the most rounds; he was three times a winner from a PRC round.

- 32 Remixers entered PRC in season 6.

- Setokaibarocket entered PRC the most this season, ten times (1 bonus). Just64helpin entered 8 times, OneUp (with 2 bonus mixes) and Bundeslang 7 times.

- Ambient, Joystick, Prophecy, Rexy, TheoConfidor and Thu won all the rounds they entered. Bundeslang entered 7 times, but didn’t win a round (noob!).

- 86 eligible songs appeared in this PRC year.

- Including the 8 bonus mixes PRC has 94 songs

I'm not giving any prices, because I don't want that I promise something and not give it (like happened before). But the winner may select a source which will be used in PRC158, not PRC157 like stated before, that round will have double source.

You want to know the source for PRC156??

It's the anniversary edition. Feel free to give me anything you want. Zelda, Mario, Megaman, Final Fantasy, Monopoly, Godzilla; everything is allowed. Non OCR songs are encouraged and get 3 points bonus, so make sure to pick a Non OCR song. But if you want to remix Mega Man 3 - Intro for PRC this might be your only chance. Even songs from previous PRC rounds are allowed. Only one restriction: the song you pick has to be a VG tune and it's obligated to tell which source you used (game - theme - console).


Free Round - Free Theme

ThaSauce link

It's the first time PRC has a free source selection for everyone. This means you can do anything you want, but it has to be a VG-tune. Song picks don't make restrictions for following PRCs, all sources which are used in this round are selectable for next PRCs except tunes with an Ocremix.

Make sure you read the rules carefully


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. Start remixing with your song for this PRC. Don't continue working on a remix you already started and finish that for PRC (I can't control it, just don't do it in fairness to other participants).
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by WEDNESDAY November 4th at 3:59 am ThaSauce time (Check my signature (below) and the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. .
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! For information about the previous contests.



...hmm....thinking about enterting...and possibly knocking two or three birds out with one BIG ASS STONE! I'm gonna go see if the troops from OHC want to rally and join in this.

I love excuses to make music that has more than one use in the end. :nicework: Since this is my first time entering, and I have read the semi-fine print, anything I should be made especially aware of?

This is a brillant idea. If only days were 48 hours instead of 24...

Anyone's up for a collab on this one?

The minimum length for a PRC is 168 hours (1 week). Now you have two weeks, so you can almost say that days actually have 48 hours this week.

Looking forward for the songs, I hope many of you are able to post an entry before the deadline.


I decided to extend the deadline with 7 hours to give people (including myself) more time. After that, the voting deadline is sunday.

PRC157, with the source from Evktalo will still start on Friday, what means that PRC157 starts before PRC156 has ended.

The winner from this rounds selects a source for PRC158, not PRC157 like stated before. This is because that round couldn't start before sunday if I didn't change it.

The winner from PRC157 will also select a source for PRC158. (This means if you win both PRC156 and PRC157 you may select two sources for that round).


Uploaded my song. Good to see 7 other songs and I hope more will appear in the following 6 hours and 40 minutes. Nice that everyone has submitted a Youtube / Mid link for recognize from the source.


Here's the voting stage

As traditional, The Anniversary Edition has a lot of songs. This year 9 Remixers made it: Liquidwind, Binweasel, Level99, Just64helpin, Diotrans, Setokaibarocket, Chickenwarlord, Evktalo and myself. Chickenwarlord decided to pick an 'old' PRC classic as source.

No Bonusses this time, maybe that's because there was no last round winner who was not allowed to enter. The round was a free round, so Evktalo was allowed to enter as well. Many Remixers show interest for this round and it turned out in a good number of songs.

It's time to vote. Participants are encouraged to vote, they get a free first place. No votes count twice, Evktalo's vote counts twice for PRC157, in which he has selected the source.

Please fill in all the three boxes, don't leave a box empty..

The mixing stage is over. To vote, you should do the following:

- Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries

- Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen

- Fill in the rank of the entries from first to third.

- State a reasoning for it.

You have until NEXT Sunday, November 8th at 10:59 am ThaSauce time to vote, check my signature in the first post or the ThaSauce page for the exact time you have.

The winner will get to choose the source tune for PRC158 which starts Friday over two weeks. The winner from PRC157 also gets the right to select a source for that round.

The songs:

Liquidwind - Sunrise over Mardia

Binweasel - Trust Your Instincts

Level99 - Renegade Nemo

Just64helpin - Pyramid Scheme

Diotrans - Insomniac Skies

Setokaibarocket - Obligatory RPG Trance Mix

Chickenwarlord - Out of Newt

Bundeslang - A Desert in Flame

Evktalo - Involuntary Transformation

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